Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The 549th chapter the obsession of revenge\r

The bomb disposal unit has been ordered to dismantle the bomb at the last second and collect two seconds of information. The next thing is left to the famous detective Kogoro Mori to solve.

"Attention, the last second."


The person who stayed by the bomb held Roar's breath and said that he was not afraid of it being a lie, but his job was to protect everyone on the edge of danger, so he couldn't leave even if he was afraid.

The red countdown is in sync with the heartbeat. Whether it's life or death, it's the end!

In the last three seconds, the message came out and appeared on the screen of the mobile phone acting as a remote control. Fortunately, in Tokyo, if you go to a remote area, the signal is delayed, and you will probably be wronged.

Two seconds passed in a flash, and the last wire was cut to prevent the bomb from exploding.

Succeeded? The people in the bomb disposal unit only felt weak. In the last few seconds, they almost forgot Roar's breath, as if they were already dead. It was terrible.

"The bomb has been dismantled!" The bomb disposal unit sent out intelligence.

Mugure made a fist: "What about the last two seconds of information?" He still needs information for Maori to complete the final reasoning.

"Yes, the last message is "educat...""

It is an English word, and I can already know a lot. The beginning of this is the verb education (teaching), the noun education (education), and the adjective education (educational), which are three different vocabulary of education.

Conan immediately thought of school. At this time, only high school started. Elementary and junior high schools were still in winter vacation.

However, there are many high schools in Tokyo, and it seems that they can only be evacuated.

"Can't evacuate." Conan said suddenly. He thought that criminals would not let the police save the students easily. "Uncle Maori said, maybe the bomber is secretly observing the school."

This kind of perverted criminal is really possible, "Then what to do?"

"We can secretly send someone to the school to check, and then we can deal with the bomb before we announce it." Conan said.

Mumu nodded in agreement, so everyone dispersed and took action.

Sato is in charge of Tedan High School, and investigates without disturbing anyone. He is definitely worried that Lan's Conan will also go to Tedan High School.

The students were all taking exams. On the quiet campus, Conan felt familiar and unfamiliar. He was once a member here, and there are his friends here, friends of the football club. It's a pity that he is just a kid now, so I don't want to, so let's make sure Lan's safety first.

Bombs are easy to find, and those suspicious oil drums are not what the school should have.

Conan leaned on the edge of the oil drum, looked inside, and took a breath of cold air. The bombs, all bombs, are full. There are still many such oil barrels. If they are detonated, the entire Didan High School will be turned into rubble.

"Damn bomber." Conan knew that if he didn't find out, Lan might have a chance to die. "Officer Sato, these oil drums are bombs."

"Well, there are a lot of them. I'm contacting the bomb disposal unit now." Sato said.

But at this moment, Liu Adou stopped them: "You better not do this."

"Liu Adou?" Conan said so it was him again: "Aren't you supposed to be taking the exam?"

"The paper is handed in early. The bomber has been staring at the school. If something suspicious happens, it is estimated that he will immediately detonate the bomb."

"What?" Conan and Sato immediately looked around.

"I saw it!" Sato saw the bomber, and he was on the side, the murderer who killed his lover.

"Detective Sato? Wait a minute!" Conan saw Sato rush out, trying to stop but no chance. "Officer Sato, don't be impulsive, the criminal still has a remote control."

But Sato has lost his mind.

Conan couldn't chase him, and he couldn't stay. In the end, he decided to chase. He can't protect Lan by staying here, nor can he dismantle so many bombs. It is still more feasible to arrest the bomber directly. As long as he stops the bomber from detonating the bomb, he will win.


Liu Adou watched Conan chasing Sato's long legs with his short legs.

I don't know if Sato will kill the bomber. You know that Sato really loves Matsuda, and hates the bomber who killed Matsuda. In the original book, she shot, but because she was overthrown by Takagi, she didn't shoot the criminal. This time Sato was really murderous.

Matsuda died too miserably and too uselessly. If the excellent Matsuda does not die, he and Sato can live a happy life, maybe they will be married a long time ago, and even have children.

It's a pity that Matsuda is dead, but just because he is dead, Sato will not remember his badness, only his goodness, and will only miss her and Matsuda's convincing time. Even quarreling in the memory is also good. After three years of constant miss and constant miss, Matsuda can be said to have become the most suitable lover in Sato's heart, let alone his first love.

But Matsuda died and was mercilessly killed by the bomber. He used extremely cruel means to make Matsuda give up his life and Sato himself.

The bomber, Sato's eyes had never revealed a murderous look.

Conan was far behind Sato. Seeing Sato drew his pistol, he was taken aback. He remembered the story told by the gossip traffic police Yumi, and felt that Officer Roar Sato should not do stupid things.

But Sato couldn't hear Conan's prayer, and took the lead to stand behind the bomber: "Raise your hand."

Sato completely lost her mind. She forgot that the bomber still had a remote control in his hand.

"Don't come here, I will detonate the bomb and blow Didan High School into the sky." Although surprised, the bomber was sure that the police couldn't take him.

But Sato's eyes were completely wrong, murderous, "Did you also put the bombs on the Ferris wheel in the amusement park and the Mihua General Hospital three years ago?"

"It seems that you already know it." The bomber did not deny it. "I didn't expect you to dismantle the bomb and find here, but these are not important anymore, because I just want you policemen to be spurned rats. Now You'd better stay still, or I will detonate immediately and make you regret it."

"You kind of person, this kind of person." Thinking of the first lover being killed by this kind of scum, Sato couldn't help it. Matsuda is so gentle and kind, with his finger on the trigger.

Just buckle it lightly, and the bullet can hit Deadman's scum.

Later, when Conan saw the remote control in the bomber's hand, he knew that he had to act immediately to prevent the criminal from detonating the bomb. There is no second word, just use football sneak attack, this trick is the safest way. The anesthesia needle is too long to be shot, so you can only use a football.


Football became light.

The remote control in the bomber's hand was directly broken into pieces, and he was shocked. He lost his arrogant capital. Without the remote control, he could not escape.

But Sato still didn't want to let go of the bomber, the muzzle did not move, and the finger was still on the trigger.

Conan is keenly aware that the situation is not right. ..

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