Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 284 Fierce Battle of Life and Death\r

"Crystal Wall!"


Kidd's moves were cracked with a punch, and now the Kryptonian old man possessed irresistible power, the crystal wall was broken, and the old man's powerful fist went straight to Kidd's door.

"You won't understand." The old man's fist was like a meteor, and he flew Liu Adou far away.

The tough wall was smashed through by Liu Adou. It can be seen that Old Krypton is really too strong, completely surpassing Superman. But Kidd didn't know that this sun essence was completely a test product. Now the energy produced by the old man's cells caused more damage to himself than he could withstand by his own healing ability, and he would inevitably die in the end.

But the old man absolutely wanted to defeat all those who prevented the revival of Krypton, "Go to death." The old man caught up and flew Liu Adou with one punch and two punches...More punches were on Liu Adou without mercy.

The old man is too fast, his movements seem to have detached from the shackles of space. The golden pupils reminded Kidd of the superman golden Superman.

What kind of medicine did the old man knock on? Kidd felt that countless TNT bombs exploded around him, and he couldn't help but drift from side to side. The muscles and bones of the body, every cell is being bombarded by explosives.

It was too strong, even if it wasn't Jin Chao, every one of his punches had already brought the power to destroy the world and annihilate the particles.


Liu Adou only felt light all over his body and dark around him, but he was already in the universe.

Don't think you are an old man, Kidd won't be able to do it anymore. Kidd stabilized his body, his eyes rounded, and his hands pushed: "Deprived of the five senses."

But Kidd took another punch in the abdomen, and the deprivation of the five senses was useless. Because the operation of the old man’s body has long surpassed the traditional five senses, his eyes can now see the electromagnetic spectrum, pulse signals, and those atoms seem to be changing clouds everywhere. He can also see the difference between gravity, time, and matter. Stopping the change, it seems that reaching out can change the rule of the entire universe.

The essence of the sun gave the old man the power to see through events before he died, a world that even Superman could not see. The old man wants to use this power to protect General Zod to complete the transformation of the earth.

The person in front of him had to disappear even more. The old man pushed Kidd's chest into the atmosphere.

The high temperature burned Kidd's cloak, but all of his was protected by the power of the small universe. Unexpectedly, I only understood the Mini Universe and encountered such an enemy. Kidd closed his eyes, only to feel that the whole body's cells were in joy. Roar was jumping for joy. This is the opponent that meets his own strength. Burn the small universe and burn the fighting spirit.

The power of expanding the universe, the power of condensing everything in the universe, gathered in his two hands, and Kidd, who was covered in red, shot.

call out--

The power of the invisible twisted matter rushed out of the atmosphere and hit the Kryptonian old man. The old man only felt his whole body tremble. There seemed to be an indescribable feeling. It was the feeling of the soul being torn, and that was the gravity between the cells of the whole body. Offset, and each cell is squeezed.

Ahhh! This feeling was too painful, even the old man couldn’t stand it, so he grew his mouth wide and fought back silently, piercing into the atmosphere and catching up with Kidd, hitting him, letting him fight back silently. Kidd accelerates the fall.

The speed is getting faster and the temperature is getting higher and higher, and the temperature of Kidd's chest is more like the sun. Fortunately, he can simulate the temperature of the sun and can withstand it.

The problem is that the old man has also caught up, and it seems that the battle must continue.

The old man surpassed the speed of light, and Liu Adou fisted with the old man instead of retreating. Boom boom boom -

The atmosphere is like boiled water, chaos, and the colors of the sky and the earth change between the two of them.

"Your ambition will never be realized." Liu Adou said. He doesn't know how long this battle will last. He has to find other ways to solve it.

"How dare little human beings speak so loudly? When we had our own civilization, you humans were nothing but monkeys." The old man cursed.

"I know everything about your Krypton, and why you are extinct, and even know that the technology that your Kryptonians are proud of is just a drop in the universe, not worthy of boasting. If there is no yellow sun in the solar system, you Krypton refugees are willing There was no Ability to initiate the invasion. You are just surviving Krypton remnants and doomsday refugees. Your Krypton has been destroyed in your hands. No matter how hard you struggle, you can't change this fact. You are immortal!"


Kidd launched the Lightspeed Fist, dadada... countless fists hit the old man, and Mini Universe has allowed him to completely master the Lightspeed Fist.

The old man saw the light speed punch, but there were too many to avoid it. The skin splits like dry tree bark, and golden light shoots out from the cracks in the skin, as if there is another sun under the skin of the old man.

It is really a precursor to the golden Superman. If the old man can survive this most difficult moment, he will be resurrected as the golden Superman.

"Ah!" The old man was very painful using the power he hadn't mastered, but what made him more painful was Liu Adou's words, which were too hurtful. "How do you primitive people understand us. Do you know the feeling that you can't do anything when you see your children's relatives and friends die in front of you?" The old man punched him and was avoided by Kidd.

Kidd smiled: "I don't understand and don't want to understand, so I want to stop you, you old man is just constantly creating tragedies. You will watch the krypton star break, and I will not watch the earth turn into your krypton stars. Refugee colony, although I am sorry, but I will kill you."

"Joke, now I'm stronger than your Superman, why did you kill me?" The old man laughed, the cracked skin on his cheeks overflowing with golden light, he knew he would inevitably die, but before he died, he would kill the one in front of him. A terrific earthling, because he saw the power of Youyu universe in Kidd, the phenomenon of all things in the world seems to be repeated in Adou's body. That power is not much better than himself. This makes the old man very worried: "Humans will kill you." ."

It was really stinky and hard, so Kidd was not polite. He had already figured out how to defeat the opponent, but the enemy would die. That's why he has kept his hand, but now it seems that he has to take action: "Since we have different positions, let us take a fight for our respective race inheritance and live and die without resentment."

"Good!" To die for Krypton, die without complaint.

The two flew towards each other at the same time, the electric charges in the sky trembled, and the lightning and thunder appeared, supporting the two people's sky into the most majestic battlefield, and both of them presented their strongest strength.


A thick bucket of lightning fell on the ground, blowing up everything on the ground, making humans within a hundred miles feel cold on their backs.

The lightning fell, but the brightness did not disappear. Everyone looked up and saw only a new light in the sky. It was as warm as the sun. The warm light surrounded the battlefield between the two, so that everyone could not see the life and death battle between you and me. , I can't see the desolate old man giving his life to a destroyed planet, nor can I see the Kaito Kidd dying to protect the earth.

At the moment, only two people on the battlefield can feel each other's determination and strength. ..

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