Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 290 Moon Sea Pact\r

In just six months, New York and Metropolis were invaded by aliens one after another. The first time was because of the Universe Cube, and the second time was because of Superman.

The losses were huge. A total of 300 people were killed and thousands were injured. The seriously wounded in New York had not been discharged yet, and the wounded in the Metropolis came in again.

But last time there was Avengers, this time there was the Justice League, and finally did not let the loss expand. But the Justice League is easier than Avengers. There are not so many things. After saving the world, he disappeared into the dark with a wave of his sleeves, and no one found it.

And the report of Louise Lois and the first-hand photos of Jimmy are finally released. This issue of the Planet Daily has sold more than 10 million copies, which is simply a new miracle.

On the front page, the photo is not Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and The Flash, but the Kaito Kidd pointing up. The moment the Kryptonians raised their heads, the sun in the sky was turning red. Jimmy recorded the turning point and forced Kidd to act alone.

You may not know that the Golden Armored people who have fallen from the sky to support Superman in the ruins will forget the first batch of Suicide Squad that were defeated when they first appeared, but they will never forget this picture. Kai thief Kidd mastered the whole situation, waved his hands, and caught the invader's death hole and hit hard, ending the battle.

It was a miracle. While reporting news facts, Louise also praised the Justice League’s performance this time, especially the thief. Louise didn't like Kidd at first, but after this time she at least wouldn't regard Kidd as a mere thief.

At the same time, the article also reported about the Justice League announced by Superman in the United Nations. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Kaito Kidd, five people active in different cities gathered together to save the planet.

Failure to interview the Justice League is the biggest mistake, and Louise must not allow such news to be missed. She wanted to know who initiated the Justice League, what its purpose is, what the relationship between members is, and how different members get together. These are all news, and there must be many people who want to know.

So Louise was very anxious, she didn't think about it, but Superman didn't show up again, she could only go around and interview the victims.

In addition to Louise, there are people looking for the Justice League, but they have not succeeded. They know nothing about the Justice League, only its members. However, the true identity of the Justice League is unknown and has become a mystery.

Liu Adou was very unhappy, because the movie of Shapeshifting King Kong had to be postponed because the invasion took place in mid-December and it was already the Christmas time. This time is obviously not suitable for showing the movie to stimulate the citizens of the metropolis. Political correctness is very important in the United States. If the movie is caught by someone who wants to laugh at the invaded city, this kind of hat can be uncomfortable at a critical time, so Stark decided to postpone the movie to next summer.

But without the shapeshifting King Kong, it doesn't mean that there is nothing good to watch. After a chaotic Christmas, a documentary that shocked the world was broadcast. While the United States was struggling with the losses caused by aliens, the ancient country with a long history on the opposite side of the Pacific made a sound that made the world jaw-dropping.

Humans have spacecraft that can travel to and from the moon quickly, and world-class earthquakes, especially after aliens invaded the earth twice. This means that if the aliens come again, even if both Avengers and the Justice League can't beat them, at least humans can still immigrate.

But more people think this is a joke. Even the United States does not have this kind of technology. How can this country be able to go to the universe? Their cognition is still at the beginning of the last century, thinking that China is a soft persimmon at will.

The world is changing fast, becoming too fast. This year is even more dazzling. Aliens suddenly appeared, mankind had spacecraft to go to the universe, and it only took seven or eight hours to travel between the earth and the moon, and everyone was not calm anymore.

In the documentary, there is even Batman and the others getting off the spaceship. They proudly said how far the Wu Gang flew and successfully rescued the members of the Justice League who lost their momentum, and made contributions to supporting the superhero in the fight against aliens.

This makes the American people feel too unreal, because they are the backing of the superhero, and their government is the support of the heroes. This time the credit was taken away. The United States has always assisted superhero to save the world, but now this assistant relationship has been ruthlessly taken away.

The earthquake caused by the documentary is no less than the invasion of aliens, and many opinions have appeared in the international arena. Countries around the world confirmed the authenticity of this documentary to China for the first time, and the final answer was yes.

Can't calm down, does this mean that the moon is going to be monopolized? This is definitely not possible. Russia, the United States, Britain and France were the first to not agree. It's just a way to let them develop the moon in a short time. They really don't have it. They don't lack talents and ideas, they just lack money. The same is true for the overlord of the United States. The landlords have no food left in their homes, and the two invasions left them no time to be distracted to engage in space development plans.

Therefore, seeking cooperation is the only way for them, but before cooperating, it is necessary to determine who has the final say on the moon.

Now there are no aliens. The atmosphere of harmony in front of the Kryptonians before the United Nations has disappeared, replaced by a raging confrontation. Various countries have formed gangs and began to exert pressure on China.

But this was expected, and now that Wu Gang was placed on the table, he was ready. And I never thought about monopolizing the moon. With so many countries, the benefits cannot be accounted for by one. Anyway, as long as there is the Wu Gang, the benefits can definitely be maximized.

Other countries also have their own means. The United States immediately issued a news saying that they are also studying interstellar spacecraft. Everything is complete, but the shortcomings are money. Please transfer and pay from each partner country. When the spacecraft is available, everyone can use it and pretend to fly together. . The little brothers in the United States have no choice but to pay, and they can't resist anyway.

However, China quickly gave some quotas and invited astronauts from several countries to take the Wu Gang to the lunar base to grow vegetables.

How to divide the moon is really hard to make a foregone conclusion, because no one knows where there is more helium-3. But the main thing is that the five gangsters are arguing. The United States has attracted a large number of countries and said it will take the majority. Russia has stepped up to support China. Russia is not dealing with the United States and Europe. Although China is not very friendly, the enemy’s enemy is a friend.

Finally, there are three aspects: China, Russia, the United States, Britain and their younger brothers, and the European Union represented by Germany and France. Among them, Britain’s attitude is very subtle. It seems to be in the same camp as the United States, but it does not take any action against China. Germany and France are completely marginalized and can only drink soup.

During the wrangling, Wu Gang went to the moon several times, and the news of the lunar base was constantly updated. Although many people are unhappy and even take to the streets to discredit China, in the past few decades, no matter what China does, it will be hacked. I have long been used to it, so what should I do? The moon base was finally completed, and the first thing was to plant a batch of cucumbers.

Finally, in March of the second year, many countries finally negotiated the "Moon Sea Pact". The five gangsters of the United Nations will jointly develop the moon. Under the premise of fairness and justice, the energy extracted by China must not monopolize the market. At the same time, China is obliged to help others. The four countries are mutually beneficial to build a lunar base.

For a general intention, it may take a long time to talk about how to operate it, but in this convention, China absolutely has the initiative. In international competition, there is one more advantage. What's more happier is not fighting, that's good. ..

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