Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 841 Military Exercise\r

This is a serious diplomatic event, but Otherworld has not received enough attention. Because even in the United Nations, you have to speak with strength. The killing of 100,000 troops by the Self-Defense Force is very miserable, but it also fully demonstrates the weakness of the empire.

The portal was broken, the information update was terminated, and the brave team came to the earth, and it was impossible to simply complete the transformation of the first image. The people on earth still believe that the empire is a weak and backward country, and this can only be reversed after the First World War.

"It seems that we are still underestimated." Yalufu shook his head. In the guest house, five members of the brave team gathered together.

After meeting with He Shoucheng, the people of Otherworld pessimistically discovered that the image of the empire on the earth was very poor. This makes Yale Fu unhappy, how can I say that the empire is also the strongest country on the continent, how come the earth is not even the last?

"Don't worry, it's also a fact that the empire was almost destroyed by the Self-Defense Forces." Kidd was calm.

"But it's not the same anymore. Now we have a Paladin." Yalufu saw the power of the Paladin with his own eyes.

"But the earth also has its killers. The Self-Defense Forces are not even an army on the earth. The empire was beaten like that by an amateur army. It's no wonder they look down on the empire." It's like China a hundred years ago. It's a country. It can be bullied. If it weren't for the Korean War and the strongest United States, it would still not be taken seriously by any country. This is the sorrow of the weak national strength. During the Korean War, although China's economy was at the bottom, the military resistance to the American imperialism successfully allowed China's political status to rise rapidly, increasing the overall national strength in a disguised form.

Now the empire’s politics, military, and economy are three aspects. Politics has no influence on the earth. The military has no power to fight back by the Self-Defense Forces. The economy is still in a self-sufficient small peasant economic system. How can it be taken seriously?

Therefore, the voice of the empire cannot influence the attitude of any country on the earth, nor will it speed up the handling of the empire by the nations of the United Nations.

Loli nodded slightly. She agreed with Kidd this time. She has lived for 900 years and has seen too much of the country’s destruction and mergers. Although she doesn’t care much about national affairs, she will always have some experience if she sees too much: "Unless the empire can show Give out enough power to make the earth look at it, otherwise this situation will not change, and we will continue to be underestimated in the following negotiations."

"Big deal, we'll go back now!" Yale Fu said airly.

"No hurry, I think the next time we meet, we can make a request to visit the army, and it will not be too late to make a decision after we have seen the strength of the Earth's regular army." Kidd said, first let the empire learn about hot weapons and Let's talk about the real gap between cold weapons. The Paladin is powerful, but it's not enough to really meet the iron torrent. Their ability to block expired artillery does not mean they can withstand missiles and tanks.

"What we have to do now is to understand each other, understand the earth, and let the earth understand the empire. We can't be arrogant, because now the five of us are the only communication bridge and the window to pass the news. Since they have sent diplomats to meet with us, they explain that The empire still wants to know something, and we have to perform our duties."

Naturally, these words were also monitored. Liu Yang and Liu Qin of the Dragon Group looked at each other, and they found more and more extraordinary about the brave.

"This brave man is indeed sensible, and his thoughts are mature and steady, no wonder the tenth princess will hand over foreign affairs to him." Liu Qin said.

Liu Yang also nodded: "Sometimes I really suspect that the brave is an experienced earthling. Sure enough, there are excellent talents everywhere. But there is also an emperor in the empire. It is estimated that the princess's behavior was not approved by the emperor. Maybe the empire will split. uncertain."

"Anyway, it's just an Otherworld. Although it's good, it doesn't matter if it doesn't."

This is true, although the Self-Defense Force report mentions that Otherworld is rich in resources and suitable for colonization. But not all countries are so urgent, but the empire is very urgent to solve the army of Atlantis.

There are more problems with empires than with countries on the earth. If the portal is stable, they might be able to relieve the pressure by learning from the earth.

"Then if they really propose to visit the army, will we agree?" Liu Qin asked curiously.

"Should it be, isn't the Northwest undergoing military exercises?"

That's right, the people of Otherworld were agreed to visit the Northwest military exercise to see the combat power of the real Earth army.

Accompanied by a major, He Shoucheng witnessed an incredible modern war.

"The red and blue sides are conducting confrontation exercises, and we can see the information of the entire battlefield from here." Several people looked at the computer in the referee curiously.

Yale Fu couldn't help asking: "Can you know the situation on the battlefield just by sitting here? Then the battlefield must be small."

"Hehe, the background of this exercise is a terrorist armed with high-tech armed forces using other countries to attack coastal cities in our country, spanning 8,000 kilometers, definitely not big compared to the entire planet."

Hiss, take a breath, eight thousand kilometers? Yalufu knew this concept, and it spanned almost the entire empire. But can the 8,000-kilometer battle be reflected in this small room?

"The red side represents our army. The blue side represents terrorists supported by other countries."

Yalufu looked at the red dots scattered on the screen and nodded. These troops are all moving, and they should have received orders to go to the battlefield.

The marching speed is staggering. Isn't it because the Red Army has wings?

At this moment, a group of red dots that were still advancing suddenly turned gray.

"The Third Army was hit by a nuclear attack from the blue side, and now the referee will begin."

Several officers whispered, then nodded: "It works."

"You have been wiped out of the Third Group. Please withdraw from the exercise now." A call made the commander of the Third Army stomped straight. They weren't even on the battlefield. How could they be wiped out?

Yalufu was also taken aback, "What magic can destroy an entire army in an instant? Isn't that right?" The artillery of the Self-Defense Army had been fired all night to destroy a hundred thousand people. Could this Blue Army be turned on?

He Shoucheng smiled and said: "This is a nuclear bomb. One nuclear bomb has destroyed tens of millions of people. The 250,000 people used to throw away the Third Army are still a little overkill."

Gudong, swallowing saliva, Otherworld people are shocked, can one kill tens of millions of people? How many tens of millions of the total population of the empire? This is not because the other party is scaring oneself. First of all, he was suspicious, but seeing the calm expressions of the people around them, they believed that a nuclear bomb really existed. This was a force that even the Self-Defense Forces could hardly match.

Then the Red Army suffered electronic jamming, precision missile strikes, and air strikes.

Kidd is speechless, is this blue a terrorist? It’s an alien, right? Under such an overwhelmingly superior blow, the Red Army did not even have a decent attack. Even the Red Army didn’t even know where the Blue’s missile base airport was, but the Blue knew exactly where the Red Army was.

Although it was just the movement and flashing of the light spots on the screen, the referees in the ear made one call after another to let Otherworld people know that this is the war on the earth. They will not face you face to face and kill the enemy thousands of miles away. The Paladin was also helpless. Yalufu felt once again that the future of the empire was gloomy. ..

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