Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The 658th chapter desperate girl (new book asks for support)\r

Blessing saw the determination of a young man, and his blood would also infect others, especially when the protagonist who used the mouth-cannon was particularly strong. When the enemy was beaten to half his life, the mouth-cannon made them more convinced and convincing them. .

At the time of the neuron blackout, unfortunately a new apostle appeared. The ninth apostle, Yu Angel, is like a big eyeball with four long spider legs, and the eyeball can drip corrosive acid.

The strong acid is melting the eighteen layers of armor plates under the third new city of Tokyo. Only by breaking the eighteen layers of armor can you go to the cave, see the neuron headquarters, and then you have to break the neuron headquarters to continue toward the central dogma. go.

All the apostles are currently destroyed in the process of breaking the armor plate.

Only Unit 2 could be dispatched. Unit 0 was frozen after Ling Boli's disappearance. The driver of Unit 1 ran to communicate with the intruder at a critical time and no one could be found.

Asuka was ordered to board the second plane to fight on the ground. The power outage caused the electrical equipment to lie down, and naturally it couldn't be ejected anymore. The second unit tied the rifle behind, using both hands and feet to climb up through the passage.

The power supply is a vehicle-mounted power supply for field operations, so there is no need to worry about the five-minute time limit.

"Where is the hot-blooded idiot hiding now?" Damn, this kind of shameful climbing action is simply too embarrassing. But it's okay to play alone, Asuka wants everyone to know that she is the No. 1 driver.

It's really tiring. The climbing operation is not easy. If you are distracted, you will fall down and climb again. After repeating this several times, the second unit has climbed more than 100 meters, and there is still a higher distance to climb.

Crawling, Asuka remembered the missing Ling Bo-li and Ikura Shinji who had become a "lunatic". Although they were fine without them, Asuka Xin said that there is still an audience in order to make her better.

Asuka is also under pressure. As a driver, she might also have that kind of result. It’s just that she didn’t show her softness and fear. She was like a bowstring, tight, and the bowstring was more elastic if the pulling force was greater, but if the tension exceeded the limit suddenly, then she would become a loose one. The useless waste rope collapsed.

Unit 2 got higher and higher, and finally saw the big hole melted by the acid liquid, and there was Rain Angel on it.

The big hole pierced through the hidden channel of the second unit, and the acid rained: "This is different from what I said, how can I attack?"

If the second unit goes out, it will be melted.

Even the alloy armor plate was melted, and Asuka suddenly didn't know what to do. But now that the second plane has reached the attack position, it has to fight no matter how hard it is. If you don't believe the weapon in your hand, you can't defeat the apostle.

Asuka deep Roar sucked and tried, "No. 2 machine, I'm sorry." Strong acid will definitely make No. 2 machine ruined, so Asuka yelled sorry.

Head up, muzzle up, and fire.

Da Da Da Da Da...

The large-caliber bullets go up and the acid goes down.

The bullet hit by the strong acid melted instantly, but more bullets hit the enemy. At the same time, the strong acid also dripped on the second fuselage.

Asuka only felt that she was scalded all over, and her skin felt severe pain. Don't give up, don't let people look down upon him, she is the strongest: "Go to hell!!"

Fired, fingers stiffened and pressed the firing button desperately to fight Yu Angel.

The red outer armor melted, and the unarmored joints were completely unrecognizable. "No!" Feeling the more and more twisted head of Unit Two, Asuka finally gave up. She can't give up the second machine, she can't lose the second machine. The second machine is the only way she can get praise, so she cherishes it very much, even if she dies, she can't lose the second machine.

Hidden back into the passage, the second unit was already in need of overhaul, and Asuka curled up in the cockpit. She regretted her cowardice and was deeply afraid of loneliness. The pain of the second unit also reflected on her. She only felt that she was already coke.

The circular hole that melted vertically became denser under the strong acid. Asuka turned her head and saw a big broken eye that had been punched a lot of holes and was staring at her at the exit of the entire passage.

One eye sees two eyes, two eyes stares one eye. In just a moment, Asuka only felt that her soul was about to be sucked away by this eye. The Tsundere girl completely lost her fighting spirit, her eyes were blank, and a faint smell of urine also appeared in the LCL liquid.

In the process of fighting for her life, Asuka has already lost, and now she has lost the dignity of the driver. But to be honest, she was only a fourteen-year-old girl, and her enemy was a sentimental apostle. Asuka was not good, but she was not ashamed.

"Hurry up, connect the external power supply, and go to support the second unit." Misato shouted, Ikari Shinji is counted, and the contact with Asuka was interrupted, and Misato was worried.

"Since I dare to time, I don't need to connect to the power source. I will attack directly." Ikura Shinji said. The people of the Natural Revival Society handed over to the blessing, and now Ikura Shinji is about to attack.

"How can it be, I can't eject it now. It takes a lot of time to climb up. It only takes five minutes without the power supply. Do you want to die?" Misato shouted.

Ikura Shinji said, "I won't let anyone die, Miss Misato, just trust me. The AT force field is fully on, let's fly the first machine!"

The first aircraft can't fly, but it can't stand the first aircraft and can jump. I saw the red at the feet of the first aircraft, which was the AT force field, which applied the force field to the first aircraft itself, allowing the first aircraft to accelerate its ‘take off’.

The first aircraft actually stepped on the AT force field and flew up? How did you do it?

Ritsuko knew that in theory the AT force field could indeed use force and could bear the weight of the first machine, but she never thought that EVA could move in the sky in this way, but Shinji Ikari did it, this boy’s second personality Sure enough, it was born to drive EVA? Commander Ikogendo, what would you do?

Looking at the commander in the distance who led everyone to manually activate EVA, Ritsuko rushed to be deeply disturbed. She didn't want to see the tragedy of fratricide in her lover.

Asuka saw that the screen was dominated by a terrifying big eye. Apostle Rain's eyes were bloody and acidic, like a hell spirit possessed by him, and it was extremely disgusting. The girl's mind was hurt by 10,000 points, and she was really scared to pee.

Wow! With a loud noise, a thin slit appeared in the symmetry line of the eyes, and the eyes showed cold. It was a mouth, and there was a mouth in the eyes. Asuka, who had lost her senses, turned gray, and the horror-like scene threw her heart into a trough.

"Help~~" The sound is like a mosquito, almost inaudible, but at the last moment, Asuka really realized that she didn't want to die before she was swallowed by her eyes, so she asked for help. This may be the first time Asuka wanted to rely on other people after her mother committed suicide.

Help~~No one can hear the tiny voice. ..

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