Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 262 Rest and Reorganization\r

"Hi, boss, I can be sure that Superman must have a big move." Louise saw The Flash and Wonder Woman, plus the previous Batman and the thief, she always felt that Superman definitely has something very important that she has not said now.

"Louis, you are a famous reporter for the Planet Daily, and I also hope you can find Superman news. But I can't let you run around without proof. You have to show evidence of Superman's big moves. "The editor-in-chief was very uncomfortable with Louise's decision to escape. She is going to Gotham City, which is too dangerous.

"Superman must have a big move, otherwise it won't be suddenly connected with so many big-name heroes. Maybe they are organizing a brand new hero organization." Louise said, as long as it is news about Superman, she wants to be the first knowledge.

"I still said that, as long as you have evidence, you can go to the interview." The editor-in-chief said.

"I'll be sure of Superman's purpose." Louise aired.

Seeing Louise coming out, Jimmy hurried over: "Louis, I can't find Clark. He still hasn't gone to work until now."

"That poor farm boy is just getting used to it. He will lose his job sooner or later." Louise waved her hand and knew: "I'll go to the rooftop to get some air and don't tell the editor-in-chief."

"As long as you keep your phone on, I won't say anything." Jimmy said. Louise is a very good reporter, but she shuts down frequently, which is worrying.


But as soon as Louise left, Jimmy saw her mobile phone on the desk, not with her at all. Jimmy took it.

The North Pole, the Lonely Castle, the Justice League gather. The feeling of teleportation is very strange, as if my whole body has become lighter, and he has crossed the hemisphere to the North Pole in an instant.

"The bunny will hide itself so that the satellite can't take pictures of it, but it's better to put it in a different space for safety." Batman said.

Kidd said: "I think it is necessary to clean it, it transmits too many useless things." Batman agrees with this, but he needs to study the little rabbit's system, so the cleaning is left to Kidd. Diana and The Flash.

Kidd's heart and soul, must be Batman, a rich man who is not used to cleaning things, so he just asked him to study. Superman also came to help, everyone started to take action.

Dinosaur bones, vending machines, household garbage, and many unknown objects in mosaics. Some corners are smelly, and I don't know how the Great Britain League can stand such a dirty place.

Superman felt that he needed water, so he cut the glacier with a hot sight, led out the sea water, and washed it.

A large number of useless things were thrown out, and they were finally destroyed by Superman with hot sight. Superman is simply a multi-purpose cleaning appliance.

Little Bunny said he was very happy. Its intelligence was very high. It had mistakenly transported the people of Great Britain League to the spacecraft and received them very politely. It has become a ship that is obedient to fate.

Little Bunny’s wish is to go home, but this is not an overnight thing. It also expressed its willingness to wait and form a cooperative relationship with the Justice League.

"My home planet has explored countless planets in the past tens of thousands of years, but there is no planet that can make such an advanced spacecraft, so it is not easy for me to find the hometown of the bunny, but I will try my best. Yes." Superman said as he looked at the cleaned spaceship.

This spacecraft not only has a transmission system, but also a lot of production equipment. It is estimated to be an immigrant spacecraft. Unfortunately, the crew is no longer exquisite, and the white rabbit's ship record has been completely lost. Perhaps it is not necessarily from the center of the universe. No matter what civilization created this subspace spacecraft, its technology is definitely very advanced.

This time, the Superman incident has brought everyone closer together. Superman is strong and principled, which is impressive. He is definitely not a boy scout, but a true fighter for justice.

"I now understand why you asked me to hide the sword." Wonder Woman said to Kidd. When she went to Washington, Liu Adou had urged to hide the sword. Don't use it until the crisis. Hurt.

"You only left Paradise Island at the beginning, and you should understand your temper. That's why I've drawn your sword to each other." Kidd laughed and said, "But now you are a Wonder Woman, and you know how to measure it. "

Diana is still obedient, so she has always been dominated by bracers and mantra lasso. Now that I think about it, Kidd is quite law-abiding, no more, Diana will laugh for a while, the thief abiding by the law is really funny.

"Thank you for your help this time. Without you, I wouldn't be able to do such a play." Superman smiled bitterly as he said, his image will change from today on.

"Superman, you are doing the right thing. Our goal is to make all criminals who want to cross the law to harm other people fear. Fear will be the best guarantee for people to behave. We don’t need to be heroes, and we don’t need the admiration of everyone. , All we need is a peaceful world." Batman said.

Wonder Woman also expressed his testimony: “Justice and justice will last forever. We don’t need to flatter and compromise with anyone. We are life-saving straws and painful whips. My mother always taught me that the prosperity and rules of an ethnic group are inseparable. , And as the patriarch, you must guard the lofty position of the rules and not let anyone overstep it. So Superman, you are correct."

The Flash also wanted to say something, but his current experience is not enough for him to make a fuss. So he said: "My father told me to abide by the laws. Although the world needs us, it is only because we can help the police catch the police. Criminals that cannot be caught do not mean that we can do whatever we want, so I support you, Superman."

Liu Adou didn't say anything. They said everything, so he just let it go. Silently raised his head forty-five degrees to look at the sky, listening to so many great principles, he needs a rest.

If it's Rimano, it's a slap in the face. Meiman is much easier, first finish it and then talk about it.

Everyone dispersed, Liu Adou and Superman also returned to the metropolis.

The turmoil in this matter has not ceased, "I think I have to accept an interview with Louise." Superman knew that he needed to explain a lot of things this time.

"Then you will announce the justice league affairs?"

"The Justice League does not need to conceal it, because I have a hunch that maybe we will have more and more opportunities for cooperation. But I don't think we need publicity either. Silent dedication is our style." Superman now finally knows. Many things need help. He definitely wouldn't ask the Justice League for help over trivial matters. He plans to research a batch of robots to help, so that the usual trivial things can be solved by the robots.

"I also have this hunch." Liu Adou said, the bad guys are more and more able to play.

When the League of Legends appears, so will the League of Badass, and things that happen in the future will get bigger and bigger. Heroes must be prepared to be prepared when bad guys strike.

I really can't relax at all, Liu Adou looked back at the metropolis and rushed to the sky. ..

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