Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 866 The First Class\r

In the first class, Dunant III looked excitedly at his teacher of basic knowledge of magic, Relai, a girl who was not a few years older than him.

Relai looked at the children under the podium, saying that she wanted to cheer, but seeing that there were orcs inside, it was also a while, and these orcs did not know how to think about it and chose magician.

You must know that orcs are natural warriors, at least there has not been an orc magician in the history of the empire, and I don't know how this orc thinks about it.

Among the students, there are not many orcs, there are only six, and there is only such a wonderful thing to choose to become a magician.

Regardless, since Kidd said, "The students choose the road," she only disciplined: "Today we will start learning the first lesson of the basic theoretical knowledge of magic. Please turn to the textbook. magic."

This textbook was written by Yale Fu and Relais together, and then Kidd didn’t know how to do it and printed a lot overnight. There are 1,800 students in a class of 60 people, and there are 30 classes in total. Classes are separated, and 15 teachers take at least two classes. One class takes classes and the other class takes electives, so in turns.

There are two hundred knights, a class of forty people, five classes, and five teachers, which is obviously a lot easier.

"Now classmates can you answer me what is magic?" Communicate with classmates, which was also taught when Kidd was in simulation class before. Kidd is a teacher and others are students. In class, Kidd teaches these teachers how to communicate with their students during class.

Speaking babbledly, seeing the teacher so young, the young man became bolder.

Relai yelled: "Quiet, raise your hand to speak." Still quite majestic.

One selected one to stand up and speak, "Magic is the power that the god of magic bestows on the magician."

Superstition, Relai remembered that she seemed to have answered Kidd's question. That was what Kidd said about her at the time, but in fact the magician of the Empire thought so.

Relai will now bring a brand new theory of magic: "This classmate is talking about what the imperial magician generally thinks. The previous teachers also thought so, but after studying it, everyone will find that the magic taught by the god of magic is only the most The basic skills are far less than the slightest trace of the mystery of magic, and we will learn to enter the magical world of magic, knowing that magic is not just bestowed by the god of magic, magic is actually a regular and complex technique. Before we Knowing magic is very general, but through studying we will know that magic is divided into categories: arcane, nature, sacred, element. Each kind of magic has a unique effect. So the magic class will be our contact The richest and most interesting course of all the subjects I have ever taken." "Now let us understand the general idea of ​​magic through the section'What is magic'."

The students listened with gusto. In fact, some teenagers among them had originally come into contact with magic, but it was the first time they heard that there were so many distinctions in magic.

The first class just briefly talked about the classification of magic, the use of magic, the effect of magic, etc., which already made the students feel that the Magic Academy is real, because these contents are completely different from those taught in other places.

On the other hand, the paladin's class is much simpler. Their first lesson did not learn any swordsmanship, but learned the eight virtues of the knight: humility, honesty, compassion, bravery, justice, sacrifice, honor, and spirit.

"Only a knight who sticks to the eight virtues can be qualified to pick up his sword and become a paladin." Di Le looked at all the students: "Now everyone has copied these eight virtues a hundred times."

Uh, the students are stupid, what kind of teaching is this, copy books in the first lesson?

Cho Luo is about to cry even more. He hasn't remembered them yet. Why do you want to write? He can't write at all. Although other classmates complained, they still copied it obediently, only Di Luo looked at the gang in a daze.

"Colo, why don't you write?"

Cho Luo saw the fierce Di Le and said blankly: "Teacher, I can't write."

"..." Di Le stunned: "If you don't know how to write, just describe it in strokes. Don't tell me that you can't even hold a pen?"

No, but Chi Luo dare not say, watching the classmates around him suffocating a smile, he can't quickly observe how they hold the pen. He also picks up the pen unfamiliarly, and then lowers his head and traces on the white paper little by little. , As ugly as an earthworm crawling over.

Di Le shook his head, how could such a student keep up with other students. Too bad, it's boring to teach.

"Teacher, it's done!" A voice rang, and the delicate female student stood up and gave Di Le her paper.

"? So fast?" Di Le took it over and saw it a hundred times, and the handwriting was better than his own. Seeing the other's delicate hands again, I said that the other party must have held more pens than swords, and may not have even held a sword. This female student should be a scholar or magician in this way. Did she choose a knight in this way?

But since she is a knight, Di Le will train her: "Very well, now tell me, do you keep the eight virtues of knights in your heart?"

The girl student stood upright: "Humble, honest, compassion, bravery, justice, sacrifice, spirit!" The clear words were spoken one by one, without any pause, as expected, they were all remembered.

"Well, now run three laps with your sword on your back and then come back and copy the Eight Virtues two hundred times." Di Le said.

"..." Although the girl was stunned, she soon gritted her teeth and said: "Yes, teacher." Without any objection, she ran away.

In fact, Di Le wanted to see the girl's physical strength, to see the student's thin appearance, if the physical strength is not good, the future training will not be able to persist. The basic skills training of the knights is very difficult, Di Le wants to see if these students can stick to it.

Then more students were asked to run laps. In the end, only Di Luo was still describing these eight virtues in distress, and he had no idea what he was writing. Writing was more troublesome than drawing, which made Di Le even more disappointed.

It was the female student who, although delicate, hated herself. Although she was caught up after three laps, she didn't have any complaints when she came back from the three laps panting, her right hand trembling and still writing. Such a student has educational value. Di Le is more and more satisfied with this student. She seems to be Beyoncé.

Kidd did what he had always wanted to do, but didn't do, that is, when others were in class, he walked up and down in the corridor and came out of the back door window to startle the students. This is the best skill of all Chinese school teachers—they are out there, and they can catch the students who run in a short run every time. Definitely Kidd is just playing around, he won't catch students out, just feel the feeling of his class teacher.

After observation, it is found that some students are struggling to learn, and some students have a better foundation. It seems that we need to provide supplementary lessons for those students with poor foundations. Anyway, there is no evening class arranged in the evening. In the evening, students are free and active, and students with poor foundations just make up lessons. ..

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