Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 812: Embarrassed\r

The filming process is very hard, Long Tsundere can be regarded as understanding the hardship behind the star's glamour.

The flower of success, people only marvel at her bright and colorful when she succeeds, but its buds were soaked in the tears of struggle and the blood of sacrifice. Bing Xin's poem was not wrong.

Long Tsundere, the newcomer, made a lot of jokes, but with Aisha's encouragement, she still had the courage to face her mistakes and actively correct her.

Liu Adouxin said that he was indeed the person he chose. As the crew worked together, the entire crew was running smoothly and the speed of shooting was also accelerating.

When shooting definitely, Liu Adou did not forget to come up with a one-minute trailer to dangle the audience's appetite.

The first 60-second preview can contain about 40 seconds of content from the beginning to the end, for fans and friends.

Works by Liu Adou. Just this line can make people excited.

"Finally waited, my Aisha." Uh, it seems that this is Aisha's fan. In fact, Aisha’s fans are also hard pressed. Every time you can only see Aisha when Liu Adou is out of the movie, this is not necessarily true, because the previous small-cost "My Girlfriend is a Robot" did not appear in Aisha. But two Mutant boys.

Everyone does not know why Aisha only cooperates with Liu Adou, but not with other directors. This makes Aisha's fans very unhappy. Everyone guessed that it might be because Aisha is Mutant and only cooperates with director Liu Adou, whom Mutant is close to. The reason for not cooperating with other directors may be due to everyone's attitude towards Mutant.

At this stage, Mutant's situation has actually improved a lot. Thanks to the efforts of Xavier's School and Aisha's endorsement and interpretation of Mutant's image, many neutrals tend to accept Mutant. In addition, the S.H.I.E.L.D Sky Eye will move these organizations to the forefront. Everyone also believes that the government has begun to prevent evil Mutants. The bad Mutants naturally have professional agents to solve them, and the good Mutants can be accepted with peace of mind.

Only sixty seconds, the screen has turned black. But addiction will be replayed again.

The audience received a lot of information. First of all, this is a story about warriors, because there are many armored warriors in it. They are called ‘saint fighters’, and they are warriors who protect the earth from the mythical era.

And the armors of these warriors are very cool, not inferior to Iron Man's steel clothes. Each of these warriors has the same power as a superhero. In the words of the trailer, it is "fist can break the sky and the feet can break the ground." .

"Hey, Liu Adou dare to say it." The audience said it was so powerful, it was totally unreasonable.

Superhero dare not say what punches can break the sky and feet can crack the ground, maybe Superman can, other heroes are choking. Everyone in Saint Seiya is as powerful as Superman, how to fight?

In the first trailer, everyone only knows that this is a movie about Saint Seiya, but they still don't know about Saint Cloth and Little Universe.

To stay hot, it is natural to release useful information little by little.

There are not many things that can be seen, but one thing everyone can be sure of is that the special effects are first-rate. It can be said that the special effects are fake and real. This special effect is also worth going to the cinema. In addition, Liu Adou's script skills are still convincing, and this movie is enough to make people look forward to.

Liu Adou flipped through some comments, and supported the majority, and the creative staff became more confident.

"Everyone keeps working hard, we will surely make "Saint Seiya" a blockbuster of poetry history."

"Absolutely no problem." Just looking at the one-to-one sanctuary is enough to make people confident.

Everything is in order, so it makes people feel that victory is in sight.

The earth is also very quiet, but it makes people feel uneasy. Recently, superheroes feel that an ominous omen is emerging, but they don't know what is going to happen.

The vortex of Atlantis' fight for power is still fierce. The regent must be planning something secretly. The regent's guards left Atlantis and went to the ground.

Prince Ohm wanted to know what his mother was secretly calculating, but to no avail. The regent had a child before marrying the dead old king, but after so long, the child and his father had already left their original residence, and I don’t know how long it would take to find an illegitimate child.

"Black Manta, we need to know what she intends behind her back." Prince Ohm said.

"Perhaps we should be more proactive." The black manta ray said: "I think the people of Atlantis want us to bring changes to them."

Prince Ohm stopped: "What do you mean?"

The black manta ray wears a black tight suit. Although it looks ordinary, it is actually a high-tech combat suit with a flat flying saucer helmet on his head. He supports the prince only because the prince is impulsive and warlike, and can easily provocative.

"His Royal Highness, I think there is someone who needs you to meet." said the black manta.

Prince Ohm obviously trusted the black manta ray, and followed him to a hidden place without any doubt. A cave located in the trench.

"Is he a human?" Prince Ohm didn't expect that the black manta would recommend a human to him.

In fact, the black manta ray is also a human being, but he is a war madman. All he wants is a war between humans and the undersea people. As for who wins and loses, it doesn't matter to him, as long as the war starts. And Prince Ohm is obviously the person who is the most provocative.

"Hello, His Royal Highness, the greatest prince of Atlantis."

When Prince Oh heard this, his prejudice against the other party was relieved a lot: "Human, what is your name?"

"I am down to Zhao Gao, it is an honor to see Your Highness." It is Zhao Gao who came here. He met the black manta ray before and recognized him as a human at a glance, and soon discovered that they are actually the same kind of people, and they are equally eager for war.

It's just that Zhao Gao is for revenge, and the black manta is just to satisfy his perverted desire for destruction. The two hit it off and came up with a plan to fool Prince Ohm.

"Zhao Gao, why are you here?" Prince Ohm asked.

"In order to achieve the great cause of the prince, His Royal Highness is the heir to the throne of Atlantis. I am willing to serve His Royal Highness and help His Royal Highness conquer the mainland."

After Zhao Gao finished speaking, the black manta ray also spoke immediately: "Congratulations to the prince, even the mainland humans are willing to be loyal to you. It can be seen that the humans on the mainland also hope to welcome the rule of Atlantis and look forward to the rule of Atlantis. Master Wang went ashore. Before counterattacking the mainland, I was worried about not knowing the mainland power, but now it is ready to have people familiar with the mainland come to help."

Prince Ohm's heart moved, but when he thought that he was only a prince now, and his mother was the regent who controls the army, the prince was scared.

Zhao Gao knew what he was thinking when he saw Prince Ohm’s expression, hehe, coward. Zhao Gao is a power man, and he naturally knows how to provoke: "His Royal Highness, but worry about the regent?" Zhao Gao already knew the current situation of Atlantis from the black manta rays.

The queen is a pacifist and advocates peaceful coexistence with mankind. She went to find her own illegitimate child because it was a child born to a human male, with blood from the two races of humans and Atlantis, and hoped that he would become a bridge between the two races.

Hearing Zhao Gao's words, Ohm naturally refused: "How can I say that, I am not afraid of the regent, I am only afraid of the trident in the hands of the regent." What is the difference between this and fear of the regent? The trident is not yet in the hands of the regent.

It seems a little bit worse: "Why not the Prince? Since you are only afraid of the trident, why not steal the trident? Then put the regent under house arrest. When you get the trident, you can exercise the king's rights. You have the final say in commanding the army to counterattack the mainland?"

"Very good, very good." Why didn't Prince Ohm think of it before, this method is too good. ..

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