Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 963: Hypocritical Grandma's Gift\r

The earth has humiliated the hypocritical grandmother severely, and now she is going to pay for it, so that the earth will never be peaceful.

At the moment, the star of Apocalypse, the hypocritical grandmother led the Nemesis team with seriousness, watching their emperor fighting the monsters floating in the depths of the universe.

The monster whose body was surrounded by crystal-like bones could rival Daxide, and Daxide's Omega light could not destroy this monster at all.

"Day of destruction!" Hypocritical grandmother muttered to herself, this is simply the day of destruction of Apocalypse.

No one has ever made Darkside so embarrassed, or even make Darkside's forehead bleed. The noble body of the Apocalypse star king was injured, and the hypocritical grandmother couldn't believe it and didn't dare to go forward at all. But she must be prepared, because Darkside doesn't want to fight such a monster anymore.

"Open the portal!" The hypocritical grandmother gave an order, and the Nemesis team opened the mother box, sucking the Doomsday into the golden portal.

But the Doomsday was still struggling, grabbing the edge of the portal, and was not ready to leave.

"This is my planet!" Darkside growled, and then shot two omega rays from his eyes to the chest of the Destruction Sun, finally sending the Destruction Sun into the portal.

"Close the portal." The hypocritical grandmother looked at the place where the portal disappeared and smiled sinisterly. Your end on earth is here!

On the Day of Doom, the never-ending fighter machine strengthens by killing lives. The more people kill, the stronger he becomes. There is no reason, no wisdom, only the instinct to devour life, At the moment no one knows that the terrible day of destruction was sent to the earth by the hypocritical grandmother.

Everyone is still busy, not even aware of the approaching danger.

Doomsday means killing, killing that no one can stop.

The first to suffer was Brazil. The capital suffered a devastating blow, and the army was also completely lost. Thousands of people died, and then the Day of Destruction went all the way north, bringing a bloody storm.

"Did you see the enemy?" Black widow, who was flying the Quin, asked Captain America, who was looking around.

Tragedy, ruined walls, overturned tanks, gunpowder flames, and the cry of the living. It makes people feel empathetic and heartbroken. Captain America clenched his fists, he would never allow anyone to create such a mass murder.

"Look along the trail of destruction, and we will find him." Black Widow said.

Black widow thought of the Hulk. Could it be that Dr. Banner went crazy again? Walking along the trail of destruction, the road was cut off, the bridge was trampled on, countless vehicles exploded and overturned on the road, the wounded were waiting for rescue, and the decedent was exposed to the sun.

"What happened?" Black Widow didn't believe that the Hulk would do these things, and it turned out that it was indeed not the Hulk, but a day of destruction that was even bigger and hideous than the Hulk.

The huge killer surrounded by crystal-like bones, his goal is to kill more people, so he went to the city where a lot of life gathered.

"We must stop him, no matter what monster he is." Captain America said.

"Wait." Before Black Widow finished speaking, Captain America had already attacked. Why can't you wait to see the situation? Black Widow has a very vague premonition.

Captain America's shield was torn. Captain America only felt that his Roar sucked more and more painful. He was just punched by Doomsday, and his entire lungs seemed to explode. The heart is overwhelmed and slower and slower.

Die, Black widow didn't expect Doomsday to be so powerful. It was just a blow to the shield that Captain America was proud of and it was torn apart. Fortunately, there was a shield, otherwise Captain America would have become muddy.

"We need the Hulk." A doctor is also needed. Black widow looked at the terrifying back in the distance, and forcefully moved Captain America back to the fighter plane and flew towards the United States. Go on the same road with the Doomsday, passing by Superman.

Superman is late, boom! Hardly any hesitation Superman rushed towards the Destruction Sun, rubbing the Destruction Sun on the ground.

However, the Destruction Day is completely different from the opponents Superman has encountered in the past. He is a killing machine built using cells of an unknown race in the universe, and his life is to kill all life. He has slaughtered countless planets, getting stronger and stronger has never been wiped out.

boom! Like a missile exploded, the ground was swept up by countless fist winds, but such a powerful fist hitting the face of Doomsday was completely useless.


With a punch from the Doomsday, he shot Superman a few kilometers away, and then continued rushing towards the big city regardless of Superman.

Superman feels his rib is broken, what kind of monster is this? I have never encountered such a powerful creature before, and he is still the kind of monster that just slays savagely without reason.

Superman clutched his aching abdomen, gritted his teeth and chased after him again: "Stop it for me!"

boom! In response to Superman was another heavy punch, which landed on Superman's cheek. Superman only felt that his face was hot, and he was bleeding from his fist?

Superman looked at the wiped blood in disbelief. Is the opponent's fist made of kryptonite? But didn't you feel weak? There is only one possibility, that is, the opponent's fist is beyond imagination and can damage the skin of the Kryptonian that has been irradiated by the yellow sun.

The opponent is very strong, but Superman will not give up and fly again.

Boom, boom, boom! Three consecutive punches hit the back of the Destruction Day, the fist wind swelled, and the surrounding trees were blown uprooted.

He must destroy the enemy here, and he can't let the enemy go to the city. Superman has only this idea. But his attack still didn't work, and the Destruction Day turned God to give Superman a head-on blow. Superman only felt that his nose was broken, and two lines of nosebleeds poured into his mouth.

The force of this fist was too strong, Superman only felt his brain hit back and forth like jelly in his skull, dizzy.

Doomsday jumped again, this time even farther.

It takes time for Superman to recover his mind, this monster is a bit too strong.

Destroying the Japanese city, Superman chased after him. Every time he chased the Doomsday, he would deal a heavy blow to Superman. Let Superman pause for a while, more and more wounds on Superman's body, even the battle suit outside appeared smooth, and the bare skin opened up the wound. Ever since I was young, Superman hasn’t felt as painful as it is today.

"Dear viewers, have you seen it? Superman is in a hard fight, and the monster that suddenly appeared can't even be stopped by Superman." The TV station's helicopter was far away, and only dared to shoot far away with a long focal length.

The huge amounts of monster surrounded by crystal bones, with blue-faced fangs, made people scared. In particular, Superman was beaten to death by it, showing its power even more. The body of less than three meters contains invincible power.

Boom, with a loud thunderous noise, Superman was knocked out like a cannonball and swept from the side of the helicopter, causing the people on the plane to shed cold sweat while shaking.

Looking at Superman again, the cloak on his body was broken, and now he tilted his head back into the hole that was smashed by his back, gritted his teeth and tried to stand up again. How could there be such a terrible monster on earth? Superman couldn't imagine how many people would be killed if such a monster entered the city, so even if he was crushed, he had to stop the enemy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ..

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