Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 249 The Devil Thieves Group Incident Ends\r

"What is this?" It was the third morning when McGee drove home, only to find that he had an extra paper bag in his pocket.

Use it when you need it, your good friend Kaito Kidd. There is a card of Kidd, and a Firework with Kidd's sketches printed on it. "The firework of the thief? It must be the Firework of the thief that was set off at Kidd that day." McGee remembered the incomparably splendid Firework, but he didn't expect Kidd to give himself a Firework. It seems that his confidence in the final appraisal has been recognized.

Happiness is coming too fast. McGee will immediately go online to support his idol. From today onwards, Kidd will be his eternal idol of McGee, loyal and unswerving until death.

It seems that the matter is over, but everyone still wants to know where the 200 million dollars is?

where? Everyone knows that the money has not been returned to the bank, and it must still be in Queens Street, so in two days, countless people searched here, all wanting to find the money.

Two hundred million piled together, that's so conspicuous, you can definitely find it.

The police station also sent someone to look for it, but Stoner remembers that the thief told him that the lost property can be found in the place where fire and water meet.

Stoner remembers that there was an abandoned thermal power station in the Queens block. Isn’t a thermal power station a place where fire is used to generate electricity? There is water and fire.

Set off immediately, and if the lost item can be found, Stoner will do the trick. Passing through the eye-catching crowd, Stoner led people to the thermal power plant. Many residents have found it, but they have not found any money yet.

Stoner asked the police to find every corner of the power plant separately.

The arrival of the police made people more convinced that the money is here, and more and more people gathered here.

Then someone finally found the money, two hundred million, the money piled into Pyramids by Kidd was in the stove. A lot of money, a lot of money, God, so much money?

Is one tall? That's all money, but the door of the stove can't be knocked on, it's unscientific.

Police Roar called for people to leave, but for 200 million yuan, these people have lost their minds.

"Chief, do you want to use firearms?"

"Idiot, take a look at how many people are here?" The chief is almost crazy, why are there so many people, hundreds or thousands? Anyway, I can’t count them. Now they are trying to pry open the door with all kinds of things, but they have not succeeded: "How many bullets do you have? Be careful to be torn by so many people."

At this time, you must not use force, you can only call people: "Go to Roar to call for support." But I was complaining about Kidd, what the hell is this, and the money is paid back, what else is it doing?

But when the chief made a call, sparks suddenly popped out of the stove, and the paper bills ignited.


Almost instantly, the pile of Pyramids banknotes was completely surrounded by fire. God, people knocked on the door harder, but it was useless. They could only watch the 200 million yuan burning through the glass.

"Fuck!" Stone's long cell phones are all dropped. It's horrible. Why on earth? That's money, and the Secretary's heart hurts.

Not only the director, but others are also heartbroken, and some even cried bitterly, money. Although the money is not theirs, they are equally heartbroken.

All were burned, and 200 million was not saved at all, leaving only the ashes spinning in the stove.

My heart seemed to be stabbed, no, it was countless knives, painful to death.

Such as the mourning concubine, look at the ugly appearance of these greedy people. It wasn't until the evening that the crowd dispersed and the police had room to pry open the door of the stove.

The police also looked so painful to clean up the mess, and Stoner secretly scolded this to be different from what he had said.

"You clean up first, you must clean up all the 200 million yuan of ashes. I'll answer the phone." Stoneger walked outside.

"Hello, who?" The director was in a very bad mood after losing 200 million.

"Director, you disappointed me so much that you haven't found any money yet."

Is it a thief? ! Stoner said that your call came just right: "Asshole, how can you do this, this is two hundred million yuan??!!! You unexpectedly, unexpectedly...F**KME!" I don't know what to say at all, just It can be expressed in swear words.

"It seems that you are still too weak. I said that the place where water and fire meet. You only found fire but no water. I really don't know how you became the director." Kidd laughed and said, "Go and see in the reservoir. Well, I Kidd did what I said."

Stoner was taken aback, didn't the money be burned? I quickly found a trustworthy member and went to the reservoir to look for it. There was still money underwater, a lot of money.

Kidd definitely won't burn 200 million, he just burned counterfeit coins. It is to let those people who are obsessed with money know how powerful it is. The effect was obviously achieved, and Kidd looked very comfortable. Shouldn't this group of guys give a lesson, wouldn't they just curse the strange thief in the past? Liu Adou just complained directly.

After the 200 million yuan was salvaged, the people at the Bank of New York heaved a sigh of relief, expressing their gratitude for Stone's growth.

The Devil Thieves incident has officially ended everywhere, and Liu Adou's film has also been filmed, and now it is finally about to enter the propaganda stage. Last time there was the topic of Mutant, and the publicity was not strong, but this time, a full range of three-dimensional publicity was required before the movie.

The New York propaganda was handed over to Stark Industries, and Liu Adoude took the creative staff to the Metropolis to participate in the annual Metropolis Superhero Exhibition. In fact, it is a gathering of cos superhero and super villains. It is also a carnival festival for movie and animation lovers. There will be many otaku and otaku attending, which is a good opportunity for publicity.

Liu Adou prepares to launch the first trailer at the exhibition as the first wave of his own publicity offensive.

After booking the flight tickets, Liu Adou set off with several leading actors, editors and producers. Airplanes, Liu Adou was a little worried. The failure rate of planes flying to Metropolis is the highest in the world, but the accident rate is definitely the lowest. Because Superman is there, Superman can lift the plane every time, so that everyone is safe.

"I wonder if I can meet Superman?" someone expected.

Liu Adou thought it was best not to, because there is absolutely nothing good about Superman coming out. Safety first is the most important.

Aisha, Kailan, and Benn are all there. Kailan already speaks a lot of English, but it was still a little nervous the first time he was working on a plane. Always following behind Benn.

But Benn only cared about Aisha. For these two alien apprentices, Liu Adou was very helpless. He didn't listen to what he said. He said not to fall in love with each other and practice with heart, but he didn't expect them to have a crush.

As the plane took off, Liu Adou was still praying that there should be no accidents, but there are always unsatisfactory things in the world. The more things you don't want to happen, the easier it will happen.

Just when everyone was resting on the plane, there was a commotion behind the plane, and then a man with a weapon came over from behind: "Don’t move, hijack the plane."

That's enough. ..

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