Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 255-Establishing Friendship\r

Superman, Batman, super friendship started in this hydrochloric acid plant.

There are huge amounts of misty boiling water in the boiler. To make industrial hydrochloric acid, it is usually to electrolyze salt water to produce chlorine, and then dissolve the chlorine into the water.

It can be said that everything in this factory is very dangerous. Chlorine gas is poisonous and may explode when exposed to light. Hydrochloric acid is a volatile and corrosive liquid. You can smell a pungent smell without a mask.

Batman put on his mask and pulled down Superman who was about to rush in: "The Penguin has a file-size kryptonite in his hand."

"I know, but I can't make people hostage." Superman flew up, leaving Batman to sigh helplessly. This guy was really disobedient.


The roof of the factory building was broken by Superman at once: "Penguin, this is the end of your prank."

The Penguin hung Louise from the boiler. Seeing Superman, the Penguin was not afraid at all, but thought that Superman could not have been better.

"Look, Superman." The Penguin, with an iconic umbrella in his hand, is less than Superman's waist: "The hero saves the beauty. It really is a classic bridge that has not changed since ancient times."

Superman didn't talk nonsense and went straight to save Louise.

"Wait a moment, I will prepare a present for you."

The sound of machinery came from next to the factory building. It was the Penguin’s little yellow duck car.

As soon as the car arrived, Superman felt powerless. He saw that the little yellow duck had kryptonite in his mouth.

"Hahaha." Sure enough, the Penguin immediately climbed into his car, activated his weapon, and gave birth to a six-barreled machine gun from the duck's neck: "Superman, today is your end."

Oh, da da da...

The tongue of fire licked Superman, it was countless cigarette butts that burned spots on Superman. With kryptonite, Superman can only be beaten. Fortunately, his blood is thick. Every bullet removes a drop of Superman. Then Superman's tens of millions of blood needs tens of millions of bullets. The Penguin’s bullets were obviously not enough. Seeing that Superman was shot, he was immortal. These missiles were specially designed by Luther to deal with Superman.

I didn't believe it, Penguin realized that Superman was really hard to deal with. Under the prestigious reputation, the Penguins put on heavy firepower.

Launch, buzz--

Boom, Superman was bombed and holes were blown into the concrete floor, but Superman just got a little more gray on his face.

Batman, who was hiding in the corner, saw that Superman should have learned his lesson, and was finally ready to save people. It is enough to remove the kryptonite, and it must be removed completely without any fragments. The bomb on his body is no longer needed. Batman looked left and right, fixed his eyes on the glass bottle with high concentration of hydrochloric acid, and used this.

The Penguin saw that Superman couldn't die for a while, and he was upset. He would use poison if he couldn't. There was still some venom in his umbrella: "Superman, you are really hard, but it doesn't matter. I still have a lot of methods I haven't used yet." Do not believe in killing Superman.

The Penguin is also two, so many bad guys have not succeeded, especially even the metal guy, a villain who relies on kryptonite and Superman, has never succeeded, and I don't know where his confidence comes from.

"Penguin, look here." Batman rushed out through the small door next door, called the Penguin by name, and threw the hydrochloric acid out.


When the acid is accurately thrown on the duck's bill, the duck's bill is melted, and it slowly disappears like kryptonite.

"Batman?" The Penguin saw that the kryptonite was getting smaller under the influence of the acid, and he knew that he had lost the opportunity to kill Superman. "Why, why, why? They all left Gotham City, why are you still following me? ."

"Because you are a criminal," Batman said.

Damn, the Penguin has no one by his side now, why is he fighting Batman? Activate all the weapons on the little yellow duck cart: "Die."

This was to escape, but Batman couldn't chase, because the missiles, bullets, and high-voltage power grid all rushed towards him.

Batman was about to escape, but suddenly felt that a wall appeared in front of him, it was Superman. Without the shackles of kryptonite, Superman finally rose again and helped Batman block the attack.

Fire, electricity, debris, there is no harm at all, Superman's steel body is fearless.

The air rolled up by the explosion swept the whirlwind, shaking the capes of the two of them.

But this was not over yet. When the explosion was over, Superman saw that there were many swaying clockwork toys on the ground. Superman was speechless, it was too serious to appear on the battlefield.

Batman recognized what it was: "Help, this is a bomb."

Superman doesn't hesitation, Batman won't be joking. He immediately hugged Louise in his arms, then turned around and grabbed Batman's hand, smashed a hole in the ceiling again, and flew out.

The factory behind him completely exploded, and the orange flame destroyed the entire building.

The heat wave blew over, awakened Louise, opened her eyes and saw Superman: "You saved me again, Superman."

"Happy to help, ma'am." Superman smiled.

Batman looked at the two of them speechlessly, saying that Clark Kent had a crush on Louise, and Louise obviously had a crush on Superman. The relationship between the two of them is really complicated.

"Ah, Batman?!" Louise screamed when he noticed that in addition to hugging herself in the middle of Superman's hand, she also pulled Batman with the other hand. This is big news. I didn't even see it. It was a failure: "Can Mr. Batman accept my interview?"

Batman did not speak, but looked down at where the penguin might be hiding.

I saw it, "Superman, below."

Superman saw it too.

The penguin who fainted had been tied up, and a card was clamped on the rope.

"Batman, Superman, I caught the Penguin—Kidd, the thief."

? ? Louise showed a thoughtful look, Superman, Batman, the thief, is there any connection between these three? How do you feel that they all know each other?

Batman and the thief were both from Gotham City. The acquaintance is understandable, but how did Superman meet them? And Superman and the thief are linked together, how it feels unscientific.

The reporter's instinct tells Louise that there is news, and it is big news, the three will not be linked together for no reason, there must be a problem. "Batman, can I give you an interview?"

"No." The Batman fighter has flown by.

"Batman, I hope there is a chance to cooperate next time." Superman will not forget Batman's life-saving grace.

I saw Batman grabbed the Penguin, shot a rope towards the sky and hung it on the plane accurately, then turned his head and said to Superman, "each other"

The Bat fighter took a rope and pulled two people to the sky.

Superman watched Batman leave, only to see Louise watching him: "Louise, what's the matter?"

"Superman, I think I have a lot of problems." Louise looked at Superman with gleaming eyes, and she knew that Superman would not lie to her. But this time Superman will not expose the Justice League information for the time being, because it needs to be low-key.

The Penguin man failed. As expected, if he is sure of victory, Luthor himself will be in the limelight, and will he let this deformed little penguin take action?

"Superman, I will think of a better way to deal with you." Luther muttered to himself while standing in the company building overlooking the metropolis. ..

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