Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 486: Entering a Miniature City\r

Blagnac's spacecraft is a good thing, but it's too dangerous. The Fixed Star destruction bomb inside has destroyed the solar system a hundred times. Kidd won't move, and Superman won't allow others to move.

Superman took back the Metropolis miniature glass jar, then put it back into the huge amounts of pothole, and opened the lid. The Metropolis has reappeared in the original place again inconceivably, but the wires, water pipes and cables are all broken, and it is estimated that it will take a lot of time to repair it.

However, Liu Adou saw that Superman put the Metropolis back in so easily, and wondered what to do if he didn't align with the center of the circle or got it crooked?

But Liu Adou's worries are completely unnecessary. Can Superman make such a low-level mistake? Obviously not.

"Carl, we have to release Kando." Kayla said while holding Kando.

"No, no." Superman didn't answer, and Liu Adou waved his hand first: "If millions of Superman suddenly appear on the earth, it won't be messy."

Superman also said: "Kayla, we need to find a place suitable for the people's life in order to release them."

Kayla knew that they were right, and looked down at Kando in silence, determined in her heart that she must rescue the tribe.

"In addition to your Kando, there are many other cities, what should I do? It can't be decorated as a Crystal ball at home, but it is probably more difficult to find thousands of planets suitable for their lives."

Even Superman didn’t speak anymore. It was really too difficult. I guess it’s impossible to do it in a lifetime: "Let’s find a place to put it first."

"It's not difficult to collect this miniature city. Why don't you think about how to deal with these huge amounts of bombs." Batman came out of the spaceship, and he was basically able to understand it inside and out. "The energy contained in those missiles can take the earth. No, the entire solar system is wiped out."

"I will find an unmanned galaxy to dispose of these missiles." Superman said.

"Let me do it." Liu Adou signaled that there is no need to be so troublesome: "Let me send these missiles to a different dimension space. It's simple, convenient and environmentally friendly. Let's do it, I will dispose of the missiles first, and you will pack these. Miniature city."

Liu Adou turned around and entered the spacecraft. There was no danger inside, so he also took a look inside the spacecraft. He hadn't noticed it before. This spacecraft has been flying in the universe for hundreds of thousands of years. Many things are old and the walls are gray. Liu Adou walked all the way along the wall, when suddenly he saw a slight gap.

Turning his eyes, he felt that the thin seam on the whole wall was a violation. Liu Adouxin asked if Batman hadn't noticed it before? I really didn't notice that this thin seam just appeared.

Is the other side hollow? Liu Adou was surprised that something was hidden so tightly, and he yanked the gap open. The space inside the wall and the outside are in the same color, but the light inside illuminates the only thing inside, not anything else, it is also a miniature city.

"Hiding is so good?" Liu Adou was surprised, and he walked in and found that this city was unusual, because this was the capital of the comet star that created Blagnac.

A great city, but it is nothing but dust in the universe. Even if you accumulate thousands of years of civilization, if you take a wrong step, it will be destroyed overnight. This is the case with comstitious stars, so does Krypton, and such civilizations abound in the universe.

Liu Adou was just wondering why this city was hidden here alone. Liu Adou hadn't figured it out, but he felt a blur in front of him. This feeling couldn't be more familiar, and he was teleported again.

Liu Adouxin said that maybe he has to think about how to defend against this kind of transmission. It is enough to be silent every time. He is Kidd and he wants to protest.

But the protest was invalid. He had already arrived in the capital of Comet, a miniature city. It was as if Ant-Man was shrunk and stuffed into the city in a bottle, without reason. The scenery changes from left to right, there are many tall buildings, and there is a sun in the sky.

"..." This is not a space station, Liu Adou thought strangely.

His clothes are incompatible with the people around him. The green-skinned people around looked at Kidd fearfully, not daring to approach him.

"Intruder, intruder." Kidd heard the crowd when a robot approached.

"What the hell happened?" The robots surrounded him. Kidd didn't want to entangle them and flew up and flew directly towards the sky. Instead, he wanted to see where it was.

But when he flew up, he realized that he was not flying far. The sky was covered. Is he in a miniature city? ? ! ! Who on earth sent him here? Didn’t Blagnac shut down Superman?

Reluctant to return to the city, because there is only the city in the glass cover, the green-skinned people around still looked at this Kidd in horror.

The robots surrounded Kidd, and Kidd readily reimbursed them all: "Which good-hearted person can tell me if this is the capital of Comet?" The Justice League’s communicator has long been equipped with translation equipment, so he and Alien There is no language barrier in human communication.

Between the crowd hesitation, a rickety old man walked out: "Yes, outsiders here are the capital of the comet core."

"That's it, then why am I here?"

"Didn't Blagnac sent you in?" the old man asked strangely.

"He has been wiped out. I was suddenly teleported over while cleaning up the mess." Liu Adou had to figure out what had happened before he could leave.

"How is it possible that Blagnac was wiped out?" Their planet was destroyed by Blagnac.

"This is a fact, I have to figure out how I was sent in, do you know?"

But the people around were still in disbelief because of the shocking news, and no one cared about Kidd at all. Kidd shrugged, and just then a young green-skinned man came over: "Foreigners, if you don't mind, you can go to my home to rest first. Let me tell you about this city. It may be helpful. "

"Thank you very much, you are so kind." Fortunately, there are still people willing to help.

The alien told Kidd that they have been here for a long, long time, and the more important information is that Blagnac is actually not only one, but four, namely wisdom, jealousy, greed and anger.

What Superman turns off is just wisdom, the other three are in this city, and they enslaved the entire city.

Liu Adou understands why Huihe will be hidden separately, and Blagnac fears that the other three computers will interfere with his way of collecting wisdom.

"Envy, greed and anger, I can't figure out why you want to make this kind of artificial intelligence, is it interesting?" Kidd really doesn't understand why Huihe people want to cheat themselves.

The young cosmetologist smiled bitterly: "Unfortunate is easier than happiness, evil is easier than justice, ugly is simpler than good, and bad things are always easier than good things. It is a pity that we have no chance to create artificial tolerance."

"So they sent me in?" Liu Adou asked strangely: "But why? Since they can send me in, why don't they go out by themselves?"

"No, they can't go out." The alien said: "Their host is the entire city. They can't live outside the city. This is the seal of wisdom."

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