Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The 693rd chapter goes to Beijing\r

At 80 kilometers per hour, it is already the fastest train of this era, but Liu Adou only feels too slow. No wonder it took a few days for the train to arrive in the town.

But Yao Lin was very proud. The Qinglong was the fastest train on the Xingguo mainland. He said that you must have never seen anyone who came from the barbarians outside Huahua. But I didn't know that Liu Adou couldn't stand it after sitting for a day, but he came from a world that pursues efficiency, and this kind of slow-paced train is really not his food.

Faster has the future of mankind, and the speed of the stars and the sea is the key to human development.

Although it is delicious and delicious, the Azure Dragon is really too slow.

"I might as well walk at this speed. What is it?" Asuka was still quick to say, without giving the twelve princes any face.

Yao Lin was embarrassed, and it seemed that he was wrong.

Instead, Tenzin took the opportunity to say, "Mr. Liu Adou, do you feel this way? I wonder if you can make the train faster?"

Liu Adou glanced at Tenzin. The alchemist's attitude is now a 180-degree turn, and he simply thinks he is omnipotent. But Liu Adou also felt that this was too slow: "Naturally it can be faster. Since it is the Azure Dragon, then it should be soaring beyond the sky. Let's fly!"

What? Yao Lin thought he had heard it wrong, fly? ? How can it be……

Before he finished thinking about it, Yao Lin felt his feet sink and almost fell. The scenery outside the window changed suddenly, and the whole train slowly left the track and flew up.

The occupants in the truck were all masters of Ouchi, and they were shocked and screamed again and again. Yao Lin's face was pale. He had doubted Liu Adou's Ability before, but now he has seen Liu Adou's power of ghosts and gods, and he is shocked by the heavens.

"Everyone, do it right, I want to speed up." Liu Adou's voice fell, everyone was pressed on their seats, and the train passed through the clouds like a dragon, turning into a real dragon dance.

"God?!" Yao Lin finally said out, very excited in his heart.

Liu Adou practised and shook his head, really superstitious. He had said many times that he was not a god, but they just didn't believe it. This is the limitation of human beings. When they encounter something that they cannot understand, they usually classify the event as a miracle and are full of awe. Definitely this is also a means for the ancient people to understand the world. Religion was born out of man’s fear of nature.

"I said it last time, it's Xueba, not a god." Liu Adou superseded the train once again speeding up so that everyone could not speak.

On this day, the people in the capital witnessed the dragon.

The long ‘dragon’ in the sky came by the wind, passing through the clouds and fog, looming, seemingly true and illusory. In fact, the train flew in the sky for a while, creating a myth.

The emperor naturally saw it too, but he knew by radio that it was not the dragon in the sky but his Qinglong train. The Azure Dragon could only fly to become a dragon by picking up the gods. The emperor was envious. He made up his mind that he would never take the Azure Dragon again. He wanted to build a large Qinglong Temple to enshrine the Qinglong train to show respect for the true dragon.

The superstitious emperor.

It would be a god to make the train become a dragon. The emperor thought excitedly: "Bath and change clothes." Originally, the emperor should'fast three people, burn incense and pray', but the emperor couldn't wait.

Liu Adou's hand is obviously beyond the understanding of Ability by everyone in this world, and he has definitely become a god, and he can't dispute it. In the world of heroes, there is not a group of people who respect Superman as a god, so no matter what era, human beings will not lack such people who are full of worship.

Liu Adou's Ability is an immortal means in the eyes of Xingguo people.

The emperor personally greeted the palace after bathing and changing clothes, showing respect for the gods. Liu Adouxin said that he was a bit too high-profile this time, but forget it.

The civil and military officials stood on both sides and looked at Liu Adou curiously.

"I should have personally gone to Zhenxiguan to meet the immortal. It is really impolite." The Emperor Xingguo is now in his 50s and has more than 20 sons, more than 30 daughters, and 72 concubines in the Sixth Courtyard of Sangong. Therefore, looking at his face is obviously excessive indulgence, and without good conditioning, it is estimated that he will not live for sixty.

Xingguo's style is really like the Qing Dynasty, but they don't keep a whip. The imperial palace in the capital is also similar to the Forbidden City, except that it is more ambitious. Over the past six hundred years, it has been expanded and repaired several times, and the palace has become a bearer of history, and every gap is a story.

"It's okay, your son is very good." Liu Adou said.

Yao Lin was overjoyed and the gods said kind words for him. Regardless of whether Liu Adou was a god or not, Ability was definitely a god, so Yao Lin absolutely admired Liu Adou. Liu Adou said good things for him, which is a bonus for himself.

Sure enough, the emperor looked at Yao Lin with satisfaction, and he was very pleased, wondering if he would make Yao Lin the prince.

When the other princes heard this, they couldn't sit still. Then Yao Lin was only the twelve princes, so why was he praised by the gods? Miscalculation, but there is still a chance in the future, we must perform well in front of the gods.

Asuka was taken aback by the battle. The banners were fluttering, and the guards were in full bloom. The emperor took out all the guards and attended in costumes, demonstrating Xingguo's importance to Shangxian. The momentum was huge. Asuka saw such a grand welcome party for the first time.

The emperor personally led the way and led everyone into the palace.

Electricity is also connected to the imperial palace, and there are even palaces imitating Western architecture—the Xiyi Palace and the Garden of Nations. It seems that Xingguo is much more open than the Qing Dynasty and can accept Western culture. However, the main idea of ​​Xingguo still respects the East, the heavens are on the top of the country, and the land is vast and rich in resources, so naturally there is no need to bow to the West.

When the gods came, the emperor became humble, and when he entered the main hall, the emperor pointed to the throne and said, "Please sit down, please."

Liu Adouxin said that he didn't have the life of being a dragon chair, so let him spare him: "You should welcome me so cautiously. You must have asked me. I dare not sit. Let me talk about what you want. Listen, I may not be able to help you."

The emperor smiled awkwardly. He did ask Liu Adou, just to live forever. The older he is, the less he can do what he wants. The emperor does not want to let go of his power, so he wants to live. But this was not easy to say in front of the Manchu civil and military, so the emperor said: "No, although I am the king of a country, but the gods are the gods in the sky, naturally the emperor respects the gods, and the gods bless me to rejuvenate the country for six hundred. Years of kindness."

The emperor still has a low posture. Liu Adouxin said that it’s interesting, but he still doesn’t need to sit in the dragon chair. “Then I still can’t sit, because sitting means standing, standing means sitting, so I don’t make any difference. If you force me to ask me again Sit, I'm going crazy."

Uh, the gods are very personal. The emperor is embarrassed. He didn't expect the gods to be like this. But he hasn't seen other gods, so it's hard to say anything, maybe gods are like this.

"Don't sit, don't sit, come to sit, I and Shangxian sit between the ministers, it is also a good thing." The emperor said,

Ministers of Civil and Military Affairs praised the emperor's wit. ..

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