Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 801 The Art of the Thief\r

The two thieves focused on the same exhibition, and they didn't know how much money the exhibition organizer owed the goddess of fate to be so miserable.

Kidd looked at Carmen and found that the opponent was very tall, even if he didn't wear high heels, it would be more than 1.70 meters, plus high heels, it would be 1.8 meters. And the figure is very plump, the lordosis is raised and back, but the waist is like a willow.

Looking at the healthy wheat-colored skin, it seems to be of South American race, but it may also be from the Nordic countries. The styling is very British, and even a little retro. In addition to the color of the clothes, it is not like a thief in general, like an ordinary office worker.

"Don't you wear a mask?" Kidd, as a senior, wanted to pass on some experience to the junior.

Carmen smiled slightly: "I, Carmen Santiero, don't need to wear a mask."

"Carmen is your real name?"


So arrogant? Kidd was convinced. He had to borrow a name and wear a monocle for stealing things. He didn't expect the other party to be more arrogant than himself. Then there is only one possibility, that is, the other party has abandoned all identities other than Carmen the thief, and will only live forever as a thief. Kidd was stunned by this realization. Who is the other party?

"I want to steal the'Mermaid Love Song.' There is no conflict between us?" Everyone is a thief, and the thief will not be difficult for the thief.

What the thief Carmen wants is the most expensive "Blue Morning Light" in it, which is a huge amounts of blue diamond.

"I need blue morning light."

Kidd's heart said that "Blue Morning Light" is the largest blue diamond found on earth, and the price is several times that of "Mermaid Love Song". Seeing Carmen the thief is not a person short of money, but at this time Kidd is curious, but he is not ready to ask.

"Since there is no conflict between the two of us, the lady first please, and when you take away the diamonds, I will do it again. But I have to tell you that there are a lot of guards inside. Do you need help?"

"No." Carmen decisively refused.

Kidd also knew that this would happen. Since the thief Carmen appeared in such a high profile, naturally he would not have doubts about his own strength. Carmen would never let Kidd help, so Kidd didn't mention that he went first to solve the police at first, and then let Carmen fish in troubled waters, because Carmen would never appreciate it.

Then let Kidd look at the tricks of Carmen the thief, anyway, Kidd is still very curious about other thieves. When the thief Carmen is gone, it will not be too late for him to make an appearance again.

But when Carmen came to the edge of heaven and jumped, he fell in the surprised eyes of the crowd downstairs.

"Ahhh! Someone fell."

Everyone looked up and saw the red color falling straight against the outer wall of the building.

"It's Carmen the thief." The red belt, black curly hair, and high heels in a trench coat, although they have only appeared once, they have been deeply influential and unforgettable.

"How could it be her?" Everyone came here when they heard that Kidd had sent a notice, so why isn't it Kidd is Carmen?

"Look, it's Kidd, Kidd is on the rooftop." I finally saw it, and Kidd is there, right behind Carmen.

At the moment Stoner also knew that two thieves had come outside: "No matter who comes, you must catch them. Everyone prepares, the thieves are coming in."

Ding, a very crisp sound of tight steel wire.

Carmen the thief paused abruptly, just on the twelfth floor. Then, as the metal rope shook, Carmen slammed into the glass window sealed by the iron plate.

It's too barbaric, Kidd said Carmen won't break the window with violence, right?

Naturally not, because Carmen the thief is an item stream, Kidd heard a slight buzzing sound, and then obviously felt that Carmen's life energy was blocked, and her whole body was surrounded by a burst of energy.


Disappeared, Carmen the thief disappeared, disappeared in the sight of Kidd and the onlookers.

The crowd originally came to see Kidd, but they didn't expect to see Carmen the thief who was as magical as Kidd. It's obviously going to hit, how could it disappear? ?

Kidd knew that it was probably the energy that surrounded Carmen, and that energy made Carmen the thief pass through the glass and iron into the room.

Stoneger was still defending the gate, and he didn't expect Carmen the thief to pass through the material directly, appearing like a ghost. Standing among the many police officers, standing in the brightly lit hall, standing among the priceless treasures.

I go, what's the situation? Stoner said that this is not a ghost, right? Could it be the manifestation of a thief's evil spirit? Think about the sphinx's sudden appearance in New York. Ghosts should be able to do it.

"Don't move, you are already surrounded." Throwing the mess of thoughts out of his mind, Stoneger immediately ordered Carmen to be arrested. Although he was not Kidd, he was also a thief.

boom! The policeman who rushed over fell to the ground because he passed through Carmen without touching the corner of his clothes.

Kidd, who has been observing, said that Carmen has two brushes.

Going up again, the police rushed up this time, erected the explosion-proof shield and surrounded Carmen in the four shields.

"The arrest was successful." Stoner thought it was over, but was horrified to find that Carmen had entered the shield and the policeman holding the shield.

Go through? ? ! ! Is it really a ghost? The police were lost for a while, and the policeman who was penetrated by Carmen touched his chest in horror, still in shock.

Fortunately, there is also the S.H.I.E.L.D agent. They immediately detected the energy shield on Carmen, but found that it did not mean it could be destroyed. When they were nervously searching for a solution, Carmen was already standing in front of the ‘blue morning light’.

Stoner was shocked. This thief Carmen was even more evil than Kidd the thief. Fortunately, there was a glass cover for anti-theft. As long as the glass cover was shaken, the diamonds inside would fall into the metal safe on the counter, except for insurance. No one in the company can take it out.

But Stoneger apparently forgot that Carmen could pass through the material. When Carmen reached out his hand, he passed through the glass cover. Once he grasped the quail egg File size flashing blue diamond, he went through and retracted his hand again. The diamond had already left the glass cover. .

This is unscientific, Stoner wants to cry, how can he cheat like this?

"The blue morning light does not belong to you." Carmen said the first words after entering the house, and then disappeared in front of the police ‘shoo’.


Definitely not, but through the floor and fell into the eleventh floor. The energy shield on the sole is independent, allowing Carmen to stand when it is not opened, and then allowing her to pass directly through the floor after opening, as is the energy shield on the right hand.

"Carmen hasn't disappeared, it's on the lower level." The S.H.I.E.L.D team member who tracked the energy said.

Stoneger was taken aback, "The first team and the second team went downstairs to arrest Carmen, the others stayed behind, and there was a thief Kidd." The problem broke out this time.

boom! Just listening to the loud noise downstairs, an arrogant motorcycle drove into the elevator from the corridor on the eleventh floor, then smashed the floor-to-ceiling windows from the third floor and flew to the road. Roar yelled from the crowd.

Kidd said obediently, the action of the thief Carmen was done in one go, making Roar enjoyable, not under himself. It's good to watch other people perform occasionally, but you can't fall behind. Now is the time to do it yourself.

Carmen the thief has warmed up, and now it’s just time to go out. Kidd stood on the edge of the roof and opened his arms: "Let’s applaud Carmen the thief who has exited, and then please Roar the thief for me!"

The atmosphere was mobilized. ..

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