my daughter,

From the day you were born, the entire forest of the empire was whispering this name:

Pinna Golanda!

My child! I am proud to watch you grow up day by day and become the personification of justice.

Remember, we have always ruled the empire with strength and wisdom;

At the same time, I also know that you will use your powerful power cautiously;

But the real victory is to inspire the hope of the people!

One day my life will reach the end;

And you will be crowned king!

The Battle of the Imperial Capital ended with the absolute superiority of the Academy and the Silver Hand. When Pinna, holding the holy sword, stepped into the palace again, everyone kneeled to her. Everyone knows that no one in the empire can defeat her, even her father, the emperor, cannot.

When Pinna came back, the old emperor had stopped Roar sucking and left a suicide note. The old emperor used his own life to pave the way for the princess to change. From today on, the empire will be handed over to the princess, and no one will refuse to accept it.

Ping Na finally knew why her father turned her face, it turned out that everything was to help her daughter.

The old emperor knew that although he could support his daughter's implementation of the portal, when would he be able to support it? He is old and there is not much time left. So he wants to lay the foundation for his daughter to rule the empire more thoroughly, and to do so, Li Wei is undoubtedly the easiest way.

Let the princess show her strength and let the nobles of the empire know that Pinna Golanda is a stronger existence than the old emperor. Therefore, the old emperor planned this war against the Academy and the Silver Hand, and let everyone know the true power of the Academy and the Silver Hand through the war. At the same time, the emperor was also testing whether Pinna really had the determination not to give up, even at the expense of family affection for the empire.

It turns out that Pinna really did it, so the last obstacle was the old emperor himself. Finally, the old emperor calmly drank the poison in his bedroom and left the world safely.

Yes, there was no suicide note originally, but Kidd prepared this suicide note for the old emperor after considering it. After seeing it, the princess naturally knew the old emperor's good intentions.

Now that Pinna's position has been consolidated, she now wants to promote the portal plan without hindrance, and even if there is, she will be destroyed by the Silver Hand.

It was too late when Kidd knew everything, and he did not expect a father to give up the interests of the entire royal family for his daughter. In the end, this suicide note is just a comfort, the most difficult to guess is the hearts of the people.

Pinna seemed calm, but sadness was inevitable in her eyes. My father gave everything to herself, and now she wants to accomplish not only her own hope, but also the hope of her father and the entire empire. Therefore, the portal plans to develop across the empire. First, build the magician tower and the holy light hall.

After the establishment is completed, the magician of the academy will set up the portals one by one. If the empire wants to change, it starts with traffic habits.

Earth, the first batch of three-year long-term residence permits were issued, and more than 50,000 people signed up. Finally, 1,000 people were selected for further medical examinations.

The crossing requirements, first have money, second, be healthy without any disease, and third agree to the terms of crossing. There are many people on the earth who meet the three conditions, and many people are actively signing up. Finally, the first batch of 1,000 people can be said to be the best healthy people among them.

To learn from a world where there is no industrial pollution at all, the fact that there is no industrial pollution alone is already fascinating. Modern people are very squeamish, and the air quality is a little bit bad, and they cried out. Now that they have the opportunity to go to a world without industrial pollution, aren’t they crazy?

Therefore, the first batch of people who applied for the crossing were not the keyboard guys who were talking about it on the Internet, but a group of extreme environmentalists. They are going to escape from the earth to a safe world, and continue to Roar the earth people who pollute the air, bye Up to you.

After going to Tokyo to undergo more stringent medical examinations, they obtained a three-year residence permit, but they were not allowed to leave the imperial capital. Because this is not an immigration, the United Nations does not have any immigration plan. This is just learning and communication. Within three years, this is an absolutely insurmountable basis for the empire.

They agreed to this, and they paid enough dollars to pass. One thousand people, a train sent to Star Castle.

No pets, no medicines, only basic things. Mobile phones can be worn, and the college also covers wifi intimately in order to take care of the upcoming students from the earth. The Empire area has been powered on, and there is no problem with charging.

With a sense of anxiety, the first batch of overseas students embarked on the train to the empire.

Starting from Tokyo Station, after an hour's drive, they entered the portal, and in a blink of an eye they came to the Star Castle.

The Star Castle is now the empire’s most prosperous trading port, and an endless stream of earthlings and empires gather to look for business opportunities.

"It feels similar to the earth, because it is a place where two worlds trade." The UN translator said, he was responsible for the communication between the two parties: "Come with me now, take your luggage and we continue to set off."

"Mr. Translator, are we riding in a carriage?" an international student asked.

Said to be international students, in fact, this group of people are of all ages, from teens to over half a hundred years old. It doesn't matter whether you learn magic or not, the important thing is to live in a place where there is no pollution.

"No, we don't take the carriage." Before leaving, the translator and the staff on the side of the empire had already understood the itinerary of the hurry, walked through the portal and went directly to the school.

Translation can only give a sense of the magic of the magical world.

There are no portals in other places, but Starcastle is the first experimental area to open portals, so naturally there is no problem. Under the guidance of the translator, the group came to a temporary house outside. Now the portal has not been opened to the outside world, and it doesn't take much time for them to queue up and pass through.

In a magical world, the international students opened their eyes and watched the people in front walk into the ‘wall’ and disappear, and then the next one.

Statham closed his eyes, only feeling weightless, and then he fell to the floor. Before I got back to my senses, I was supported by both hands and heard a voice saying: "Go backwards, don't block the people behind from coming out!"

There are still messy sounds of surprise and uneasy voices in the ears, and it is obvious that the international students who have gone through the portal are expressing emotion. Looking around, many people were pulled to the edge of the portal. Just as Statham walked with his front foot, someone came out again behind him. No wonder everyone is told not to block the portal. It turns out that the frequency of entry is too high, and the people behind are about to bump into the people in front.

Thousands of people poured in at a time, making the teleportation side hectic for a while. The main thing is to lift up the foreign students who are not familiar with the portal and pull them to the side.

As long as you don't block the door, you want to stand or sit, feel free to do so.

But the international students chatted with excitement about the first experience of the portal. The excitement was beyond words, and they were simply expressing their feelings in a dance. But they all know that their journey of surprise has just begun, and the portal is just the first magic they come into contact with after coming to Otherworld. ..

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