Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 952 The Eye of Heaven\r

Just when the gunshots fired behind Liu Adou, making him think he could do it, he realized that the person who followed him did it first. Infighting?

Liu Adou looked at the man behind him who was drawing guns and shooting each other, completely speechless.

"Don't be afraid, sir, we are government officials!" One of the gunmen said to Liu Adou: "We are here to protect you."

? Even more strange, why are there government officials here?

The man who seemed to be an agent was extremely skilled, and he suppressed the enemy with a single clip. It can be said that his marksmanship is like a god, and definitely has something to do with just an ordinary person on the other side.

Just as Liu Adou was thinking about who was protecting himself, a black classic MPV braked and opened the door in front of Liu Adou: "Sir, there is no time. Get in the car."

Oh, this is the scene where I met the old driver. Liu Adou stepped into the car without hesitation, he wanted to see where they were.

The car drove away immediately, and there was no agent who was still in a gunfight behind him.

"Who are you guys?" After an intersection, Liu Adou could finally speak with peace of mind: "Is it S.H.I.E.L.D?"

"Sir, we are not S.H.I.E.L.D, but we cannot disclose any information about the organization, please forgive me."

"Then where are you taking me?" Liu Adou asked again.

"Sir, you'll know soon, please stay calm and not irritable, sir." It's really a dripping guy.

There were only three people in the car, except for the agent who let Kidd get in the car by the door. There were also two people in the driver's seat and co-driver's seat. They were in uniform black suits with a serious expression of strangeness.

Who on earth is Liu Adouxin staring at him? Forget it, let's take a look at the place, so he quieted down. The car drove straight out of New York, heading inland.

After two hours, the car drove into a heavily guarded factory. The factory should be just a cover, it should be the base of an agent organization, and the people inside are all government employees.

"Sir, here we are."

Liu Adou got out of the car and stretched his body, behaving very calmly.

"Here, sir." These agents were respectful throughout, and Liu Adou believed that they would not be dangerous to him.

There really is something to produce here, it's too comprehensive for cover.

Going directly to the manager's office, the leading agent stopped: "Please go in by yourself, sir. Our boss is inside."

Liu Adou nodded slightly, held the spherical lock, and pushed open the ordinary wooden door.

This is a very simple office, not at all like the workplace of the leader of the agent organization. The disguise is very good, but with Liu Adou's keen observation, he still found more than three monitors. Obviously, the agent organization is the agent organization.

Looking at the fat black woman sitting behind the office desk, Liu Adou immediately knew who he was being targeted. It turned out to be the opponent of S.H.I.E.L.D, the political enemy of my dear wife Ada, and Ms. Amanda from the Sky Eye Society.

"Who are you?" Although I recognized it, Liu Adou's first meeting with Amanda was naturally not good for showing recognition.

"Mr. Liu Adou, it's an honor to see you. Sorry, I brought you here to protect your safety. I hope you can forgive me." Amanda is also very polite.

No matter what you do, you will steal if you don’t want to be a traitor. Liu Adou and Amanda have never had anything to do with each other before. When they suddenly found themselves this time, they definitely didn’t go to the Three Treasures Hall. "Who are you?"

"Forgot to introduce myself, I am Amanda, the leader of the Sky Eye Club." Amanda said.

Liu Adou continued to express his incomprehension: "What is the Sky Eye Meeting?"

"Sky Eye is a secret organization of the US government, mainly responsible for national security. These are not important. The important thing is that I have invited Mr. Liu to come here this time. I need your help." Amanda turned from behind her desk. He came out and poured a glass of water for Liu Adou, "Sit down, don't be restrained."

Sure enough, I knew something was going on, but what would it be? Why would the Sky Eye find itself? I don't understand, Liu Adou can't think of what he can do for the eyes of the sky.

After taking a sip of water, Liu Adou put down the cup and looked at Amanda: "Then what can I do to help you?"

"It deserves to be a human being recognized by the Odin God, Mr. Liu's bearing is indeed well-deserved."

? "I don't know what you are talking about." Isn't this only a few agents of S.H.I.E.L.D know about it?

"Mr. Liu, you don't have to hide it anymore. I already know a lot about your information. I also know that you have cooperated with X-Men to fight the Hulk in Mexico, showing you the strength far beyond the Hulk." Amanda is actually the most recent. Only obtained this information from SHIELD. She still doesn't know that Liu Adou and Ida are actually husband and wife, because although they held a wedding on Paradise Island, they didn't get the certificate and there was nowhere to check. And although some people in S.H.I.E.L.D know that Liu Adou and Ada are husband and wife, they are now Ada's diehards and naturally they will not betray her.

Liu Adou didn’t think that his strength surpassed the Hulk at that time, but Amanda said it all. It seems that SHIELD’s intelligence has been leaked, and there is nothing to refute himself: "Thanks to the power of Odin, if there is no With Odin’s shirt, I’m not the Hulk’s opponent either."

"I don't see it just like that, Mr. Liu." Amanda's fat pile of smiles: "More importantly, you are fighting with you, but the special group of humans, Mutant."

Liu Adou understood the other party's intentions, but he did not continue to listen to Amanda's words: "Mr. Liu, I don't know what you think of the several large-scale alien invasions that have occurred on Earth in recent years?"

"..." Liu Adou looked at Amanda blankly, as if he didn't understand what the other party meant: "What do you think?"

"Mr. Liu, you have to pretend to be stupid, but I know your ambitious goal, to turn Miss Aisha into a big star known to the entire universe. Didn’t Mr. Liu ever think that we humans are facing alien invasion? Should I do this at the time?" Amanda exposed Liu Adou's performance.

Liu Adouxin said that the other party had done a lot of investigations. Although they were conducted a few years ago, there have been few incidents of his stay on Earth One recently. The other party estimates that he cannot find his latest information.

"Avengers did a good job with the Justice League. Even if there are more aliens, I am not afraid." Liu Adou continued to fight haha. He still doesn't know what is going on in Amanda, but he only knows that Amanda's approach to him seems to be related to Mutant.

Amanda shook her head, the fat on her neck was shaking: "Superhero is very good, but it is only a small number of invaders, we must know that in the universe we humans have not encountered a real enemy, if there is one If aliens appear in the solar system on a spacecraft with even greater amounts of than New York City, superhero alone is not enough. If aliens invade on a large scale, what should we humans do?"

"Those things seem to have nothing to do with me, I'm just a director."

"But you are also a member of humanity." Amanda said: "When the enemy descends into the sky, covering the sky and the earth, we can't just rely on the superhero, we need a troop that belongs to our human beings. Mutant troops." "God has given Mutant Ability, and he will definitely give them a mission, don't you think so, sir?"

Liu Adou finally knows what Amanda needs, and she wants to find Mutant to form a special army. ..

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