Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 577 Code Name v\r

We should change, change the world.

Let thoughts plant sparks, light up this decadent country, and destroy all oppression. While Conan was investigating the suspicious person, somewhere in London, an older middle-aged second called to his followers that they would destroy this ancient British bureaucracy and establish a new government, a government that truly serves the people. A government that will not start a war in the Middle East and is willing to be a running dog for the United States and a messenger for Europe.

"When people are not afraid of bullets, they are afraid of the gunmen." Religious brainwashing had an extremely terrifying effect. They really thought they were doing good for Britain, just like the pioneers of the French Revolution. They will also launch a hymn written with gunpowder in the UK.

They are the role models of everyone, their brothers, and their friends. They stand up to Roar and overthrow corruption.

London’s Big Ben, London Eye, and museums all represent the decadence and darkness of this past. Britain is a democratic country, but it is not enough. The people should have more rights and enjoy more democracy. Democracy is never too much.

Human desires will never be satisfied. Member V asks himself, do he have enough freedom? No, not enough. After enjoying the benefits, what should they do? What is the ultimate goal of mankind? What is the meaning of human existence?

Do human beings live to eat better food and wear better clothes? No, the goal of mankind is more than that. I thought about it, and then I had an answer. V members appeared. Their goal is to break through all existing systems and explore the future of mankind.

The first is to make a breakthrough in the democratic system and build a more just country. An extreme country, better than the Garden of Eden, more ideal than Utopia, a country that does not require a government but only its people, a truly democratic country

Use gunpowder and conspiracy to achieve this great ideal, so V members also call themselves the Victory Organization.

"Democracy that comes from metamorphosis from dictatorship, what can metamorphosis come from democracy? Is it communism? No, communism is just a transition from the benefit of the minority to the benefit of the majority, and its essence has not changed at all. Ephemeras generally live without any meaning. What we need is a more extreme country, a world where everyone can understand their own meaning, a society where just living in it for a second will make you cry. No, not only It’s just a society, it’s an emotion, a comfort, and an instinct."

"My V members, in two hours, London will know of our existence. Everyone in our future will have freedom. Everyone does not need to be restrained. The shackles of democracy will be broken by us, and the world will be Trembling."

"For the ultimate future!"

"For V!!!"

The Victory Organization is a group of middle-aged two who feel that their lives are meaningless after eating welfare. They want to be stimulated, so they formed this organization, hoping to change themselves who are decayed day by day, and they also want to change to make themselves smelly. The society of salted fish. In the future they plan, they can do whatever they want, they can vent their dissatisfaction as much as they want, and they wantonly hit state institutions without taking any responsibility. Simply put, their ideal world is a lawless world.

In the Ferris wheel, Liu Adou knows nothing about these things. He is now observing Conan running around below. This kid is also unlucky every time he gets a few hints from the criminals. So compared to criminals, detectives are too hard. Although there was a sense of accomplishment when solving the case, the process of solving the case was painful.

"It's Xinchan..." Yukiko also saw Conan, but she immediately realized that she had said something wrong, and quickly covered her mouth.

But Huihara heard it, and now all they could see was Conan. It seemed that the lady with sunglasses was Kudo's mother. But his parents are too big, but what does it mean to be dressed like this for a Ferris wheel?

"That kid seems to be really caring." Liu Adou said: "But it's useless to run and break his leg if he finds it like this."

"Do you also know Conan?" You Xi Zixin said that there are not many Japanese speakers who met in London. I guess there are not many people who speak Japanese. The understanding is normal. Originally, there are few Japanese speakers here.

"We went to London with Conan, and we were staying in a hotel."

You Kiko and Yusaku know that the other family must be Ada and Liu Adou, the doctor told them.

Just listen to Liu Adou said: "Actually, I have already seen the secret code, which is to compare a few special landmarks in London to small things I have seen in daily life. It is completely a child-level association topic, and there should be clues. Near the landmark building, and he said that looking for Sherlock Holmes should be related to the novel, and then linking all the clues together, you can know where the criminals caused the panic."

Yusaku didn't expect that there were still people who thought the same, but because his wife held him so that he could not go to various locations to investigate, but he was ready to go down and asked his wife to investigate those places, and then he had to go to the target first. Location. Although he is not sure yet, it is probably the venue of Wimbledon.

It seems that my son is still too weak. The mainstream protagonist settings of Japanese anime basically depend on bloodliness. The protagonist is embarrassed to come out if he doesn't have a good father.

Naruto’s father is the fourth generation of Hokage, and the father of one family is a model of pretending to be pigs and tigers. Luffy’s father is a powerful revolutionary party. A month ago, Ryoma’s father was a super player, and Allen’s father was a super doctor, Jie R&F's father is an invincible hunter who sees the head but fails to see the tail of the dragon. It can be seen that in addition to the protagonist's halo, Pin Dad is also the norm in the animation world.

A good dad is better than a thousand troops. Conan's father is a boss-like character, always one step faster than Conan.

If there are things in the world that the protagonist can't do, then the protagonist's dad can do it. Liu Adou is determined to be a good father in this world of fighting fathers, occasionally bullying and bullying his daughters, and when the daughters need them, he will come out to cover them.

"That Liu Adou is very powerful, I can't see through him." Yusaku's first sentence came down the Ferris wheel.

"Their family is different." You Xizi's evaluation of them is not only that Liu Adou is unusual, but that Ada's temperament is also amazing. You Xizi has worked hard in the upper class for so long and has never seen such a woman.

"It's not time for Yukiko to feel emotional. I need you to help me go to a few places and tell me what I found." Yusaku said.

You Xizi also happened to go to see her son. After going abroad, she rarely had the opportunity to reunite with his son. Although the doctor kept reporting Conan's news, it was still very important to confirm his son's safety with his own eyes. ..

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