Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 940: Marching in a Dream\r

The rain outside the car window was as fast as a knife. Wen Yuan frowned. He was the political commissar of the third logistics command of the 38th Army. He was undergoing closed training in Inner Mongolia, but he suddenly received an order to urgently transfer five cooking platoons. Go to the Hongqi base.

Because of the urgent order, he was only given ten hours to take five cooking platoons, nearly two hundred people, and forty vehicles including off-road vehicles, refrigerated vehicles, water tankers, and kitchen vehicles to the base two hundred kilometers away. Assemble, time is running out.

Wen Yuan had to call out five cooking platoons from the five most elite companies in the training camp, and then set off overnight.

However, it happened that it rained heavily that night. Because the training camp was in a remote location and heavy rain washed away, the only river bridge was broken, and the whole team could not move on.

"Commissar, the bridge in front is broken." The driver who drove was soaked and stood outside the car and said to Wen Yuan.

The thing I worry about most happens. This kind of thing is most likely to happen on rainy days. Either the bridge collapses or the road is broken, or the road is blocked by mudslides. The most feared thing about marching on a rainy day is that the sky is not beautiful.

Get off the car and check the situation in the rain.

"Political commissar, what should I do?"

"Do we have tools for laying bridges?" Wen Yuan asked.

The platoon leaders looked at each other. They were cooking platoons, and paving the bridges and passages has always been the work of the engineers. "Political commissar, my motorcade only has cooking utensils." A large platoon leader said naively: "If you want to see, we still contact now. The regiment headquarters, let them send engineers to lay the bridge as fast as possible."

"It's too late. It's been more than five hours since the preparation for the convocation and the departure. I can't wait any longer." Wen Yuan said, and the rain poured into his mouth as soon as he opened his mouth. "Looking at the navigation, I remember there is a bridge upstream."

"Political commissar, I know, but it's just a wooden bridge built by the local herders for convenience. Our water tankers and refrigerated trucks are all heavy vehicles, and I'm afraid they will not make it through."

The platoon captains didn't know what the task was. They only knew it was urgent, but God didn't help. It was too dangerous to go to the wooden bridge.

It’s too late. The above order is that you must arrive at the Hongqi base in ten hours no matter what. This is a formal combat order, and one moment cannot be wasted: "Go upstream."

There is no navigation on the wooden bridge upstream, and everyone can only rely on the platoon leader who knows the way to show the way. The road was muddy and rugged, and the wheels seemed to be dancing on the waves, making the people in the car dizzy. However, as the main army's cooking class, even the quality of cooking is excellent. Along the way, the soldiers gritted their teeth to resist the nausea, and ran across the muddy dirt road to the wooden bridge.

The wooden bridge is still there, but it is swaying in the waves. Looking at the two-meter wooden deck, it makes people feel completely insecure.

"Political commissar, the bridge is too narrow, and the two wheels are about to emerge, too?"

It is very dangerous. This wooden bridge may be washed down by the rising river at any time, but the political commissar received an urgent combat mission. If it cannot be reached within ten hours, it is a mission failure and may destroy the entire battle.

"Yes, let the soldiers get out of the car, bring the kitchen utensils and pass first, and then the cart is in the front and the cart is in the back, passing by."

"Yes!" Although there were doubts before, as long as the order was issued, it would be completed without hesitation, and the five platoon leaders immediately proceeded to make arrangements.

After a while, two rows of soldiers, each with their pots and pans on their backs, stepped on the wooden bridge in the rain, and crossed the bridge creakingly.

"Pharaoh, you go and take the soldiers on the road first. I stayed with the other squad leaders and waited for the car to pass." The political commissar said, "Even if we don't follow, you must arrive at the Hongqi base on time. Remember this is an order."

"Yes, I promise to complete the task." The heavy rain had no mercy, blurring his vision.

The car lights can only vaguely let the driver see the bridge deck, so someone must direct the car in front of the car. Although the driver is experienced, the difficulty is evident in passing a wobbly bridge in such a harsh environment.

The person who guides leads the way ahead so that the car knows the direction ahead. The wooden bridge hit by the roaring river creaked. With the weight of the car, the bridge seemed to collapse at any time.

The driver heard this sound like a reminder. The first few jeeps were fairly light, but behind them were water tankers and refrigerated trucks.

The water in the water tank has been released from before the bridge. Now it’s not a question of whether there is water in the destination. The current problem is to safely drive the water tanker over. If it is full of water, the car will probably have to be used. The bridge broke.

But even if the car was empty or the water tanker got on the bridge, there was a creak on the bridge deck, which shocked everyone. Fortunately, there was only a sound of getting on the bridge. Although the bridge deck was bent, it did not break.

Yes, Wen Yuan gritted his teeth and continued to command the driver. The wheels on both sides pressed dangerously on both sides of the bridge deck, and the sidewalls all came out of the bridge.

If it is estimated that ordinary drivers will be scared to pee now, fortunately, military drivers have to train to adapt to various environments. Although crossing the bridge is difficult, it is not impossible.

One, two...

As he went to the back, Wen Yuan's heart became more tense, because the bridge deck under the lights had cracks, and the water flow was getting more and more urgent. Seeing that the bridge was either collapsed or broken, the last refrigerated truck must pass safely.

Click! This sound was clearer than all the abnormal noises before, and louder than the crackling rainstorm.

No, the bridge finally couldn't support the heavy pressure and was about to break.

When the driver saw that the person leading him had reached the shore, he did not hesitation and suddenly increased the accelerator, the rear wheel accelerated and rushed forward before the bridge fell.

Successfully landed!

My heart raised my throat, but I finally crossed the bridge: "Everyone gets in the car, let's chase the troops in front." It has become a mess, but now I can’t take care of it anymore. The entire convoy has spent time crossing the river It's almost two hours.

It wasn't until dawn that the rain gradually subsided. The first soldiers merged with the later convoy and drove on the highway to accelerate towards the Hongqi base. More than nine hours have passed.

But when it was too late, Wen Yuan, who was soaked all over, had seen two huge amounts of black shadow appearing on the horizontal line. He opened his eyes wide to see what it was?

The people in the base were full of voices, the searchlights that hadn't been extinguished all night are now on, and the passing vehicles delivered the materials in trucks.

In those two extremely large behemoths that stand tall. Wen Yuan's eyes widened, only feeling that his three views had been subverted. That was the Moonlight Journey and the Krypton spacecraft.

The slight vibration caused Wen Yuan to open his eyes. It was an unfamiliar space. Have you dreamed? Obviously, what happened only two days ago, as if it had been a long time ago, has begun to become a dream of memories. It seems that the experience of these two days has exhausted myself physically and mentally, but everything is just the beginning.

Five cooking squads were scattered on two spaceships, and together with logistics chefs from European countries, they cooked meals for tens of thousands of people on the spacecraft. The hangar is divided, part of the space is used as a restaurant, and the kitchen car is parked in the corner, where everyone is in full swing for cooking.

Now they are in the universe. Thinking about that night, it was really thrilling, but the subsequent experience was even more dramatic. Wen Yuan never dreamed that he would come to the universe, but the starry sky outside the window told him that everything was true. The starry sky changes and moves, like the torrential rain the night before, making people's heart beat faster.

However, Wenyuan’s experience is just one story among many intense preparations, and there are more orders that make Roar’s nervousness going on at the same time. Countless soldiers are working hard to build the last line of defense on earth, and they will be remembered by history. . ..

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