Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 849 Change\r

"The important thing is to improve the overall knowledge level of the people of the Empire. I noticed that both the Self-Defense Forces and the people on the earth have one thing in common, that is, they are all literate. And I noticed that, especially after coming to the earth, we I can encounter text messages every day.” Yalufu discovered that the key point is that people on the earth are receiving constantly updated information every day, and the amount of reading is amazing.

In the empire, only nobles and a few special professionals can read. Books are all hand-copied. Magic books are relatively well preserved. The loss of other types of books is common.

There are many books in Yalufu's home, some of which are isolated books, and Yalufu and his apprentice Relai have been sorting out these magical knowledge. But he never thought of improving the book printing technology. The biggest shock and inspiration after Yalufu came to the earth is how to print books faster and more conveniently.

Printing, this was mentioned by Kidd when he introduced Chinese history. Later, when He Shoucheng introduced China, he also mentioned the four great inventions. Now Yalufu is trying to realize the movable type printing of the Otherworld version.

This is a very visionary old man. After experiencing the two worlds, the changes have been tremendous. In the beginning, he was just a little magic old man who had nothing to do with the world, and he was at ease under the care of his apprentice. Later, he saw the Self-Defense Force and was shocked by the firepower of the earth. His curiosity made him contact the Self-Defense Force and had a preliminary understanding of the earth, but at that time he did not understand how the earth was developed. The opening of the portal was more than just a delivery. An amateur army has also brought a brand new world system, a brand new civilization, a brand new culture, and a brand new value. After coming to the earth, Yalufu found that the huge empire in his eyes was just an insignificant place in the eyes of the earth countries.

The eagerness of the Self-Defense Forces is simply because they want the land of the empire. A truly first-rate country has a very rational attitude towards the empire. If it sounds good, it means peaceful coexistence and common development. If it sounds bad, it means I will play with you and you will follow. If I don’t play with you, you will roll the ball.

The same goes for the United States. The American consuls use Otherworld people as a bargaining chip. Their family's great cause is not scarce of the resources of the empire, but some people are scarce. The right of distribution must be controlled by the United States, so that the younger brothers can bow their heads.

Yalufu received an unprecedented impact on the earth. He has always been underestimated, and he has struggled with ambassadors from various countries to re-understand his relationship with the empire. It can be said that he is growing every day, because every night he will Think about what you saw in a day.

So today Yalufu proposed that the first thing he did when he returned to the empire was to print books. He had to do something to make himself regret it.

Kidd didn't want to pour cold water, but he still wanted to say: "Printing is good, and it is very simple, and it is complicated for people to read. Books that no one reads are not as good as waste paper. How many people in the Empire can read?"

"..." In the village where Yale Fu is located, Yale Fu has never seen a few literate people. The children spend time in the fields in the village, and when they become the majority of children, they become laborers at home, or they are directly arrested and have little chance of literacy. The real literacy still depends on the nobles and the ruling class.

Yale Fu's enthusiasm was extinguished by Kidd's cold water, "Is there no way?"

"Education cannot be achieved overnight. Printing of books will naturally need to be printed, but in addition to books, we still have to make more people literate and allow more children to go to school. This is the real education, as for how to do it. , It’s impossible to do it with you alone, and it’s not possible with the five of us alone. We must find more people with lofty ideals to unite.” Kidd said.

Yale Fu’s enthusiasm burned again. Kidd was right. It is necessary to educate everyone to read. This is not a job that can be done by one person or two. The empire is so big and the population is so large that it needs tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of teachers. It’s enough to make everyone literate.

"Yes, this will be a long-term plan." Yalufu didn't get discouraged and cheered up: "As long as we work hard, the empire will not lose to the earth."

"Old man, I think you still haven't considered a few things. You are completely wishful thinking now. Can you be sure that the emperor will agree with you? That group of decadent nobles will not allow their enslaved objects to read." Loli splashed again. A basin of ice water came out.

Yalufu hadn't had much dealings with the nobles, and didn't understand the attitude of the nobles. But Loli has lived for so long, and he has seen more nobles than ants, knowing that the noble class is rotten and closed, and will never tolerate things that may affect his status.

Education is a good thing for the country and the people, but not for the nobles. The wisdom of the people is not open, which is conducive to their rule.

However, Kidd felt that there was no problem with the emperor: "Why don’t you have a little resistance, Loli? God, not the emperor, is truly great in the hearts of the people. The people will overthrow an old emperor for the one chosen by God. "Kidd said naturally: "The old emperor is not the one chosen by God."

"..." Loli heard Kidd's words as a conspirator, so his gaze at Kidd became complicated. Although it doesn't matter who is the emperor, Kidd's big talk is really frightening. "Do you want to usurp the throne?"

This pseudo-Loli is really ugly. He is not an imperial person. Even if the emperor is overthrown, he is at best a brave emperor who can't see the evil emperor and fought a just battle.

Yalufu didn’t feel that Kidd had said something wrong: "I support Kidd, now we are not for the emperor, but for the empire. Do you see how many countries on the earth still have an emperor? Even if there is no emperor, we can still let the empire Become better.” This is the impact of new ideas, and Yalufu has an anti-imperial tendency.

Therefore, if the emperor knows that there is no emperor on this side of the earth as powerful as a country, he will only be even more afraid of letting his people understand the earth.

But as Kidd said, whether the emperor is afraid or opposed, what is important is what Kidd is prepared to do? Kidd, the ‘power’, is not afraid of opposition, he is only worried that what he has done is not good enough.

Loli shook her head secretly. The trip to the earth has changed everyone, even her herself may have changed, but Loli hasn't noticed it yet. This change is subtle and silent.

The brave team is ready to go back. They have been out for more than 20 days to visit China and the United States. They have learned a lot about the earth and the huge gap between the empire earth and realized that this gap is not only due to force. It is also economic and political. And Yalufu has an expectation that the empire will also become a participant in the earth game. He knows that this is very difficult. It is not only the portal that stands in front of him, but also the emperor, the aristocracy, and even the closed ordinary people. Will prevent the empire from opening to the earth, but with a goal, Yalufu will work hard for it. ..

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