Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 234: The Resurrection of Ancient Warriors\r

Who is the noise? Why is the mountain shaking?

"I said, Brother Tiger, these are all good treasures. The Spring and Autumn and Warring States, the Three Kingdoms of Qin and Han Dynasties, the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, there are 166 cultural relics. Do you live?"

"Xianshibao, the unpromising little old man. Now I know I'm afraid? What did you say when you asked me to have a meal? Do you still remember?" Brother Tiger slapped the little brother on the head, really. It took eight lifetimes to have such a bastard wife and brother. He eats fragrant and spicy food faster than himself. Now he is crying and mournful, which is really embarrassing. I think I'm also a man under Brother Peng, so why... if you don't talk about it, you won't talk about it. If you talk about it, it will be tears.

"What are you doing with a bitter face? If you are seen by Brother Peng, be careful to knock you off with a shot."

When the little brother heard this, he shrank in fear.

Liangshanbo is an organization with strict internal control, with strict levels from one level to another. These two cadres belonged to the middle and lower cadres, that is, they were used for work. Their eldest brother, Tong Peng, is a titled upper-level leader and belongs to a person with a certain status in society. This Dong Peng is a profiteer who eats black and white. Above Dong Peng is Juyitang, which is the real core of Liangshanpo.

Only the core high-level personnel can have the right to speak in Juyitang. Juyitang is divided into six treasury: the treasury in charge of money; the treasury in charge of penalties; the private treasury in charge of internal affairs; the military treasury in charge of operations; the supervisory treasury in charge of supervision ; Responsible for the equipment library. Obviously a small court.

At present, the big boss Tiandiao Li Yinyang is in charge of the treasury personally, the military master Zhi Duoxing Wu Nanti is in charge of the army treasury, and the younger brother of the big boss Li Leibao is in charge of the private treasury. Hua monk Luzhi is in charge of the Xing Treasury, Pili Huo Qingming is in charge of the Treasury, and the sick Guan Suo Yang Xiong is in charge of the Treasury. Among them, Qianku and Minku have long been stunned and have been secretly swallowing Liangshan's money. They have long lost the ideals of their parents and become only wealth.

If Liang Shanbo was counted as a rebel and terrorist in the past, now it is counted as a gang company and half a cult at most. The six libraries of Juyitang, in addition to the Xing Library and the Qi Library, the other four libraries are princelings who have been playing since childhood, and are as difficult to deal with as a wall.

Tong Peng belongs to Li Leibao, the winged tiger, and Lin Long belongs to the sick Guan Suo Yang Xiong.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. An organization that has been passed down for centuries has come to an upturned modern society and has undergone essential changes. Liang Shanbo's rule of "don't keep private wealth, hand over to the treasury, distribute uniformly, advance and retreat together" has also deteriorated with the changes of the times. In a society full of material desires, even villains are also changing. I used to be an emperor, but now I am an emperor and make money. Being an emperor is a long-term goal, and making money is a short-term goal.

Ships loaded with valuable cultural relics travel in the Pacific Ocean. Man-made floating islands have to go through unknown voyages to reach their destinations.

In the Warehouse, Brother Hu and his cowardly brother-in-law patrolled little by little, when suddenly Brother Hu stood in front of a big box.

"What's wrong, brother?"

"I heard that there is a terracotta warrior inside. I haven't seen a real terracotta warrior. Go over there. We two will open the lid to see if the terracotta warriors inside are the same as the photo."

When I heard that there were terracotta warriors and horses, my younger brother became more motivated, and he liked to watch it too. And I heard that this terracotta warrior is different from other terracotta warriors, the colors are as bright as new, and it is the only complete terracotta warrior that still maintains the form of colored pottery.

The little brother went around, and the two slowly pried open the box together. The colorful terracotta warriors and horses are nearly two meters long, and their faces are lifelike, which is amazing.

"Wow, it's so bright as expected, dear, isn't this a fake?" said the little brother.

"Fake you, every treasure here has been appraised by experts, how could it be fake."

"Yes, you can know the age of the cultural relics with that carbon 13 inspection."

"Stupid, it's Carbon Fourteen!" As he said, Brother Tiger slapped the back of the little brother's head again, "I don't know, don't make a fool of it. I am ashamed to say that I graduated from high school and I am not as educated as a junior high school student."

This time the little brother didn't stand firm, and was slapped hard on the back of the head, and the whole person slipped into the box, and his forehead hit the forehead of the terracotta warriors and horses.

"Fuck, what are you doing? Don't kill me?" Brother Hu quickly grabbed his wife's brother and pushed him outwards. I lie down and check the forehead of the terracotta warriors and horses carefully. I wiped the sleeves of the terracotta warriors and horses. I was relieved. Fortunately, I didn’t hurt the terracotta warriors and horses. "If there is any broken color, I don’t need brother Peng to do it. I’ll throw you into the sea and let you. Swim back home. What are you doing? It scared me to death."

In a false alarm, Brother Tiger sat on the ground with weak legs, cursing in his mouth, closing his eyes and panting, he was really scared to death. If something happens, both of their brothers will die, and neither of them will escape.

"Let go, let me tell you, go out to the deck to cool off by yourself, don't get in the way anymore." Brother Tiger's arm was suddenly grabbed, and he thought he was his wife and brother.

But it doesn't feel right, it's so hard and cold. And the fallen brother also said: "Brother Tiger, who are you talking to?"

No, when he opened his eyes, the seven souls and six souls of Brother Tiger disappeared in an instant, and he saw a pair of dark eyes looking at him, and a smell of dust rushed into his nose, and fixed his eyes to see what the colorful terracotta warriors were. ?

"Ah!" Brother Tiger is also a cadre anyway, just shortly surprised Roar, and is about to struggle to leave, but the stone hand is stronger than handcuffs, and he can't escape desperately.

"Brother Tiger, I'll help you!" The little brother had already stood up. In the time of crisis, although he was afraid, he still read his sister's relatives and brother-in-law's righteousness, so he took a crowbar to come and hit him.

Brother Hu could let him smash this priceless treasure, and quickly stopped: "Stop, don't smash, go and call someone, go and call Peng Brother."

The little brother stopped quickly, remembering that this terracotta warrior was worth less than his life, and he didn't dare to smash it again, so he ran out quickly: "Brother Tiger, I'll be back right away, you hold on."

Brother Hu couldn't stand it anymore, he only felt that his soul was about to be sucked away by these black eyes, and finally his consciousness became weaker and weaker, and then he stopped thinking.


Brother Tiger has become a soulless shell.

"Two thousand years, two thousand years--" The unpleasant and dry voice seemed to come from hell: "Qin Wang Yingzheng, you still live as long as I am after all. Hahaha, hahaha~"

After the man laughed wildly, he seemed to feel lost again, his demon pill stopped for a thousand years, and now he yearned for more souls. Brother Tiger's soul has become food, and that person has lived all the memories of Brother Tiger from his soul, only for two thousand years. But one soul is not enough, he needs more souls, more, enough for him to cultivate the right fruit and reshape the golden body.

The sound of footsteps is near, which means food is coming. The clay of the terracotta warriors and horses did not fall off. The man became a terracotta warrior that could run and jump. He took the initiative to walk towards the door of the cabin. He could not wait to eat. His soul just had an appetite. ..

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