Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 803 Successful (Happy New Year)\r

The New York Grand Hotel, a luxury hotel with a century-old history in New York City. The police and police are now protecting the twelve floors in this historic hotel. They thought that Kidd would try their best to sneak in, but they didn't expect Kidd to have no one at all. It meant to sneak in, but came over stumblingly, even calling the police to Roar.

This is a provocation: "Director, Kidd has appeared, just outside the corridor."

"Then what are you waiting for to arrest him!" Stoner roared, and then he heard movement outside the door, he fell and fought.

Stoneger stood behind the door nervously waiting for the result, he would stick to his post, only in this way would he not let Kidd take advantage of it.

For about a minute or so, the outside voice became louder, and it seemed to be a joy. Roar: "Chief, we have caught the thief Kidd."

What? ! Stoner himself was taken aback, so he caught it?

"Chief, Kidd was caught as soon as we rushed forward. He doesn't need to be super Ability and he is just an ordinary person."

Stoner did not believe it so simply: "You let Gris do the talking."

There was a change of voice in the intercom, and he was obviously excited: "Director, we really caught Kidd."

Stoneger still couldn't believe it. In other words, after changing a few people in a row, it was said that Kidd was caught, and Stoneger believed it now. He didn’t think Kidd could be familiar with the voices of everyone in the police force, because some of them were temporarily transferred from other sub-bureaus today, unless Kidd can imitate all the police’s voices, but this is obviously impossible, even if Kidd can't remember the voices of so many people either.

"Kid the thief was really caught?" Stoner knew he could only open the door to see if his men were really so brave.

Open the door, and in the corridor, the police stand in a circle space, blocking a seat of white clothes inside.

"Really Kidd?" Stoner himself was taken aback by his subordinates, so he caught it? Stoner is stupid, but it should not be fake: "You did a good job."

"Director, we swarmed up and pressed Kidd at the bottom according to your order. Kidd can't break free without being able to exceed Ability definitely, so we are catching him."

"Very good," Stoner said. "You have done your work. Now handcuff the thief Kidd."

"Chief, don't you take down Kidd's glasses?"

Stoner shook his head: "Kid's mask shouldn't be unmasked by us, nor can it be uncovered here." Kidd is a hero. If his identity is exposed, Stoner knows that Kidd will get into trouble, even if he takes it down. The mask also has to wait for a secret place.


When the director saw Kidd being motionless and very cooperative, he suddenly felt surprised: "Why doesn't Kidd move?"

"It should be a faint, it's uncomfortable to be held down by so many of us," a police officer said.

No, it's not that simple: "Kid does not use Super Ability, and his physical fitness is not so bad!" Stoneger stepped forward, raised Kidd's face, and gave a startled Roar: "Gries?"

What? Hearing what the chief said, the policemen were all stupid. Could it be that their colleague Gris turned out to be the thief Kidd? The news is too big.

"Idiot, it's not the thief Kidd at all." Stoner made a joke, and he talked to Gris. The real Gris fell on the ground wearing Kidd's clothes. Where is the real thief Kidd?

In the end what happened? The police officers looked at each other. They obviously suppressed Kidd the thief, so why did they become Gris? Are you alive?

Director At the moment has already figured it all out. Although he doesn't know how Kidd did it, Kidd did change their identities with Gris when he was suppressed. "Then the thief Kidd must be in the room now?!"

Because I heard that the thief Kidd was arrested, the police in the room all came out to watch the excitement, and there was no defense inside: "No, everyone go back to the room!"

I rushed in, and a back figure in a police uniform in the room was touching the'Mermaid Love Song', and the delicate safety cover did not play any role.

"Kid the thief, put the gems back!" Stoneger has determined that the talent in uniform is Kidd, the kid who dropped the bag.

Definitely is Kidd's best trick. You can change clothes in one second, not only for yourself, but for others as well. Kidd deliberately let all the police surround him and suppressed himself, so that he was stunned by one policeman and then the two changed clothes. I pretended to be a policeman and mixed into the room: "Old friend Stoneger, you didn't expect it."

"I didn't expect it." Stoner's face was pale, and he was actually being teased by Kidd again and again. Let alone the weird Carmen, he can pass through walls, but Kidd, without using Super Ability, turned the police around. Stoner said he couldn't even catch a thief who only knows how to do tricks? I can't do it myself, the chief of the New York Police Department.

"My magic tricks don't seem to be outdated." Kidd took the gem in his hand. "The gem will be kept by my thief Kidd."

"Don't think about it, there is no way out in this room, you can only catch it with your hands." Stoner said that fortunately, he had the foresight to block all the other exits in the room. Now as long as they keep the gate, Kidd has nowhere to escape: "Everyone takes care of themselves and don't be dropped by Kidd anymore."

Kidd smiled: "Stone is long. Although you have gained a lot, you still don't know me very well. I don't bring so many cosmetics, but it doesn't matter if you are stuck in the door."

"Kid, you are too arrogant. If you use Super Ability, it's okay, but if you don't need Super Ability, you can never get out of this house. I want to arrest you."

Kidd didn't move, but put the gems away, walked slowly in the room, and slowly approached the window sealed by the iron plate.

Stoneger didn't dare to act rashly. Although Kidd said that he didn't have too many cosmetics, he was still worried that someone would be dropped by Kidd if they went together. Kidd's best at fishing in troubled waters, he had to get closer to compress Kidd's Space, wait until the human wall pushes Kidd to an extinction, then grab Kidd’s arm and test for handcuffs.

A little bit, don't worry, Kidd can't escape anyway when the door is closed.

"Line up an adult wall." The thick three-person wall approached Kidd a little bit, preventing Kidd from leaving.

In the end, Kidd’s back was an iron plate, and in front of him was a thick wall of people. The distance between the two was only two meters. Kidd could be caught with a single step. Stoneger was relieved now, and victory is in sight.

"Kidd has nowhere to escape this time. Our New York police are not vegetarian, General!"

Stoneger wrote victory on his face and almost laughed wildly. The revenge played by Kidd was finally avenged: "Kidd surrender and accept the court's trial."

"I'm not afraid of trial..." Kidd's monocle was backlit, giving people a bad feeling: "I'm just afraid that the audience will be dissatisfied, so the performance will officially begin!"

No, Stoneger saw Kidd's gesture of raising his hand and felt that he was involved in a whirlpool of unpredictable premonitions. ..

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