Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 226 Batman vs. Iron Man\r

On the cruise ship splint, Bane and Batman fought.

"Batman, you have fallen, and you cooperated with the thief." Bane threw a punch and punched the ship's side. Bane had super power, like a bulldozer.

But Batman is not a vegetarian after putting on the power armor: "I am more worried about your ambition than a thief." The turbo on the shoulder pushed Batman's arm out wildly.


A punch made a hole in the deck.

The two men went out of the same door, and their fighting skills were very superb. When the strengths were equal, the skills became the key to victory. Batman, Bane, their movements are astonishing, and each movement is full of power.

You come and I go, one by one, offensive and defensive, there is a feeling of a blockbuster. Batman and Bane were really strong rivals. They couldn't attack for a long time. Batman jumped and pulled away, and the smoke popped out of his hand.

"You will never learn to learn." Benn saw that Batman used the smoke bomb again, and couldn't help but contempt.

Batman didn't say a word, and started a fierce battle with Bane in the smoke.

Darkness, fear, and pain, both of them have endured all this, and now the two shadows in the black smoke are now roaring and confronting like two ancient giants. A Batman who has sublimated in the night and fallen in the night, experiencing suffering, wants to protect more people from suffering. Bane, on the contrary, wants everyone to repeat all the sufferings he has experienced.

Batman lost last time, but this time he won't lose again. The world is worth saving. Ooh~ The turbine of the power mech spins fast, bringing power to Batman.


Kidd looked sideways and saw Batman's punch, which turned the black smoke into a whirlpool, and instantly gathered all the black smoke on his fist. It was like a roaring dragon Roar whizzing away, covering Bane completely.

Batman cut through the darkness, cut through the darkness that was born with Bane. At the moment Batman no longer takes darkness as a cover, but controls the darkness and instantly surpasses Bane who lives with darkness.

In the middle of Bane's mask, Bane started Brownian motion and stumbled down.

"Batman, you can actually cut off his infusion tube, so that he doesn't have that kind of supernatural power." Kidd, the strange thief who had solved the miscellaneous soldiers, walked to Batman's side and said.

But I saw Batman watched that Bane hadn't lifted his alert.

The thief only heard something Roar screaming, and he fixed his eyes to see that Bane hadn't fainted at all. He pretended to be fainted just to lure himself closer, and now a dagger came quickly. Kidd quickly raised his hand, but only slowly raised his hand.

Someone was faster than the thief, and that was Batman, who had been on guard. He quickly shot, and the metal arm caught the cold dagger. But Liu Adou's hand arrived later, and the two fingers had not had time to clamp.

Forcing Batman to pretend again, Kidd the strange thief was very upset: "Okay, it doesn't count this time, I could have caught it, so I didn't owe you anything."

Batman didn't reply, and threw the dagger aside, and stepped forward to grab Bane: "Tell me, where did these viruses that make people turn into corpses come from?!"

Bane's mask is broken, the sneak attack has exhausted his last willpower, and now it seems to be convulsed.

"Tell me!" Batman roared.

"I don't know what you want to know? Maybe I can tell you that New York is my place."

The sound came from the sky, Kidd and Batman looked up at the same time, but it was Iron Man who fell from the sky before anyone heard it.

Four flames stabilized Iron Man in the sky. Bruce under the mask frowned. Why did Iron Man come?

Kidd raised his eyebrows, and it seemed that his pretending to be Tony was helpless. That's right, it was Pepper who found that the gem was missing, and Tony was not there, so he called Tony.

Tony was surprised, because he didn't go to the yacht at all, how could he meet Little Pepper, so he wanted to see who dared to impersonate himself, so he rushed to the yacht as fast as he could and saw Batman interrogating Bane.

Batman put Bane down, stood up slowly, and looked up at Iron Man: "It's none of your business."

"It happened in New York. It's none of my business. Give me Bane. I want to know about the virus." Iron Man said.

"No!" Batman refused.

"It seems that you are going to force me to do it." Iron Man took the shot and fell heavily on the deck: "Like the rumors, you are very out-of-group."

Iron Man stood up straight and faced Batman.

Damn, damn, Liu Adou didn't expect to encounter two big local tyrants at this time, not counting the impersonation of Tony before, this is their first official meeting. The historical side was met by myself, so lucky.

"You are the same as the rumors."

Iron Man whistled: "What rumor?"

"Unlikeable," Batman said.

The two local tyrants are tit-for-tat for Bane, and Iron Man unceremoniously reaches out to take Bane away.

Batman shot and grabbed Iron Man's wrist.

"Let go, this is my favorite dress." Tony said.

"Bane will be sent back to prison by me." Batman said in a low voice.

"Oh?" Iron Man said, "Did you say that the rat hole in Gotham City can allow prisoners to escape?" Iron Man looked up and said, "I still think New York prisons are more suitable."

There was a chuckle, apparently Batman's hand was squeezing, trying to remove Iron Man's hand, and the two suits of armor were squeezing.

"I said this is my favorite dress." Iron Man raised his other hand and fired an impact cannon at Batman.

Bumping through the wall, Batman fell into the room.

Good deed, do you do it now? It looks good, Liu Adou wants to see which of these two local tyrants is more powerful.

Woo woo woo~ It’s the turbulent sound of Bat Armor again. Boom—— Batman turned into a black arrow and flew out of the hole in the wall, knocking down Iron Man, and the two iron men crushed the splint countlessly, and finally stopped on the side of the ship.

"Want to fight, I'll accompany you." The Iron Man burst out flames, pulled Batman to fly, and crashed into the cabin of the cruise ship with Batman.

Batman was still able to move flexibly in the air, and took out explosives from his belt and applied it to Iron Man's body. Iron Man let go of Batman and let the bat smash through the big hole in the boat.

"You know how good I am?" Tony saw Batman fall, proudly. But it didn't take long for him to be proud, bombing bombing-three consecutive bombings, and the things he bombed were also falling off, and he also smashed through the deck and fell into the bottom layer.

Liu Adou opened his eyes wide and watched their duel. It was obvious that Batman's attacks were more varied. In the first round of the battle, Batman was even better.

But it's impossible to defeat Iron Man with this degree of explosion, so Tony flew out of the hole angrily: "You scratched my favorite clothes."

Batman also stood up, posed, didn't speak but looked at Iron Man. At the same time, light shot from the eyes of their masks, looking at each other coldly. ..

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