Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 929: The Eve of the Decisive Battle\r

"It's really a lot of resentment." Liu Adou, who overheard in the dark, was also very speechless to Archer. If he really wanted to change the future, it would be better to kill Wei Gong directly, but he would have to complain.

Don't trouble other people, but have a lot of nonsense about yourself.

Wei Gong had several wounds on his body. Damn it, he could kill him with a single knife, but would he insult him if he didn't kill him? Wei Gong was very angry, but anger couldn't improve his strength.

After being rescued by Kidd, the magic circuit of Wei Gong's body has been penetrated, but the amount of magic power is hard to match compared to Archer. The gap between humans and heroic spirits is simply impossible to bridge. If Archer releases the water carelessly, it might be possible for Wei Gong to succeed, but now Archer is so serious that it is impossible for Wei Gong to defeat the opponent.

However, even if there is a gap, Shiro Wimiya gritted his teeth, ignoring the pain on his body, his eyes were very firm, "No matter what, I will not change my ideals." Ah, the expression of satisfaction when Eimiya Kiritugu saved himself is himself. The pursuit of a lifetime, from that time I knew that saving others and gaining joy is no less than getting promoted and getting rich. Yes, I will never give up: "Archer, I will prove that what you say is wrong. You always deny my ideal and deny me. Doesn't it prove that you have worked hard for the same ideal?"

It was said to be the point, yes, that's how Archer died young. Why can't you persuade him, then don't blame yourself for acting really: "Imiya Shirou, I will prove your stupidity!" "1amtheboneofmysword..."

This body is the bone of the sword

The blood is like black iron, and the heart is crisp like glass

Hand Create Thousand Swords


No confidant

He always stands on the top of Jianqiu, drunk alone in victory

Therefore, life is meaningless

Then this body is an infinite sword system! ! !

The great forbidden curse that erodes the world, the inherent barrier!

The blood-red sky hung huge amounts of this wheel, and the gorgeous marble floor turned into a rugged barren mountain, a sword hill full of swords and blades, dust and iron.

The sword, the endless sword erected on the barren earth, matched the gears between the heaven and the earth, it was full of vicissitudes and despair.

Archer stood on the sword mound and drew out a long sword: "Come on, let me see if your ideal is stronger than these countless swords."

"Ang, I will prove it to you!" Chong, not afraid of the emergence of the infinite sword system, Shiro Weimiya showed determination, holding Ganjang Moye and Archer's countless swords.

Shattered, projected, projected, shattered. Shiro Wimiya challenged the people on the top of the sword hill with all his strength, he would definitely prove that even a borrowed ideal can become his own ideal, as long as he wants to.

The person standing among the swords looked at the two warriors, only feeling that the blood was surging. Isn't the battlefield in this sword the battle of faith for the most suitable man?

Men should be like swords, fighting in iron and blood.

"Stop struggling. Your weapons are borrowed like your ideals. Do you think you can defeat me with the weapons you project? Wishful thinking!" Archer is already determined to kill his young self: " Die!"

Finally, it was not Mo Xie who drew a long sword from the ground and slashed it towards Wei Gong.

Not enough, not enough, just two swords are not enough, Wei Gong looked at the weapon in Archer's hand. My own magic is not just simply copying, but seeing through the treasures, understanding the treasures and using the treasures. Not enough, the magic of his hands overflowed, and this time he no longer projected Qianjiang Moxie, but became a weapon used by Archer.

What Archer uses, Wei Gong will project what, the king is to the king, the queen is to the queen.

Archer has also forgotten how his abilities are against the sky. The bitterness and depression of the long past made him forget his high spirits when he was young, and forget his talent against the genius when he was young.

Evolving in the battle, Wei Gong is finally only one step away from Jianqiu: "Archer, although you have been belittling and rejecting my ideals, but if you have such an idea, it is not proof that you have implemented our ideals to the end. Huh? Now what qualifications do you have to deny my path!"

Shiro Weimiya broke out with an astonishing aura: "Not only do I want to implement my ideals, but I want to go further than you. I will never regret it!"

Archer was distracted, because Wei Gong's words were distracted, did he implement his ideals? Distracted, the weapon in Shiro Weimiya's hand pierced Archer's chest without stopping.

Unexpectedly, Archer, who was obviously repressive, was stabbed to the heart by Shiro Weimiya. It can only be said that Destiny was not on Archer's side, and it was disturbed by Shiro Eimiya's words.

"Don't regret it!" Archer's body has begun to collapse.

"Ang, I will never regret it, even if it is a borrowed ideal, it can become my own ideal." Shiro Weimiya remained firm.

The inherent barrier also disappeared, marking the end of this battle.

Won, but Shiro Weimiya only feels that his responsibility is heavier, and he is responsible for his future.

"A wonderful battle. I didn't expect an ordinary person to fight the heroic spirit and win." "Big brother, I saw you with admiration."

By the way, there is no time to celebrate, and there is an enemy: "Saber."


With Saber's protection, Tosaka Rin can calmly continue the conversation with Ilia: "Your servant is a berserker, then whose servant is this out-of-spec Caster?"

"Oh, don't you know?" Illya smiled: "Now the Holy Grail War has come to an end, and finally you and us are left. The final victory and defeat will be born between you and me. Are you ready?"

Rin Tosaka pretended to be calm: "You have two heroes, and we really suffer."

"Big brother can kill Archer, and his strength is not bad. If his magic power is more sufficient, fighting my Berserker will not be a problem."

Wei Gong hadn't recovered from the previous battle, and he didn't expect to face a new battle. Is this your own destiny, fighting constantly?

"Ilia, we have no reason to fight at all. Why do we fight for a Holy Grail that doesn't exist? That's weird." Wei Gong didn't want to fight anymore.

"Youth is not strange at all." But Kidd came out from the second floor and appeared in front of everyone: "The first battle just now was very exciting. You have improved again as a teenager, so you are further away from your ideals. ,congratulations."

"Moonlight Magician?" Unexpectedly, I didn't expect Moonlight Magic to appear in the end.

Rin Tosaka had a weird face and said, "It seems that you are the last magician, the owner of Caster outside the specifications."

"Girl, your observation is really sharp, which surprised me. That's right, I am the master of Merlin."

Merlin, did he carelessly make his servant status public? "Is the legendary friend of King Arthur, the great magician Merlin? Another difficult character to deal with, trouble!" Rin Tosaka complained.

And Wei Gong was completely stunned, "Moonlight Magician, aren't we friends?" Didn't he treat himself, and gave him a mask? Why would he stand on the opposite side of him.

"Youth, you can't fight without talking about your friends." Moonlight Magic smiled: "As long as you don't understand the truth of justice, the battle will not end in one day." ..

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