Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 972: Teachers and Students\r

Kidd said it very well, but Neo knew it was mostly flicker. Because Neo knew that Kidd had gone out to protect the earth several times, and he really hadn't done anything to help humanity.

But pretty words, everyone likes to listen to them, especially those who haven't been in the world, the more passionate they are, the easier it is to impress them. Coupled with the environment here and the magical encounters, they are a little convinced. Especially Barbara had no doubts from the beginning, and now she is determined to join Titan Academy.

The next step is to visit.

"The top floor is the combat meeting room. When you look up, you can see the sky outside. In fact, it is a screen. When you need to use it, you can turn the glass window into a screen." Kidd gave a demonstration: "You are still young, but you are cooperating. If you do, you can do a lot of things.” The sky is gone, and the glass becomes a screen with a global map. “From here, you can monitor the global abnormal energy readings and decide whether to fight or not according to your needs.” The synchronization is global. satellite.

Then go downstairs, the dormitory, the cafeteria, the virtual training room, and the hangar.

"Cool, can I fly a plane?" Billy jumped excitedly when he saw the handsome and colorful plane ahead.

"Flight platform for all fields, the sky and the earth are omnipotent, even if you go to the universe, there is no problem." This aircraft is a new aircraft built on the Archimedes template, with a more lively appearance, unlike the head of an owl. It's like a cute dolphin: "I haven't named it yet. You can give it a name."

"It's called Death God." Damian played with his cold humor.

Is it possible that such a cute spaceship is called Death God? Barbara was the first to disagree: "I want to call it Ocean because it is blue."

"Hey, man, don't reason with the girl." Billy saw Damian still wanting to speak, and immediately came up to stop him.

"Then it's called Ocean?" Barbara said triumphantly.

Nightwing said: "We can call it Ocean Titan, which fits both the shape and our academy."

So in the end it was decided to call it Ocean Titan, but this gave Liu Adou an inspiration. He could also build Earth Titan and Sky Titan. Then let the three Titans merge into a Titan robot, which seems very good.

Next was the showroom. They saw the secret Ma Ma freezer, which was full of animals and plants.

"What are these?" Barbara felt like she came to the school's biology classroom.

"These are living specimens of some animals and plants in the rainforest." Actually, they belong to other worlds, but everyone should be the same as the earth. Kidd still wants to restore the rainforest. It's just that he hasn't fully recovered yet, so he can only do it slowly: "The rain forest has not disappeared, but it has been sealed."

With pioneering genetic technology, Kidd will definitely be able to completely restore this place.

The three teenagers walked silently in the corridor of the sample, looking at the animals and plants that have disappeared from the earth, some of which have not even been found. "Kid, aren't these things ruined by you?" Damian gave a deceptive look on your face, as if he had seen through Kidd.

"It was indeed destroyed by me, but I collected some samples from other parallel universes, but I haven't collected them yet."

"Parallel universe?"

"These are too early for you, now let's go down and look at your classroom and library." Kidd was not prepared to explain more.

"We visited from top to bottom, but in fact, the bottom is your main place of study. If you go up from the 30th floor, you need identification." There was a mechanical voice as Kidd spoke. .

"Registered students Billy, Barbara, Damian, registered teacher Nightwing." The teacher has a hero nickname, so he directly named Roar by the title. The student does not have his own title, so he matches his real name. The mechanical female voice can distinguish all students.

When the elevator went downstairs, they saw that Hui Yuanai was busy, she was also a teacher now.

Hui Yuan doesn't have a good face for her adoptive father, but she is very busy, and now she still wants to be a teacher, where can she have time.

"Little sister, are you our classmate?" Barbara asked.

"..." Hui Yuanai regretted that she came over without taking the antidote. She should educate these difficult teenagers with her true age: "No, I am your teacher."

"Teacher?!" God, how could there be a teacher of this age.

"Little girl, did you graduate from kindergarten?" Billy said, and he couldn't accept a child younger than himself to teach himself to class.

"I'm not a little girl." Hui Yuan fisted, and the power of the green light ring lifted Billy to the sky: "There must be a minimum of respect for the teacher." Hui Yuan Ai is going to give the three children a bit of power.

Kidd didn't stop him either. He knew that Hui Yuanai knew how to get along with children.

"You actually have a green light ring?" Barbara said in surprise.

"As your teacher, I don't want to do this. I want to teach you useful knowledge." Hui Yuanai said: "Well, my name is Hui Yuanai. Get to know it again."

Although Billy was upset, he knew he shouldn't underestimate Huiyuan.

"I'm preparing your course schedule to learn from the beginning. You have a lot to learn." Huihara said, since she is here, she must do her best: "We will start learning tomorrow."

So anxious?

But Hui Yuanai has already stuffed the textbooks in their hands: "Prepare me tonight."

Ye Yi didn't expect his little colleague to work so hard. He didn't prepare for anything. The Buddy Wing thought he was here to teach them to fight, and he didn't need to prepare here, because he was the best teaching tool.

However, Kidd has a different plan: "Nightwing, you have to teach them law. As for the content of the battle, you can wait until they pass the virtual teaching content before you can start the new content."

"Huh?" I didn't prepare for education and culture class.

"As a superhero, it is still very important to understand the law. You must learn to manage your own abilities during the battle, and understand the law, so that they can know what can be broken and what needs to be protected. To know the organized destruction of public equipment, It’s very interesting."

... Ye Wing is speechless, no wonder it's Kidd the thief, it turns out that the thief also knows the law now. That's right, criminals now are very powerful, advancing with the times, and law-savvy thieves are even more terrifying.

"Well, I will get ready."

But even if two teachers teach in class, there are still few. But the teacher will find it, and then I will discuss it with Batman, and my apprentice, the local tyrant, should be able to find an excellent teacher to teach at Titan Academy. At that time, it is possible for teachers to receive more students, and then more students need to be selected. However, Liu Adou has not yet a good way to select students, and currently he can only find children he knows well. But would ordinary teachers be willing to participate in superhero activities? This is still unknown. ..

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