Mu Wanqing, Shuimu Qinghua, Wanxi Qingyang.

Worthy of being Duan Yu, exporting is to cite the classics. Shuimu Tsinghua comes from the Western Jin Dynasty poet Xie Hun's "You Xichi" two sentences, "The Collection of Songbirds in Lotus Pond, Shuimu Zhan Qinghua". The latter sentence comes from "There is beauty in one person, graceful and clear" in "The Book of Songs Zheng Fengye has vines."

Liu Adou is ashamed of the means of sultry young literary and artistic youths, he is considered coquettish enough in modern society, but standing in front of Duan Yu, Liu Adou actually feels a little inferior. Why can't I be so shameless in front of my sister? To reflect.

Mu Wanqing heard Duan Yu casually and was able to say the source of his name, and his favor with Duan Yu soared. A scholar, he is handsome, he has a sense of justice, he is handsome, he is noble, and he is handsome. If Duan Yu learns martial arts again, he will be perfect.

So Duan Yu took the two sisters and left, leaving Liu Adou standing mournfully under the mountain gate.

"Senior, what are your plans next?" Zuo Zimu saw that the irrelevant people had already left. If Senior wants to leave, they should prepare some entanglements.

Duan Yu has his own adventures. Liu Adou does not need to worry. He now wants to walk around and get a feel for what martial arts is: "The Great Song Dynasty has beautiful mountains and mountains, and stacked Caifengling. I want to go and see." The world is so big, I'm going to see it.

"Then I will prepare for the predecessors."

Liu Adou is not short of money: "You should leave your money to the disciples to improve the food." As he said that Liu Adou had already flown on the mountain gate and turned his back to Zuo Zimu: "The green hills will not change, the green water will flow, goodbye!"

Disappeared? A master is a master, Zuo Zimu can only envy, but if such a master appears, I don't know how much trouble will be caused to the martial arts.

"Speaking of which, where should I go to see?" Liu Adou thought for a moment, but since it was the Northern Song Dynasty, I definitely went to see the Qingming River Tour, to Tokyo, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, and see the prosperous cities of the Northern Song Dynasty.

All the way to Flight, the full picture of the Northern Song Dynasty gradually unfolded in front of Liu Adou. When you come to Tokyo, you can see the same results as the pictures of the river on the Qingming Festival. Merchants travel from the south to the north, camel carriages are endless, and the commerce is prosperous. It is indeed an international city in the world today. The prosperous commerce has brought rich wealth, and here is the foot of the emperor, and it is also a gathering of commodities from all over the world.

Entering from the city gate, I heard countless screams, and almost every shop door would have a small second soliciting customers. Regardless of whether it is the groom who drove the car or the shopkeeper of the station shop, everyone's mental outlook is cheerful and uplifting. Liu Adou also looked specifically to see if there were any knights with swords, but he didn't.

Although it is a martial arts world, it is indeed inconvenient to carry a sword at the feet of the emperor.

Looking for a restaurant, Xiao Er led Liu Adou up to the second floor with a smile on his face: "Objective, what do you order? Our restaurant features roasted duck, roasted chicken, roasted goose, braised pig, braised duck..." I reported the names of twenty or thirty dishes, and it almost became a cross talk.

The level of business is very high, and Liu Adou is very satisfied: "Then let's have a roast chicken and another steamed carp, just two."

"Then what wine should I write about?" Xiao Er asked.

"I don't need wine, just two dishes."

"Okay, one roast chicken and one steamed carp. Officer, wait a moment." Xiao Er left diligently.

Liu Adou looked out the window, there were people coming and going, the location was good. It hasn't arrived yet, but there are already many diners. Seven or eight juniors in the store were busy recruiting Roar, and a scent wafted from the kitchen behind.

After tasting the original ecological green non-polluting food from the Northern Song Dynasty a thousand years ago, Liu Adou turned his hand to the teacup, knowing that if such an ordinary teacup was sold in the West, it would surely be exchanged for a gold coin.

Looking at the flag banners of various shops outside the window, I appreciate the enthusiasm of the people in the Northern Song Dynasty to do business.

It didn't take long for two stacks of dishes to come up, and the restaurant did not deceive the guests. Although the chicken was not big, it was fragrant. After tasting a bite, I found that the taste is okay, except that the salty taste is the original umami taste of the ingredients. It is incomparable with the addition of various spices to the food in the future, but the taste is actually not bad.

Halfway through the two dishes, Liu Adou saw a tattered female beggar downstairs, with two dirty children begging to Xiao Er. The little second didn't say anything badly at all, but he was also a part-time worker, and couldn't be the master to give alms to the beggar, so he just said, "Let's go, let's go."

But the big and two beggars were obviously really hungry, and they just cried for the second. It also makes Xiao Er very embarrassed.

"Xiao Er, prepare a drawer of steamed buns for them, and prepare two roasted chickens and count them on my account."

Xiao Er looked up and saw the diners by the window talking to him, helping the beggar again, and hurriedly responded. Soon the little Er ran up to Liu Adou and said, "The guest officer is really a good person, and a good person will be rewarded." Then he told him what the beggar had said, and repeated to Liu Adou: "They are also poor people. There was originally a bit of Susaka, but after the death of his husband, the field was also robbed by several uncles and elders, so he could only bring his children out to beg for food."

Liu Adou knows that there are injustices everywhere, this world is so big and there are so many bad guys, he can't manage it, but he will help if he sees it.

"Calculate the account, I have eaten it." Liu Adou took out a few pieces of silver. He didn't know the price of the Northern Song Dynasty, but as long as they collected gold and silver, he could continue to make it.

"Guest officer, you don't need so much." Xiao Er took out a small piece from the broken silver: "These are still looking for a head." Xiao Er is going to the counter to ask the shopkeeper to find money.

"You don't need to find too many, and count as a reward for you." Liu Adou said he didn't feel sorry for the talents he made.

"Thank you, guest officer, and thank you, uncle." Xiao Erping was naturally happy with more coins.

As soon as he walked out of the restaurant's gate, Liu Adou hadn't decided to turn left and right, and someone knelt in front of him. It turned out that the three beggars did not leave, and the female beggar had been waiting for the benefactor to appear.

The two little beggars were still holding white steamed buns in their hands, but their mother told them to kneel, and they obediently knelt down. He is young, about six or seven years old, when he is growing up.

"Thank you, benefactor." The woman's voice was nice. "The little girl can't repay, so I'll kowtow to the benefactor here."

Boom boom boom, the woman knocked her forehead on the solid road until she was bleeding.

What a fierce woman, Liu Adou was stunned. She just gave some food, and this woman regarded herself as a benefactor. Could this be the strength of the ancients?

It's definitely impossible for Liu Adou to keep the other party's head kowtow. He doesn't have this hobby: "Don't be so, get up." Liu Adou quickly helped the woman up.

Someone like Liu Adou, the three of them stood up all at once, only to see that the woman on the other side had a darkened face and worn out clothes, but her eyes were energetic, unlike ordinary peasant women. ..

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