Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 957: HYDRA's Infighting\r

"Someone is targeting us," Baron Cetrek said coldly, looking at Mrs. Viper.

"What do you mean by looking at me? Do you think I'm targeting HYDRA?" Mrs. Viper's expression was bad: "You have to apologize for your rashness."

"Madam, don't forget, you have had a relationship with a betrayer, and I suspect you are not unreasonable." Baron Sitrek said: "If you have nothing to do with all of this, then you should prove it."

"How can I prove it?" Mrs. Viper said coldly.

"Find the person against HYDRA, kill him, and use his head to pay homage to the sacrificed members." Baron Sitrek said ruthlessly, "Only the blood of the killer can calm me down."

Where did Mrs. Viper find the Hell Knight? She wanted to know what the Hell Knight was going to do, but she couldn't find it at all. But it was definitely the hell knight who was assassinating HYDRA's people. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

"Madam, what do you think?"

"You can't find the killer yourself. Don't put the blame on me." The viper master will not be fooled: "Baron, don't forget, you have not compensated for how many mistakes you have made. It is better to make up for it this time, or to be worthy of HYDRA. ."

Ahhh, gritted his teeth, Baron Cetrek said he was nothing but Madame Viper: "I will stare at you. As long as you make any changes, I will never show mercy."

The HYDRA organization is not happy either.

Baron Sitrek was about to leave fiercely, but just as he was about to open the door.


The heat wave pushed the door panel and hit the baron's deflated nose. Then the whole house shook like an earthquake, and even the Viper in the house was blown down by the heat wave.

Murder again? This was Mrs. Viper's first thought after she fell to the ground, but why was it different from the previous murder that was unconscious, and why was a bomb used?

It's definitely not a murder, it's just kidnapping.

Madame Viper and Baron Sitrek both lost consciousness, and the Hell Knight in a suit gracefully walked through the blasted door: "Two guests, just right."

Dark, shaking, it seems to be in the car.

Mrs. Viper was only stunned by Shockwave, and soon recovered. She opened her eyes and found that her head was covered with a black cloth. She could not see anything, but she knew who it was: "Hell Knight Huh? I already smell the disgusting smell of perfume on you."

"Unexpectedly, your impression of me was so deep, and it moved me so much." The Hell Knight took off the cloth bag on Madame Viper's head.

"What the hell are you going to do?" Mrs. Viper was in no mood to tease her lips.

"The life of the betrayer will be used to awaken the soul of the great head of state, and HYDRA will eventually return to the hands of the head of state, for Hitler!" The hell knight is really loyal, and he has done so many things for a Deadman.

Mrs. Viper knew that the other party was completely mad, what good would it be to summon the head of state? Now HYDRA and the others have the final say, why should they find a leader for themselves.

"Hell knight, don't be crazy, that person is dead, isn't HYDRA bad now?"

"Shut up!" The hell knight widened his eyes: "The current HYDRA has long forgotten why to fight, forgetting honor and loyalty. We need a soul, a helmsman to guide us, and only the head of state is the only leader to lead HYDRA. "

Madman, madman through and through!

Madame Viper herself felt crazy enough, but she didn't expect the Hell Knight to actually try to resurrect a Deadman.

"But the Führer is dead, how can you bring him back to the present."

"I'm all ready." The Hell Knight said, "This time I invite you and the guy who betrayed the Führer to witness this moment."

Captain America is still thinking. Black widow, who has rushed back to the United States, has found Captain America: "It is very undesirable to act alone."

I looked up and saw that it was Black widow. Captain America didn't have any surprises, because Black widow seemed to be able to find anyone. Now Captain America is doing the most important thinking to understand why those HYDRA people die.

Black widow doesn't care about Captain America's attitude. Now that she has found it, she will help Captain America find the key to the problem. The graffiti on the parchment, Black widow just glanced at it, and then said: "The life of the betrayer is the key, the lightning is the door, and the undead will return from another world."

"Huh?" Captain America looked up, wondering why Black Widow would suddenly say these things.

"Don't you want to know the content on the parchment?" "The life of the betrayer is the key, the lightning is the gate, and the undead will return from another world. This is the content recorded on the parchment."

"Yes, but how did you know?" Captain America thought about this abstract graffiti for several hours without coming up with an answer.

"It's normal if you don't know, because these pictorial words were written by Gregory Yefimovich Rasputin, who was called a demon monk in the last century. I only learned it occasionally." Black widow Calmly expressed that he was so mysterious.

Rasputin was a mystic during the time of Nicholas II of the Russian Empire. He is an extremely legendary figure. During the teleportation, he messed up the court. He was finally assassinated by dissatisfied ministers, poisoned, stabbed, and shot without killing him. Finally threw him into the cold and biting river. After the body was recovered, an autopsy proved that he was drowned. So there are unexplainable secrets about his legend, similar to necromancer.

"This literal legend is that Rasputin used witchcraft spells. How did you have this thing?" Black widow asked.

After understanding the content of the parchment, Captain America finally remembered where he had seen this pattern.

It is a power station in France, because France surrendered quickly, and urban facilities were preserved. Captain America remembered that once he and his comrades regained a power station occupied by Nazi soldiers, and he saw similar content on the wall of the power plant.

If HYDRA is a traitor and the key, then the power plant should be lightning and the door. Captain America knows, but which power station will they be in? "It's a power station!"

Black widow was taken aback, but she immediately knew what Captain America had in mind: "Director, I think it's a power station. Is there a power station that has an accident?"

Ada immediately investigated power stations across the United States and finally found an abnormality in a power station in Detroit.

Captain America and Black widow immediately rushed to Detroit without stopping.

However, it was too late. The faintly blue arc overflowed from the workshop, and the claws of the octopus were destroyed all around. The length of the arc was the longest kilometer, and the length of the arc was fifty or sixty meters.

Thrilling, repelling thousands of miles.

"We are late." Captain America frowned, and a flash of lightning flew from the power plant to the sky, proving that everything could not be stopped. ..

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