"Heavenly Wheel·The Sword of Chaos!"Erusa stepped back after clashing with Tempest, and then controlled the countless sword lights that appeared behind her to launch a series of attacks against Tempest.

"..."Tempest once again let out a whisper of unknown meaning, and then his arms turned into a tornado and blew away all Erza's attacks.

"Exploding spiral!"At this time, the demon jackal sneaked up from behind Erza.

"Dress up·King Kong Armor!"Seeing that it was too late to dodge, Erza quickly changed out her armor with the strongest defense.

"Armor of Purgatory! Erza used the smoke produced by the explosion to cover up, put on a black armor with spikes, and then rushed out of the explosion with a serrated sword, slashing at Tempest who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to attack.

Tempest saw Not daring to fight, she rolled around and dodged to the side.

After Tempest dodged, Erza struck the ground with her sword, causing the ground to dent, with flying rocks and dust. It hit Erza's armor with a thud.

"IceMake【Shield】!"Suddenly, Uru formed a shield behind Erza, blocking the jackal that wanted to attack on Erza's behalf.

"Gravity suppression!"

"IceMake【White Rose Garden】!"Urrutia and Kagura took advantage of the chaos to come behind Tempest. After Kagura suppressed Tempest's actions with gravity, Dia launched an attack on Tempest.

"...."Seeing that he was suppressed by gravity and unable to move, Tempest let out a whisper again, and the ice roses that had attacked him exploded one after another, without causing any harm to him.

"hateful! What kind of magic did he use?"When Tia saw this, she was very angry.

"The roar of the fire dragon!"At this time, Natsu and others who had been watching the battle for a while picked their opponents and rushed into the battlefield. Natsu took the lead and launched an attack on the jackal.

"The iron fist of the fire dragon!"Without any pause, after the jackal avoided Natsu's roar, Natsu launched a second round of attacks towards the jackal.

"Natsu! Stop, don't have any contact with him!"Wulu shouted at the side when he saw this.


"It's too late! Touch to explode!"When Jackal saw Natsu rushing towards him, instead of dodging, he rushed forward, took the initiative to make physical contact with Natsu, and then activated his magic to blow Natsu away.

"Natsu! hateful! The Armor of Emperor Yan!"Erza was extremely angry when she saw Natsu being blown away by the jackal. She didn't know whether he was alive or dead. She put on a red armor with black patterns and attacked the jackal with a flaming sword.

"IceMake【Ice Dragon】!"

"IceMake【Ice Cannon】!"While Natsu was attacking the jackal, Gray and Leon also came to the battlefield between Fai and Suzukiten Sera, and launched an attack on Deliora who was watching the battle and making sneak attacks on Fai from time to time.

"Unexpectedly, we would join forces to deal with Deliora at this moment."Gray said to Leon

"Humph, please stop holding me back!"Hearing Gray's words, Leon snorted coldly.

"hateful!"When Deliora noticed the movement behind him, it was too late to dodge, so he could only withstand Gray and Leon's attacks.

"Roar!"After Deliora was attacked, he roared in pain, and then sprayed a light cannon towards Leon and Gray's position.

Leon and Gray quickly dodged to the side. After dodging, Leon and Gray continued to move towards Attack with Deliora......

"Haha, Liang Yuetian Sera, what should you do now!"Hui saw Gray solving Leon's problem and besieging Deliora with Leon. He chuckled and looked at Liang Yuetian Serra and said.

At this time, Hui was exhausted and was also injured. Susanoo could no longer maintain his complete form. Although Huinou kept suppressing Suzukiten Sera, he was unable to completely defeat her, and Deliora also attacked him from time to time. caused a lot of trouble

"Damn it!"Liangyue Tian Sera, who was already suppressed by Hui, looked very embarrassed. She didn't expect that she and Deliora, who had been transformed into demons, could not defeat Hui even if they joined forces. Instead, they were still suppressed by Hui. Now she Seeing that Deliola was entangled with Leon and Gray again, Liang Yuetian Sera had already begun to think about quitting.

"Cursed light!"After Liang Yuetian Sera released a magic shock wave towards Hui, while Hui was dodging, he flew in the direction of Jackal and the others.

"Don't even think about escaping!"Hui saw this and quickly summoned the fourth stage Susanoo, pulled out the Susanoo sword from his waist, and waved it in the direction of Suzukiten Sera.

"The magic eye is open!"Liang Yuetian Sera did not dodge, but used the magic eye to release a laser and hit Hui head-on. Liang Yuetian Sera was like a kite with its string broken, vomiting blood and taking advantage of this collision. Fly towards the jackals and the others at a faster speed

"Jackal! Execute plan number two."Liang Yuetian Serra called to Jackal when he arrived.

"drink!"The jackal heard Liang Yuetian Sera's words and shouted loudly.

"boom! boom! boom!"Hui was chasing Liangyue Tian Sera, but an explosion suddenly happened around him. No, except for the three people from the Gate of Hades and Deliora, there was an explosion around everyone. Jackal Hui and others All the objects around me exploded

"let's go!"Liang Yuetian Serra saw that Hui and the others were no longer able to control them at this time, and quickly called Jackal, Storm and Deliora to retreat.

"I said, I'm going to keep you all here today, don't even think about running away! Seeing that Sera and others were trying to escape, Hui rushed towards them through the explosion area.

During the sprint, Hui's left eye flashed with light, and a long sword with a golden hilt slowly appeared in his hand. film

"hateful! Still not working?"Suddenly, blood spurted out from Hui's left eye, and the construction of the long sword came to a halt.

Even though Hui tried his best to squeeze the magic power in his body, trying to forcefully construct the sword in his hand, but after repeated battles, Hui couldn't After a while, when Sera and the others were about to escape from Karna Island, Hui looked at the long sword disappearing in his hand and had no choice but to give up and kill everyone at the Gate of Hades. idea of elimination

"Brother, how's it going?"When Hui walked back, he happened to meet Erza and everyone who were rushing here because the explosion was over.

"Let them run away."In the end, Hui, who still couldn't keep Deliola, was very frustrated.

"There's nothing you can do about it. Their magic is too weird. Hui, don't blame yourself too much."Wulu comforted Hui.

"Brother, what should we do next?" Erza continued to ask

"Well......Let’s first inform the previous residents of the island. If they still want to live here, we can help them rebuild their homes with money."Hui looked at Karna Island, which was mostly destroyed as if it had been hit by a natural disaster. After pondering for a while, he said

"Then I will bring them back now!"

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