Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 903: Old Friends\r

Three, the three magicians that Meilin found: Rin Tosaka, Shiro Eimiya, and Sakura Makiri.

"Is this the Holy Grail War?" The summoning of Saber was only the night before. Shiro Weimiya, an amateur magician, had no idea that when the Holy Grail War started, everyone except himself might be an enemy.

The innocent boy did not have the ability to be the master, nor the ambition to seize the Holy Grail. He just thought it was a boring magic game, but the cruelty of this game was beyond his imagination.

"Rin, what's going on?" Wei Gong asked the magician who seemed to be better than himself.

"Does this still need to be asked, it is the servant of the heroic spirit!" Tosaka Rin was completely speechless to the guy who summoned the saber to the shit transporter. This kind of half-hanging person to participate in the Holy Grail War is simply looking for death.

"Is such an old man also a heroic spirit?" Shiro Weimiya asked suspiciously.

Rin Tosaka also has this suspicion, because the posture when the heroic spirit is summoned should be the strongest state, even if the magician needs the accumulation of knowledge, but the physical aspect should also be when the physical strength is the most abundant, why this heroic spirit will be the old man Appearance?

"there's still one!"

As soon as Mei Lin's voice fell, the controlled Ma Tongying also came to the rooftop.

"Sakura?!" Rin Tosaka didn't expect Mei Lin to call his sister on the rooftop. Now Rin Tosaka felt that his actions had been interfered by magic and acted against his will. This interference was brief but unfriendly.

Makiri Sakura didn't know why she went to heaven, nor why Shiro Eiya and Rin Tosaka appeared here: "Ms. Eimiya, Tosaka-san?" She blushed, and she thought the first two were on the rooftop. It's a date.

"It's all here, let me see who is the master of Rider now." Merlin first ruled out Tosaka Rin, because her hero obviously had someone else. Then he looked at Wei Gong and Ma Tong Ying, but frowned suspiciously.

Ma Tong Ying had obviously summoned heroic spirits, but now there was no spell, indicating that the attendants had moved. And Shiro Wigiya’s curse is still there. Is Shiro Wigiya the owner of Rider, and it’s true that Shiro Wigiya looks like half a bucket of water, which is in line with Rider's performance, but why Shiro Wigiya gives him the feeling of deja vu? ?

Merlin would not be eager to make a judgment, but closed his eyes: "The intelligence is satisfied, launch, the technique of prophecy!"

Opening his eyes again, Merlin's eyes were golden, as if he could see through the truth.

"Be careful!" Archer appeared and stood in front of Rin Tosaka.

"Magic induction? No, what the hell is this?" Rin Tosaka had never seen this kind of power before, as if his entire existence had been seen through.

Archer feels the same pressure, and everything about him is seen through these golden eyes: "See through the enemy's eyes from the source and interfere with the magic of cause and effect? ​​No, it is a great forbidden curse to establish cause and effect." "You have to define our future. Huh, Caster?" Archer, as a hero, stood on his hair in an instant.

The so-called prophecy is not to predict an uncertain future by prophecy, it is just a guessing; it is a prophecy that can indeed determine what will happen in the future through words. It is not a prediction, but a decision.

The prophecy is not fulfilled, but from the day the prophecy appears, the future has been confirmed.

This level of magic is no longer something humans can use. And anyone who can use this kind of magic has never heard of it.

Seeing the people in these local worlds so surprised, Liu Adou can only sigh that people in this world have no doubts about the Ability of Alaya Consciousness. However, Liu Adou was also unable to speak while standing. Alaya Consciousness is absolutely dominated in this world. People who live under control, especially magicians who rely on Alaya Consciousness, naturally believe in Alaya Consciousness.

The so-called prophecy dictates the future, and only believers say so. It's like planting a "don't imagine the idea of ​​an elephant" in someone. Don't the people who are planted with the idea immediately think of the elephant?

Now that the prediction says what will happen to you in the future, do you have to do it? This prophecy magic is actually just a psychological suggestion plus some control, making yourself think that the prediction really plans the future. Definitely powerful magic magician's predictions can interfere with people doing a lot, making people approach the predictions unknowingly.

The technique of definitely prophecy is the so-called ‘mystery’. Mystery is the ultimate power of the magician. Once exposed, the magician loses his power. The mystery was given by Alaya Consciousness, and the magician firmly believed in it.

"Mystery" is indeed not nothingness, nor is it a fiction. For example, it is predicted that the magician can't interfere with the world except for psychological hints, but the alaya consciousness can. In order to convince the magician to believe in himself, the alaya consciousness also It will help the magician to realize the prophecy to the greatest extent possible.

To put it simply, it is the carrot and stick principle. Even the gods are used to this. There will be disasters and gifts to make everyone believe in themselves.

Liu Adou did not understand the absolute dominance of Alaya Consciousness over this world, and naturally did not understand that people in this world, whether magicians or heroic spirits, must strictly guard the game rule of Alaya Consciousness. It said that prophecy is to plan for the future. Yes. That's why Archer was so shocked, and at the same time didn't understand who the enemy was in front of him?

People who can use such magic are definitely not ordinary heroes. Who are they? There are only a handful of great prophets in history, and even fewer can be summoned. Who are they?

"I see your future, full of sacrifice and pain. The darkness will follow you forever like a shadow, and will never be separated!" Merlin said.

"Damn, this kind of future is not what I want!" There is no way, attack, Rin Tosaka would not accept this kind of future.

However, no one asked her to accept it, but she had taken the prediction seriously in her subconscious, and she had become the part of the resistance.

For people in this world, Liu Adou said that he didn't understand at all. But Merlin's strength is indeed not bad, this is not his full strength, it has scared them into dogs.

Shiro Weimiya is also a big Roar, but he has no idea what to do. He, an amateur magician, has no way to deal with it.

However, just when the three young men thought their future was full of darkness, Merlin's magic suddenly stopped.

"Shi Lang!" The elegant female voice interrupted Merlin's magic.

Isn't this familiar voice the result of a previous life?

Saber who rushed over was also stunned. She just hurried over because she felt that her master was in danger, and she didn't expect to see unexpected acquaintances.

Teacher, friend, comrade-in-arms, the person who guides oneself to victory, the elder whom he admires most in his life. Saber never thought that he would meet Merlin in modern times, or as an enemy.

As the heroic spirit, only one magician and one heroic spirit can meet the wishing machine at the end of the Holy Grail War. Then any combination other than yourself is the enemy.

It's really malicious. ..

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