Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 942 The first wave (earlier, to see the dawn of justice)\r

"The Genesis Star fleet has already set off, and it is estimated that it will arrive soon." Big Bada reported to the hypocritical grandmother.

"Well, are all the preparations ready?" The chubby old lady wore retro armor with a murder weapon on her waist.

"It's all ready." The beautiful Big Bada said responsibly in a gorgeous armor.

"Then you go down."

After Big Bada exited the door, her eyes showed helplessness. She knew that there was a life sphere in the solar system, and the earth might be destroyed if the war started. She is going to discuss with her lover whether she can help the people on earth.

The Nemesis team specializes in female assassins, female tyrants, and Big Bada is the team leader, acting alone, and is a powerful subordinate of hypocritical grandmothers. No one thought that she would consider the safety of the people on earth, but the fact is that she has changed, and her character of cold-blooded killing has changed because of love.

Big Bada’s lover is the son Scott, who was exchanged by Heavenly Father to Darkside, who has been imprisoned by Darkside on Apocalypse, but even if the situation is painful and unbearable, he has not changed his kindness. Heart.

No one has ever escaped from the star Apocalypse, but Scott escaped from the abyss and hid in this fleet with the help of Great Pada.

It was only by chance that Big Bada broke into the abyss before he met Scott. Even though he was chained to the star of hatred, the man who suffered in the dark abyss still relied on his innocent and brave heart. I can'see' the colorful blooming,'hear the Roar's playful fish sucking,'feel' the warm touch of the scorching sun.

Such a man attracted Big Bada. She never knew that there was such a beautiful place outside the Apocalypse star of Doom. She liked to hear Scott talk about the outside world. And Scott also discovered that the female soldier of the Nemesis team is not inherently evil, but lacks care and education.

After a few encounters, love formed between the two of them, and Big Bada decided to use this opportunity to help Scott escape.

"Earth?" Scott has been imprisoned for too long, and he doesn't know where the earth is: "But if there is a danger, we should really help them."

"Then what shall we do?" Big Bada thought Scott must have a way.

After thinking about it, Scott felt that the chaos could be used: "After the creation star fleet comes, we can use the opportunity to snatch a spaceship and then contact the creation star fleet so that they can protect the earth."

Very good idea, "Just do it." Anyway, Big Bada has more muscles and fewer brain cells. Fighting is what she is best at.

The Genesis Star Fleet, large and small spaceships flew at a mighty high speed.

Orion knew they were about to reach the solar system soon: "Where is the Doomsday fleet?"

"They have entered the solar system and are now approaching the fifth planet in the solar system. They are slowing down and seem to be starting to replenish."

"Okay, the whole fleet accelerates. We want to destroy them in the solar system." Oliver was very confident and didn't consider the matter of reconnaissance at all. What kind of messy tactics can only be used by unconfident generals, and bold generals will never use any tactics. The creation star fleet is one of the most powerful in the galaxy, and Oliver's personal strength is amazing, against the thief of the Apocalypse star. Completely worthwhile.

The war is about to start.

Checking all the instruments, the soldiers in the spacecraft looked serious, whether they were ground crews or flight crews. Each space fighter is surrounded by three to four ground crews, and many of them are workers in the production workshop. Although the space fighter is smaller than the ground fighter, there are many components.

The bullet chains are filled into the magazine little by little, and guided missiles are also hung under the wings. The characteristics of the second generation and the first generation of the python have basically not changed. The biggest difference is that a laser turret has been added under the belly of the aircraft, and the mobility has been increased.

A fuel vehicle drove to the side of the fighter jet and began to inject fuel.

Because there are no supporting facilities in the spacecraft, the fuel is stored in a centralized manner, and then delivered to various places by fuel vehicles. Anyway, there is a lot of space, and it doesn't matter if you drive.

To compress the position to about two hundred kilometers, two hundred kilometers in the universe is almost face-to-face. But everyone knows that the distance is difficult to control after the war, and it is good to be able to block the enemy, and it is not difficult to control the distance.

While everyone is still preparing, the bridge has already entered a state of preparation: "Everyone is ready, start to drop delayed torpedoes."

"Understood." There were many more barrels, but Ling Boli's regiment was fully capable of it.

Two rows of barrels were opened from the abdomen of Moonlight Journey, and the flame-throwing cosmic torpedo flew into the universe quietly.

"After arriving at the destination, turn off the fish engine, disguise the torpedo as a meteorite fragment, and start it again when the enemy comes." It is about to start war.

There were also two space fighters that set off at the same time as the torpedoes, and they went to detect the situation. Although there is a radar, the driver’s vision is required to make the intelligence more three-dimensional.

"Superman, we have arrived at the designated location, and we are about to enter the radio silence." This is the Flightman's code name for the Krypton spacecraft-Superman.

"Understood, wait until you see the spacecraft and report back." Batman has a general taste.

The fighter jets also turned off their engines, and the pilots could only use tin foil to protect their body temperature. Fortunately, they didn't need to wait long, and the overwhelming fleet finally appeared in front of them.

I thought that the Moonlight Journey and the Superman were big enough, but now I see the overwhelming fleet that feels weak and small. The enemy's fleet was densely lined up in several folds, passing by the space fighters magnificently. This is no longer a power that humans can understand, it is terrible.

The enemy, the enemy is coming.

When he appeared before him, the soldiers realized that the gap between the earth and the alien civilization was not merely quantitative. Can your own weapons cause harm to these alien spaceships?

In fact, when he saw these fleets with his own eyes, Kidd also suspected that the weapons of the earth might not be useful, especially live ammunition attacks.

But I can’t think about it now, Kidd connected Batman, "I'm ready."

Batman glanced at the enemy's distance and nodded slightly: "Start attacking."

"Detonate the fish."

The torpedo floating in the space restarted and rushed towards the enemy spacecraft.

The first wave of explosions sounded, marking the beginning of the entire battle.

"The whole bomb exploded, and the hit rate was 82%," Ling Boli said.

"What about the enemy?" I hope the torpedo is effective.

"Two enemy ships slowed down significantly, and the speed of the other targets remained unchanged."

Sure enough, it’s not good news, but now that the war has started, I can only continue: "All barrels are open, and all bombs are ready for launch!" There are as many effects as ordinary attacks can be effective, and the main output depends on Superman. ..

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