Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 879 The Holy Light Is Eternal\r

The princess and the Ripper talked to each other, and the whole atmosphere of the black jail was alive. The identity of the princess was also known by the Ripper, and naturally it was a uniform ridicule.

"You are not the same as the rumors." Ping Na said: "It's not like a murderous bad guy."

"Haha, you are still the first person to say that I am not a bad person." In fact, the Ripper is really not a bad person, but his method of killing the nobles is really too ruthless. So that he was tortured every day after he was arrested, until the nobles forgot about him, and the jailers didn't bother to torture him.

At that time, the full name of the ripper was the noble ripper, a killer who targeted the nobles. Now the knee of the Ripper's right leg was completely broken, and only two fingers could move. The only thing that supported this broken body was because of his hatred of the nobles that he had never given up. He still cannot forget that the nobles took away his wife, robbed his fields, and killed his parents. He only hated that he killed too few nobles to repay his hatred.

However, today he met a different nobleman, who was still a royal princess. A princess was imprisoned by the emperor for the future of the empire. Is there anything more funny than this? The Ripper even suspected that this empire would collapse in his lifetime.

Princess Pinna chatted with the Ripper calmly, and gradually understood the other party's hatred of the nobles. She even thought that if she was still a princess, she probably wouldn't be so polite.

"Sure enough, you are different from ordinary nobles, but you didn't expect that in ten years, the outside has changed so much. On the contrary, the aristocracy's despicableness has not changed, despicable, shameless, and even his own daughter can handle it." Ripper Said: "What you did is right, you should liberate everyone from the aristocratic power."

"Do you think I should continue?" Ping Na hadn't made up her mind to point Jian Feng towards her father.

"Why not continue, you are different from those stinking nobles." The Ripper said: "And you don't mean you have a lot of powerful subordinates, they will rescue you from the dark prison, you should make more people feel the real The sun, not the setting sun of aristocrats’ charity."

Speaking of fighting against the nobleman, the Ripper was very excited. He was old and his body was broken, but the princess opposite was different. What she insists on should be recognized, so let herself, the sinner, become the first supporter of the princess.

"Give up the identity of the princess. There is nothing to be proud of in this identity. The value of a person is not determined by your status, but by what you have done for everyone. Pina Golanda, this is yours. Name it, and make your name more meaningful.” The Ripper had read books before he became a criminal, and he said it in one set: “Never tolerate any nobles, because they are all sinners and they are all in Breeding in the land of sin."

"You mean I should rebel against my father?"

"Yes! Look around. This is a black jail, but not a prison, because most of the people held here are people who have offended the nobles. They have not committed any crimes, but they have been sentenced to death by the nobles. This is the empire. The status quo. A hopeless country, a darker place than the black prison." The Ripper became more and more excited, wishing to help the princess immediately open the shackles.

However, it is a difficult decision for the princess to fight her father, because it is the father. Between Da Yi and family affection, Ping Na is engaged in a fierce ideological struggle.

Unexpectedly, Kidd was really right, and he finally encountered such a situation. Maybe Kidd didn't make a mistake at the beginning. After choosing this path, he really had to go to the end, there was no other way.

Holy Light, tell me what to do? !

Ping Na looked up and could only ask Shengguang what should she do?

In the surprised eyes of the Ripper, the princess exudes a warm light, as if the goddess was reincarnated. Not only the Ripper, but other prisoners in the black cell also felt that the damp and cold surrounding the black cell were dispelled. These people have not felt the sensation of the sun for a long time.

"The sun." The Ripper was stunned, whispering to himself, he seemed to be close to the sun, every inch of his skin was gently rubbed, tears streaming down his face, although he said he didn't want to go out, but who would not go, if it weren't for the empire completely Disappointed, who doesn't want to run on the grass in the sun?

Muddy tears strengthened the Ripper's confidence in supporting the princess. Only such a holy person would break out of the restraints of human beings and complete great reforms.

"Be the sun of the empire!" The wronged man begged.

Even the jailer was taken aback. The neatly roaring in the cell was even more terrifying than the prehistoric monster: "Quiet..." The jailer who originally yelled to the prisoner Roar, saw the brilliant light in the cell, and kneeled involuntarily. Coming down: "Lord Almighty, spare your life."

The holy light not only destroys but also brings warmth. Seeing those who plead, Ping Na knows that she has no room for selfish selfishness. From the day she became a Paladin, she no longer lived for herself.

To illuminate others, the holy light must break the obstacles in front of them. Ping Na finally made up her mind: "I know, the light will never cease, and the faith will never die!"

Here comes the holy sword!

There is no need for anyone to save, the princess can break through the black prison with her own strength. The holy sword was summoned by the holy light, penetrating the thick soil that held the black prison and falling in front of Ping Na.

Holding the hilt of the holy sword, holding the holy sword high, the light of the holy sword broke through the top of the black prison and rose vigorously into the sky.

This is the princess's signal, she has made up her mind.

"Paladins, polish your sword and step on your horse. It's time for us to counterattack now."

"Silver Hand, fight for the Holy Light!"


The army surrounding the Silver Hand only felt the dazzling light rushing, and it was instantly killed by the Paladin when it protected its eyes. Obviously he was still in the camp before, but the Silver Hand rushed into the imperial army in a moment, completely unreasonable. In theory, there are only a few hundred people in the Silver Hand. How could it be possible to attack an army of 10,000?

But the fact is that the Silver Hand charged forward without hesitation, and there was no time to react, and the encirclement was broken.

"Fight! Fight!" The Silver Hand was so powerful that the princess was arrested, and they all suffocated. The Holy Light was surging, Fighting Ability showed off, the Paladin showed its fangs again, and now the Imperial Army finally couldn't doubt the strength of the Paladin. It was not luck for them to defeat the Self-Defense Force.

The empire is bleeding, but this is pus-blood, and the empire can only develop better after it is cleared.

In the black jail, the princess swung the holy sword, and the top of the black jail was lifted. The sun outside illuminated everyone, and the princess was already like a god in their eyes.

"Look, the sun in the sky will shine on the entire empire, even the sinners once." The princess decided to embark on the road of fraternity. ..

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