Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 823 The Princess Story\r

Putting the princess of Otherworld on the earth is nothing, especially this princess is not the tenth heir, not even the national capital, at most half a star.

At the moment, Ping Na's heart was already broken, because Kidd told her that the Green Legion that had wiped out the empire's 100,000 elite soldiers was just a group of people guarding the portal, so what would the real army on the opposite side of the portal look like? The princess couldn't imagine, and definitely didn't dare to imagine, because she didn't dare to admit what the empire would encounter, perhaps it was something more terrifying than destruction.

"How do you know so much?" The princess's attendant remained skeptical. Now that everyone is not familiar with the other side of the portal, why would Kidd know?

"I'm still saying that, believe it or not." Kidd didn't have time to talk nonsense with the princess's attendants. His goal was the princess. He and the princess looked at each other, and saw the doubt and fear of ordinary girls in the eyes of the princess.

The princess only felt that Kidd's plain gaze was like a god, and all her own was exposed in this gaze, and she couldn't hide everything she had.

Then Kidd turned and took Luna towards the outside of Everlasting City.

Luna had some doubts. Although she was innocent, her 165-year-old age still gave Luna a sufficient understanding of Ability. She knew that Kidd didn't leave immediately to wait for the princess, but she didn't know why he was leaving now?

Luna didn't know that Kidd's trick was called arrogance. The princess was bound to win, but the princess was not ready yet. It takes a series of hardships to make the princess make up her mind. She doesn't have to kill her father, but she must trust Kidd unconditionally.

Trust takes time to build, and Kidd’s charm is not strong enough to make him obey him at the first meeting. Only by understanding the tip of Kidd’s iceberg can the princess have trust in Kidd.

So let the princess follow. If you don't follow, Kidd doesn't care. Now Otherworld is facing unprecedented changes, there must be people of insight who are willing to believe in Kidd. If there is really no such person, then Kidd can only express that he is helpless, and he has given the opportunity. It is God's will that the Otherworld people did not fight for it.

Kidd didn't seem to have any hesitation, but after observing the princess behind him hesitation, he chose to follow, Kidd's face still inevitably showed a smile, and it was indeed the person he liked, and there was nothing wrong with it.

The princess was also very helpless. She wanted to leave and go south. The reason she came to Everlasting City was to get information about the Green Self-Defense Force. I have to say that the princess still has some heads, compared to the group of nobles in the imperial capital.

The 100,000 army was destroyed overnight, and the nobles did not think about learning about the Self-Defense Forces. Instead, they chose to recruit all over the country to launch a new attack on the Self-Defense Forces, and the intelligence sent back from the battlefield was ignored. It seems that as long as a new army is established, the empire can wipe out the Self-Defense Forces. They don't even understand the process of the destruction of the 100,000 army and the power of the Self-Defense Forces weapons.

With so many nobles, only Princess Pinna thought of going to the portal to investigate, even more disciplined than some veteran soldiers.

But now the princess has changed her mind, she wants to follow Kidd, she met such a mysterious figure for the first time. Although Kidd’s legend is new, but with the extraordinarily exaggerated "Dragon Quest" drama, coupled with Kidd’s performance, the princess chose to follow the mysterious brave after struggling.

Because of the brave, since the history of the mainland, since the melee of the mainland thousands of years ago, there have been endless stories of the brave. Countless years of battle until the rise of the empire a hundred years ago, another hundred years of chaos, the empire annexed more than a hundred countries and unified the current continent, but the story of the brave is still circulating, and every region will have its own brave.

The brave, either killed the Warcraft, or defeated the robbers, deeds vary. But every legend of the brave man has a far-reaching influence in the region where the story is spread. Therefore, human beings in Otherworld have a complex, a complex of brave men.

Although I don't know if Kidd's deeds of the brave are true or false, but Kidd is a brave man. The mystery of the brave, the power of the brave, and the temperance of the brave, the princess could not help but choose to believe. Like all legends of the brave, the brave will finally save the village and protect everyone's safety.

Although the reason was absurd, the princess didn't know that she had made an extremely correct choice. Because Kidd is ready to save the empire from the Self-Defense Forces.

"Princess?" The attendant didn't understand why the princess had changed her mind, but she was faithful to let her follow in the footsteps of the princess.

"My lord, the next two humans have followed." Luna said that Kidd didn't know.

"It's okay, let them follow, let's go to Sunset Plain."

Luna was taken aback, with a trace of panic across her face, but when she saw Kidd's back, she immediately threw her panic behind her, and followed it bravely with a firm gaze.

The Sunset Plain is one of the most dangerous places in the enemy's inland. It is an endless grassland, but under the grass, there is a murderous intent and dangerous step by step. If you make a mistake, you will be swallowed by the dark cave of the grassland, leaving no bones. At the same time, there are Destroy Hungry Wolves on the Sunset Plains, which are more terrifying than the human army. There was a record of 30,000 marching troops being killed by 300 Destroying Wolves on the Sunset Plains.

It is precisely because of this that the Sunset Plain has become one of the most dangerous places in the empire, and no one except a few desperadoes will enter the Sunset Plain.

But Kidd wants to go because it is dangerous enough. If the princess can follow Kidd through the Sunset Plain, then the test of the princess is complete.

All the way to the northwest, side by side with the imperial capital, to the most barren part of the empire.

"Princess, they are either going to the Snow Mountain or the Sunset Plain in this direction." The princess's attendant had a bad feeling, because those two places were not good places.

"Perhaps they just happened to go in that direction, and the destination is not Sunset Plain or Snow Mountain." The princess thought innocently that she and her attendants were riding horses, but they were not as fast as Kidd and Luna, and they changed horses every day. She can barely keep up, and now she is more and more convinced that Kidd is a brave.

But the princess is still too naive, because Kidd is going to Sunset Plain.

While the princess was still imagining that Kidd would stay in front of the Sunset Plain, Kidd and Luna had walked into the Sunset Plain without looking back.

Dark clouds, squally winds, mists, the entire plain was shrouded in uncertainty. Just standing on the edge of the plain has already smelled a fishy wind, which makes people lose the courage to move forward. Occasionally hearing the low roar of a pack of wolves caused more people to flee.

Only desperate fanatics will walk into this plain, and people with normal brains will not approach it.

"Princess, I think the two people in front are crazy, let's go back." The attendant already felt cold sweat on her back, and she did not dare to go in.

Ping Na is also hesitation. She is a princess and she has a lot of glory and wealth and no enjoyment. She is only 19 years old. Maybe she will become the king and the ruler of the empire in the future. If you continue to move forward now, then almost all the princesses are just sunset. One of the countless souls of the plains.

The princess didn't know that "Gou Li country lives and dies, can we avoid misfortune and good fortune", but after struggling in her heart, she urged her crotch horse to move forward without hesitation.

"Princess?!" The attendant wanted to stop the princess, but her horse seemed to be frightened by the wolves, so she didn't move. When the attendant controlled the horse, the three in front had disappeared into the mist. The attendant cried immediately. The father-in-law was also unforgivable because of her shortcomings: "Princess, why are you so stupid?!"..

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