Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 932 The Knight's Sorrow\r

With the power of protection, Saber finally knew where his scabbard was. "Shirou!" The wounded Saber dragged his blood-stained body and returned the holy sword into the scabbard, blocking the enchantment without any magical intervention for an instant. The berserker's attack.

The knock-up effect appeared, and the berserker who had been on the attack actually flew upside down twenty or thirty meters, and then rolled on the ground for a few more times before stopping.

There was a flaw, Saber drew his sword and pierced the heart of the Berserker: "There are ten more times!"

"Roar!" Swinging a stone axe to force Saber back, the wound on his body disappeared visibly. It is worthy of the twelve trials. Isn't it impossible to win without killing him twelve times?

What a tricky opponent, Saber was originally injured, and the speed of healing by magic is not as fast as the Berserker. If you continue to fight like this, you will be in danger.

"Do you want to admit defeat?" Ilia said, "You have no chance of victory."

It seemed to be true, and besides the Berserker, Wei Gong also looked at Kidd, who had not been moving. He didn't understand why he fought: "Moonlight Magician, we don't have to fight at all."

It seems that this kid hasn't understood: "Young man, don't you realize how difficult the road you have chosen? I just gave you the simplest lesson."

"What class is this kind of battle? It doesn't make sense at all." Shiro Wimiya was about to persuade Kidd to end this no longer necessary battle with his own words. The bad guys are over. Now they should end up peacefully. Why do they still fight? They don't ask for any holy grail, they can simply sit down and chat.

Kidd shook his head: "The name of this lesson is despair, boy, have you ever experienced despair?"

Never, so Kidd will prepare for this decisive battle: "When you face a desperate situation, such as impossible things, such as impossible to defeat the enemy, what will you do?" "The Berserker is just your first lesson. That's it, on the road to becoming a righteous partner, without any talent, you must make a choice, whether to retreat or spend a price in exchange for strength."

"Is it the thorns on the path of justice?" Shiro Wei Gong gritted his teeth. That's right, the path he chooses will always encounter such things, so what should I do?

Now they are only training for the same battle. What should he do if he really encounters a strong enemy? As Kidd said, he must make a choice.

No, there is no need to choose. I have always had only one way, and I will never give up. "Even if I give up my life, I will insist on justice."

"Then use your life in exchange for strength." Kidd is also trying to force Wei Gong Shirou to unearth all his potential.

Turn your life into strength, and shout out the name, "I will never give up, even if my life is exhausted, I will not give up my path. Come out, my substitute-thousands of threads!"

Behind Weimiya Shirou appeared a gradually forming mummy. It was really a mummy, but a red light appeared under the bandages around his eyes, which made people know that what appeared was not a kind person.

Only Kidd can see definitely. Others can't see the double: "Is it finally out? This double is really interesting. Shiro Wimiya uses the power of the double!"

"You don't need to say, I will too." "Go ahead, thousands of silks."

In the eyes of other people, Shiro Weimiya just waved his hand, and the berserker on the opposite side could not move. Kidd could see clearly that the shriveled mummy stretched out his hands, and the bandages on his arms flew endlessly towards the berserkers and bound the berserkers.

"Berserker, what's the matter with you?" Illiya was startled. She hadn't noticed anything. Why did the Berserker suddenly stop moving?

At the moment Shiro Wimiya is also gritted his teeth and insisted that the power of the stand-in is not too exaggerated, so it is not easy to trap the Berserker who is known for his power: "Quickly, Saber, I can't control how much time."

"Give it to me Shirou, Rin, please use the spell." Saber wanted to vent all his magic power this time, trying to take away the Berserker all at once.

"Come on Saber, don't hesitation, don't slacken, show all your strength." Three consecutive spells pushed Saber's state to the top, this time everyone worked hard.

Saber abandoned the battle skirt, concentrated all his magic power on the holy sword, and must take away the berserker: "Shirou, Rin, I am very willing to fight alongside you!"

All the magic power is released in one blow.

"Roar—" The berserker screamed in agony as he was drowned in light.

"Berserker?" Although Ilia knew that the Berserker was leaving sooner or later, the Berserker was the first to protect her existence voluntarily, and Illia was still very worried about him.

Saber's last blow, all the magic power to maintain her existence was injected by her, it can be described as a life-death blow, with the power of killing God, showing the king's style, worthy of King Arthur, and even breaking the nine trials of the Berserker.

A long time ago, the time flowed again. King Arthur was rushed by Bediwell to the woods next to Camran Hill. Looking at King Arthur while he was dead, the knight’s grief came from it: "King Arthur... you go and call Soldiers come, please rest here now."

"Bedwell..." Time flowed again, and King Arthur was finally free from the battlefield. The final battle with Hercules was without regret: "I had a long dream..." "I haven't done anything before. Dreams are very rare manifestations."

"Then please continue to rest, close your eyes again, and you will definitely see the continuation of the dream."

"The continuation of the dream?"

"Yes, I have had such an experience before, as long as there is a strong hope in my heart." Bediville forcefully endured grief.

"Really? You are really knowledgeable." King Arthur's memory of the heroic spirit is not clear, like a dream, but her unwillingness has been smoothed out: "Bedwell, take my sword and go through this woods. , Cross the blood-stained hill and throw it into the elven lake."

Return the holy sword to the elf? Bediwell knew that if he did this, King Arthur would always close his eyes. But this is the king's fate, I have to follow it.

Twice in a row, while riding a horse, Bediville did not return the sword, deceiving King Arthur that he had completed the task. But because he could not describe to King Arthur the scene where the elves retrieved the holy sword, he was exposed by King Arthur.

The last time Bedwell’s eyes were full of tears, and he finally reined in front of the Fairy Lake, the holy sword in his hand seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. Now he was able to throw the holy sword down, but this was tantamount to ending King Arthur's life.

But this is the third time, can I continue to violate King Arthur's orders? Finally he threw the holy sword into the lake, splashing ripples, and the heavy sword did not sink. It seemed that the invisible hand was holding the holy sword. In vaguely, Bediville seemed to see the elf and an old man sticking the holy sword to the lake. go.

This time Bediwell was finally able to return to life, holding back his crying: "...King Arthur, the sword has indeed been returned to the fairy in the lake..." Withstanding the tears, Bediwell knew that this was the last of King Arthur.

King Arthur is very peaceful and serene like never before: "Really, Bediwell, stand up, you have fulfilled the king's mission faithfully..." "Bediwell..."

The girl in front of her was already mad at her, Bediwell stood straight beside her, fulfilling the final responsibility of being a knight of the king, and protecting the king at the end: "Yes..."

"This sleep will be... longer..." Closing my eyes, the last Roar sucked like an orchid withered, in the sunlight in the scattered leaves, King Arthur, the Celtic hero died.

King Arthur, have you seen it? The continuation of the long dream...

A gust of wind sent Bediwell's gaze to the distant future, the era of dreams, and the space of Chimei, where King Arthur would surely be happy. ..

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