Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 872 Development Portal\r

It has been a while since the school started, and students began to devote themselves to the course after the initial novelty. Students who do not need to make up classes at night must also complete the teacher's homework.

The days were plain and dull, and after getting acquainted with each other, the friendship between the students began to build up, and so did the enmity. Di Luo and the Fat Baron had a vengeance, but as a poor student at the end of the crane, he had to make up cultural classes in addition to homework every night, and he hardly had any time to think about revenge.

Cho Luo is already well-known in the Paladin class. He is notoriously bad, does not recognize words, and has a mediocre comprehension ability.

The exact opposite of Chi Luo is that the girl who had an eye-catching performance before, who had gone through a month of hard training, was first-rate in cultural classes. She has also kept up with her physical strength, and her skills are becoming more and more proficient. She is Di Le's most satisfied student. NS.

Beyoncé is very smart, inferring from one another, and more importantly, she works very hard, it can be said that she works as hard as Di Luo. It's like a tortoise and a hare racing. With the same efforts, Beyoncé is too far behind.

"It's been a month since I enrolled, and it's time to start the monthly exam!" Kidd said that he should let his students know that the style of study at Magic Light Academy is very cruel.

"Yes." Di Luo put down the quill of ‘Madein China’ in his hand, "The test paper is ready, and we can start the day after tomorrow."

This is the principal's office, and the time has changed a lot in a month. After the earth envoy returned, the trade soon began. Since tariffs have been set in the trade agreement, the first goods from the earth will soon be sent to all parts of the empire in Starcastle. As a faithful earth faction, Yalufu also kept up with fashion and bought a lot of earth-made products.

Paper, quill, ink, and even a globe. The globe was purchased by the envoy commissioned by Yaleover because he must always remember his goal and build the empire into the earth.

As soon as the definitely trade opened, the merchants of the empire soon found out sadly that their goods could not be sold at all. Even if the tariffs are added, the earth goods are still cheaper than the local products of the empire, so they have lost the original purchasers to buy earth goods, and then a batch of bankrupt handicraft workshops appeared in the empire.

The reality is so cruel. Trade has only been a month, and there is a deficit, with more imports but less exports.

The empire is a sheep, standing foolishly waiting for the earth to shear the wool. However, the empire is still waiting for Japan's 12 billion U.S. dollars in compensation. If the money arrives, it will be able to support it for a while. But if the trade continues, it really needs to come up with some top-quality goods.

Now the main export of the empire is gems and furs. As for other things, people on earth simply look down on it. The gems of the empire are bigger and more beautiful than the earth. As for the fur, let alone the fur of the low-level beasts, because it absorbs magical energy, the luster is several times that of the earth animals, and the price is several times that of the earth's fur. But these are all luxury goods, and the large export volume cannot make up for the huge import of daily necessities.

Yalufu is not an economist, and the nobles of the empire do not care about the bankrupt people at the bottom. It is estimated that only Kidd knows that if the empire does not take measures, the deficit will grow. Fortunately, the grain market has not yet been opened. It is estimated that the peasants of the empire will go bankrupt within a month, and the empire will be ruined.

But there is nothing to worry about. Who can let the empire not have a good product? Besides, now Kidd is also trying to solve the problem by running the empire. But because he did not want to industrialize the empire, the empire's trade project has not yet been determined.

Kidd felt that he had to care about the school as well as the empire trade. At the same time, he was too busy to be an adviser to the principal of Yaleup and Princess Pinna. But it is very fulfilling, because in a huge country, the fate of hundreds of millions of people is closely related to them, and this sense of accomplishment is indescribable.

Now Kidd understands why those villains change the world every time, because it's so funny. I even felt that I was strategizing, and my words and deeds could affect the direction of the empire. This kind of explosive presence was simply so obvious.

Monthly exam, I have never heard of monthly exam. The students are dumbfounded, they are enjoying themselves every day now. All meals and housing are very good. There is no stress at all in class every day. I didn’t expect to have an exam. Isn’t it only when you graduate?

This may be the case in other schools, but it is different in the Magic Light School. There are monthly exams, monthly exams, midterm exams, monthly exams, and final exams. Only exams can keep students motivated.

Diluo grimace, his scumbag now has only a hundred words, and he can't cope with the exam at all. He would rather be punished by the teacher than to write. He really has no ability to recognize words.

However, Cho Luo's distress can't affect the teacher's decision, so the exam will continue as usual.

When the students were in pain, Kidd, the initiator, was thinking alone in the magician tower. He recently thought of a way to make his school forced to improve again, which is to build a portal to traffic around the magician tower and the Holy Light Hall. In the future, as long as it is a magician and a paladin, it will be able to teleport through the portal and move in different cities in the empire.

However, the portal system is very complicated, and he is still considering how to ensure that it is foolproof. In the world of steel, the gate of truth is also equivalent to the portal, and the alchemist can move by opening the gate of truth. But that is an immature transmission technology. Kidd has to perfect this technology to allow students to transmit freely, and there is no need to hurry for enrollment in the future.

Kidd studied some portals in the high magic world and found that to open the portals, magical energy needs to be gathered, and the most important thing is the magical array that gathers energy.

But Kidd stopped when he started, because Kidd thought of a way to reverse the deficit for the empire, which is to go to the earth to build a magic portal, and the missing magic energy can be replaced with magic crystals.

Some important people think that in their dreams, they will also want to build a movable magic portal in their homes, and they can leave when they need to lift their feet. If this kind of business goes to the earth, it will definitely make money. So Kidd decided not to do it himself, because he did everything himself, the magician of the empire would not be able to learn. He wants to discuss with the magicians of the academy. During the discussion, he induces the teachers to learn the technology of the portal and master the technology firmly.

And if the portal is really spread out in the empire, it will be a sum of money from the academy. The people in the school can naturally try it for free, but other people will have to pay if they want to use it.

The maintenance of the school is a huge amount of expenditure. Two thousand people can eat Yaluv with fear every day, not to mention the maintenance of school equipment. The stationery prepared for the students is also distributed free of charge by the school. Fortunately, the use of earth goods is used. Otherwise, it is estimated that the school will not be able to survive the first month. And the international students from the earth are coming soon, and the construction of dormitories for international students is another sum of money, and other things may be added to the school in the future. Kidd can provide it for free, and his endless life allows him to produce unlimited goods, but he can't always help this way. The school needs to pay for its own profits and losses. So we also need to find some means of making money. ..

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