Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 251 Sorrow\r

Liu Adou and the other passengers returned to the ground safely, and the passengers were a little excited when they saw Superman.

Superman once again saved a lot of lives. The citizens of the metropolitan city were happy with Roar, completely forgetting how many bad guys had brought to the city to challenge Superman. Anyway, they don't care, they are Superman's fans.

Liu Adou understands the popularity of Superman in the metropolis, and the fans of Gotham City and New York City together can't compare to Superman. Superman didn't call him Roar either. It was not rude to protect Liu Adou's identity. In the end Superman turned into a rainbow and soared into the sky.

The police took the four terrorists away, and reporters surrounded Superman. They did not interview Superman, and the police had no comment, so the passengers could only reveal the details.

Some passengers who survived the catastrophe are happy to talk to everyone about the situation, such as Liu Adou and his party.

"Excuse me, what was the situation like at that time?"

Faced with the reporter's question, Liu Adou seemed to recall for a moment, and then suddenly said: "It is thrilling, but I am not afraid. There were four robbers at that time..."

Liu Adou talked boastfully, but the reporter noticed that the group of people around him, especially the one with sunglasses, was familiar. To be honest, this young man who is speaking is also familiar.

"Ice Queen." Someone finally recognized Aisha. Liu Adou was immediately ignored, and the reporters surrounded Aisha.

Everyone wants to know why Aisha came back to the Metropolis, definitely another question is why Aisha didn't take action to freeze the robbers.

This question is difficult to answer. If someone who is willing to grasp this question and give play to it, not freezing is not going to save him, and freezing is going beyond the law. Anyway, it is a dilemma.

"We all believe in Superman." Liu Adou couldn't let Aisha return to this question, so he squeezed in and said: "We all believe that Superman will come to save us."

"Okay, the car to pick us up has arrived. Thank you for your concern. See you at the superhero exhibition."

The Metropolis reporters are really hard to deal with, and the questions are so sharp.

The hotel where the group stayed is just beside the exhibition, and there are still three days left before the opening of the exhibition. Liu Adou is going to the exhibition to check the layout of the booth, and other people can go to the metropolis to play.

The exhibition is an international business hall in the city center with a huge area. Many entertainment companies participate in the exhibition to promote their games, toys, or movies.

And Liu Adou's promotion this time is new films and toys.

"Old Chu, have everything arrived?" Chu Yuxuan has already returned to the company, and he supervised the booth this time.

Chu Yuxuan didn't care about his old Chu's name Roar: "It's all here, just waiting for the opening."

The booth is full of metal, creating a feeling of a metal planet, this is Cybert. The name of huge amounts of metal hung on the brow of the central screen.

"Yes, not bad. Next, we are going to take all the toys. The shapeshifting King Kong and lightsaber models can be given as gifts." At that time, Aisha and the audience will have interactive games, and all participants will be able to get gifts.

Let Aisha perform the show, even the host is saved. Liu Adou suddenly felt guilty. He seemed to be squeezing Aisha's value all the time, just like a slave owner, always looking for something to do for Aisha. But after thinking about it, Aisha has been resting for ten thousand years, and she should be busy now. In fact, Aisha is really happy.

In the office of the Planet Daily, Clark, who had rescued the plane, came back and saw that Louise Lois, whom he had a crush on, was really rushing out.

"Louis, what's the matter?"

"I'm going to interview the hijacker." Intuition told her that the hijacking was not so simple this time.

"Let's go together." Clark couldn't let Louise take the risk on her own.

"Then you prepare something, I'll wait for you downstairs for three minutes, it's out of date." Louise said.

Three minutes is enough, Superman speeds up and packs things up. When the elevator was too late, he took the stairs and turned into a gust of wind, and instantly descended hundreds of steps.

Louise looked at her watch, only to feel that there was a breeze in the underground parking station. After cutting her hair, she saw Clark was already standing in front of her. She confirmed the time again, and did not overtime: "Let's go."

Louise is a strong woman and does not let men drive. She probably told some news she had received along the way. She is an excellent journalist and has a wide network of contacts. In addition to being a beauty, the tycoons are willing to sell her face. So before the interview, Louise had already obtained a lot of information.

The most important point is about the nationality of the robbers. It is a small country in the Middle East that accidentally injured civilians half a year ago.

Clark nodded, but although he sympathized with them, he absolutely did not approve of their hijacking.

However, Clark will report on their experience as a reporter and condemn the unprovoked military actions of the United States. At the beginning, this small country named Checheris had a civil war under the rule of the dictator. The United States sent troops to support the opposition on the pretext of monitoring the country’s human rights issues, but the war has not ended in three years.

The country of Checheris has also changed from a wealthy country to a place of dilapidated chaos. Although the current president of Checheris is not a good thing, the leader of the rebels is just like a warlord.

But before the rise of the pro-American opposition, at least everyone lived and worked in peace and contentment, but now the citizens can only starve to death with the dream of democracy and freedom.

Under the strong propaganda of American imperialism, countless ignorant people pursued the beauty of American propaganda. But they seem to have forgotten that both Europe and the United States are based on bloody slaughter and plunder. Great navigation, the industrial revolution, the Indians, World War I and World War II, only started to whitewash themselves after making enough money.

Ideas are based on material, and democracy and freedom are also based on economics. Without economic foundation and education foundation, democracy and freedom will not only make everyone happy, but will become a poison to kill them in nothingness.

After the three-year campaign, the government and the opposition forces supported by the U.S. military are now in a stalemate. However, the U.S. military has many unmanned aircraft that often detect and attack government-controlled cities and towns. This is how the funeral tragedy was caused.

Superman is really helpless. Krypton’s father’s education made him stand outside of human beings to see these things, definitely because the United States intervened in other civil wars in order to maintain the interests of the Middle East. But his American adoptive parents told him that this is the American spirit and this is for world peace. In fact, if the United States had not intervened, Checheris’ rebels would have been wiped out long ago. That's why the United States sent troops, because the mere support of weapons and materials is no longer enough for the rebels to support it.

The United States has come, bringing democracy and freedom, and taking away the lives of countless innocent people. Let the country constantly fall into the vortex of war, and use cheap materials to feed the people under the rule of the anti-government armed forces, and gained support. With the passage of time, under the economic sanctions of the U.S., people under the rule of the government army complained because they could not eat enough, and even became dissatisfied with the president.

It is sooner or later that Checheris will be controlled by the United States. Therefore, in the face of the tragedy of civilian death, the aspiring people of Checheris can only choose the terrorist act of hijacking to retaliate.

This is the misfortune and sorrow of being born in a small country. Facing the overlord of the world, there is no way to fight back. It is like a drowning person can only sink into the water slowly, and the last life is Roar. ..

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