Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 540 Mystery\r

During the party, the bold murderer pierced the president of the planning company that planned the party with a kitchen knife among the crowd.

Everyone on the cruise ship became a suspect, and the famous detective Kogoro also faced the thorny problem of finding a suspect. It was clear that the murderer was on the ship, but the suspect could not be found among the more than 400 passengers.

Everyone has been in the ballroom, and everyone in and out did not realize that Decedent was dead.

At the call of Conan, the young detective team also started their own investigation, but the chef told them that no knives were stolen, which means that the murderer brought a knife on board from outside, so everyone is possible.

Belmode actually thinks that the suspects should be from the same company, but the detectives can't be so arbitrary unless there is evidence to prove that there are suspects among them. But for now, none of the four people in the planning company are suspected, at least there is no suspicious place revealed, and Conan has not found it, so the suspect is still in the crowd.

Conan is thinking about the problem of decedent, the problem of the murderer, and the problem of the environment.

But this case was like a highway in the fog. He saw the lights but didn't know what car was coming from the opposite side. The whole case is confusing, and he needs a vital clue to reorganize the case.

The murderer accurately killed the decedent in the crowd and disappeared into the crowd. The murder was carried out under the guise of the crowd. And the murderer's luck was very good. At the masquerade, everyone was very happy, dressed in a strange way. No one noticed that the person who was stabbed in the chest was dead. They only thought that the knife in the chest of the decedent was also a decoration.

This is a subtle method of delaying decedent's discovery of time. It does not rely on any conspiracy or mechanism, but only slightly uses the surrounding environment.

And the murderer was lucky, because if someone hadn't slipped in the blood, maybe decedent would have to be postponed to confirm his death. It seems that even God is helping the murderer.

But even if he is against God, Conan wants to arrest the murderer.

Mori is also doing his best to investigate: "Mrs. Watanabe, the sorrow and change, but now that it has happened, can you tell us who is the host of this party?"

Belmode also listened with upright ears. Who is Erguotou?

Mrs. Watanabe wiped her tears and said intermittently: "I don’t know, that man is wearing a white suit and sunglasses. I can’t see his face. He just claims to be Erguotou, but he is very generous this time. At the party, he directly subdued the company to fund the company with one million dollars, and it was directly credited to the company's account."

"One million dollars?!" Even the garden has changed color. That's a lot of money just for a banquet? How much can this banquet cost? Rent a cruise ship, do some decorations, and you can get two or three hundred thousand dollars in full.

Maori was even more surprised, knowing that he worked hard to handle cases for local tyrants, and it was only a few million yen at most. "I didn't expect the planning company to make money like this." Maori was about to consider changing jobs.

But the tall young man Taiyi said: "It is not always such a generous business, or we are also surprised. It is the first time we have met such a generous person. It used to be a big deal to organize a party." "Maori. Sir, do you suspect that the host is the murderer?"

There is such a suspicion, but Maori can't think of a person who would spend a million dollars out to host a dance. Why should he kill? Or kill a stranger.

Belmode thought that Erguotou was not the organizer, because the organizers were all dressed in black. White suits are not their style, and the organization does not have that much funding for activities, and the shots are too generous.

Look at gin and vodka driving an antique broken car around Japan every day, and the clothes have not been changed for thousands of years. The choice of trading location is either an amusement park or a game show. I also know that they lack funds for activities. The money they trade is organized, not their own, embezzlement is betrayal, and betrayal is death.

So the members of the organization are also suffering. But this is no way, and there are many places where the organization spends money. Research is originally to spend money. Look at Batman's stall and know that you don't have money to play. Since the organization wants to play definitely, it costs money, and the money is naturally earned by the gin and the people who trade in it, and the gin does not get a rebate.

Gin is a good employee of the organization and is not greedy, but if it takes a million dollars to carry out the activity, the boss must agree to it.

Therefore, Belmode felt that Erguotou was not an organized person, which was reasonable.

A mysterious organizer, Conan continued to think, and at the same time continued to look at the scene. The scene of the first crime was often the place where clues gathered.

Clues, Conan needs clues. How did the knife get on the boat, and who got it on the boat? If you know this answer, everything will be clear. But seeing the masquerade participants with various props in their hands, it is estimated that this question is difficult to get an answer.

Yuanzi and Lan both swept away with them, and the zombie army even carried various props such as baseball bats and fake fire axes. No one would pay attention to a real knife.

The blood on the floor has a slip mark, that is where the lady who found decedent slipped.

Wait, what's in the blood? Conan's spirit was shocked. He saw the strange thing, not blood, but a fiber of chemical fiber cloth, black.

But what is it on? Conan was puzzled again.

totally do not understand.

"Conan, what happened to him?" Yuan said strangely.

Huihara knew that Conan had a problem, and the case was really tricky. The murderer did not play the cards according to common sense, and left no clues, so that the detectives could not find out.

Everyone has been to the ballroom, but some people said that seeing Decedent sitting there was already twenty minutes after the beginning of the ball. At the time, everyone didn't care, but thought he was drunk.

Up to now, there is no suspect, and it is not known who brought the murder weapon onto the ship. Kogoro Mouri was even more mad than Conan, "There are so many people that no one sees the murderer, ah, ah, the murderer's luck is too good."

Just when the detectives were in the maze, a white shadow on the deck was bathed in moonlight, and walked gently and silently on the deck, slowly walking towards the cab.

The Kaito Kidd came, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Originally, he wanted to teach Hui Yuanwai a strange thief on-site teaching. Unexpectedly, a murderer would come out and a tricky case that caused Conan to rush to the scene. Kidd knew that Conan would catch the murderer in the end, but it was too late. The captain had already called Roar to call the patrol team, and the sea police would come soon, and Kidd would have no chance to appear.

Then today, let the thief Kidd steal the detective's puzzle, let him speak out the murderer, and then flash people. No matter what, something was stolen. ..

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