Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 847: The Rise of Seafood\r

"Sir, this lobster was selected by the guest. It is very difficult for me to do this." The lobby manager of the hotel can also speak English. Now Arthur has the lobster gun in his own hand, and it is reasonable for the manager not to call the police.

Lobster gave out a distress signal, and Arthur definitely wanted to help: "You can't eat this lobster." Now Arthur finally knows that this is a restaurant with a strong fragrance.

The lobby manager was dumbfounded. Before, he noticed that Arthur was talking to himself outside the store. Now he came in to grab the lobster again. Isn't this foreigner insane?

"Guest, if you don't let go, we will call the police." Arthur's strength is very strong, the lobby manager is not an opponent at all, and he can't get back the big lobster at all. This kind of large lobster is a rare commodity. It is even more difficult to transport it to the capital alive. Therefore, the price is very expensive.

"Why is it so slow?" the clear and impatient female voice said in an incomprehensible word.

Then a male voice also said: "We have been waiting for a long time."

The lobby manager quickly explained with a smile: "I'm sorry, I made you wait a long time." He knew that the lady could not understand Chinese, so he explained it to the man: "We have encountered some problems, which will be solved soon. You serve the best lobster feast."

"What's the trouble?" The box door opened, and a little girl came out: "Isn't this lobster right here?"

The lobby manager didn't know what the girl was talking about, only that she pointed at the lobster and looked dissatisfied, as if she could not wait to taste it.

This girl is really Loli. Since knowing the deliciousness of crabs, she has a soft spot for animals with crustaceans. She has eaten oysters, shells, and soft-shelled turtles. Today, she is finally going to eat the finale lobster.

But I didn't expect that there would be twists and turns in eating lobster.

Kidd also came out, a different life fluctuation, the other side is Atlantis? Seeing that tall and handsome appearance, Kidd immediately rushed out of his mind: Aquaman.

But it's unscientific. Isn't Aquaman watching the lighthouse in the United States? How could it appear in a Chinese seafood hotel thousands of miles away? Is it because the Chinese know that the taste of Atlantis is the same as seafood, so they have suffered?

It's definitely not, Kidd wouldn't know why. But now that you see it, you need to know: "Hello, I am Kidd, and you have our dinner in your hand."

"Arthur Curry. You can't eat this lobster tonight, I will spend money to buy it." Arthur decided to buy the lobster and release it.

Arthur is Aquaman, and he has a good relationship with marine life, including seafood, so if he joins the Justice League, then everyone can't kill seafood in front of him, it's best not to eat it.

Fortunately, Arthur did not know Roar called seafood is a good friend of mankind, everyone should not eat it. He doesn't care if people eat seafood where he can't see it, but he just happened to see it today and can only manage it.

"Sir, this is what the customer first fancy." Although the other party said to spend money to buy, but there is a first-come-last-come deal, the manager still hopes to give the lobster to Kidd's box.

Kidd didn't care: "Just give him the lobster. Today we will change to two vegetarian dishes."

"Why?" Loli couldn't understand the manager's English, but Loli could understand Kidd's English. Kidd explained that this was a secret technique that would make people understand his own words, and Loli also believed it.

"Loli, listen to me right now." Kidd has already determined that the opponent must be Aquaman. Although he has not yet become a superhero, his aptitude will not change. Kidd believes that Arthur will turn the dragon into the wind whenever he encounters the situation. .

"Cut." Loli doesn't know the general situation, so he's unhappy, so he went back to the box.

"Give him the lobster." Kidd said to the manager.

"I'm really sorry." The manager saw that Kidd was willing to give in and the problem was solved. He thanked Kidd very much: "Sir, you will be given a 10% discount for your consumption in this store."

Since Kidd has already seen Arthur, he will not let him leave his senses. Kidd will grasp Arthur's whereabouts and see when he can take over the trident and become Aquaman, or the diving man.

The agents sitting around felt relieved that the matter had been resolved. The imperial envoy dealt with the problem to a great extent, and did not have a competitive mentality.

The agent is also much easier to protect this kind of person. But what happened to the foreigner was really strange.

Arthur paid twice the price and took the lobster away. Then he spent a lot of money on the fight and went to the beach, and released the lobster to the sea overnight. The taxi driver knew that he had been driving for more than ten hours just for a lobster, and he broke down at that time, but because foreigners had money, he took it.

Kidd, who has been feeling, is also speechless, but he understands. Marine life is really a partner for the Atlanteans, especially Aquaman, which has the ability to communicate with marine life.

However, there is no Atlantean to look after Arthur, and it seems that this Aquaman has not been discovered yet. But now it's so chaotic. In theory, the peacemakers in Atlantis should find Arthur to go back to stabilize Atlantis. How could he be allowed to come to China?

Kidd is thinking about how to help Aquaman, but he doesn't know any Atlanteans, especially the friendly Atlanteans.

But it doesn't matter. Since Kidd has found Aquaman, he can inform the Justice League to let them help. Kidd is too busy alone now, and Superman is expected to be willing to deal with ocean issues.

So Kidd gave this information to Superman. Superman took it seriously, an Atlantean who grew up on land.

"So it turns out that they were looking for him?" Batman was the first to respond, because some time ago there were suspicious elements in Gotham City looking for people. Batman had been monitoring them, and later discovered that those people were not humans. Now compare it to know that it is from Atlantis.

Gotham City is also a coastal city.

"Speaking of it, I really want to have seen it." This time it is The Flash, but he is not sure.

"Kid thinks this is a very important person, and may be the key to this war." For Kidd, Superman still believes.

"Just because this person is a child of a human and an Atlantean, who is still growing up on land?" The Flash felt that this was unreliable.

Batman supported Kidd: "This Arthur will be an opportunity for humans and Atlantis to coexist peacefully, otherwise the Atlantis will not go ashore to find a mixed race at such a moment. I think this war will not Not the will of all Atlanteans."

"Batman, can you still find those Atlanteans?" Superman asked Batman to investigate.

"No problem." Finding someone is just a small problem for Batman. Even if the opponent is a submarine, he will definitely be found out by Batman as long as he reappears. ..

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