Shortly after Black Watts left, Tsukuyomi hurried over and informed Qin Ye that the strange Xianggui had appeared again!

"This kid is really not afraid of being beaten."

However, the one who controls him now is definitely not Ur, but Aura? Or is it the damn Swaruts?

Qin Ye's eyes showed a fierce light, and the terrifying aura disappeared in a flash, but it still made Tsukuyomi a little scared..Qin

Ye comforted Xiayue Du, called Gates Zhuangwu, and planned to leave.

"I am coming too."

Izumi Hina and Tsukuyomi said in unison.

Qin Ye looked at Hua Lin who looked lonely and shook his head.

"Just prepare some things at home."

Qin Ye raised his eyebrows, stepped forward quickly, and whispered in her ear.

"I will get you a space-time drive next time, and you can transform into a Kamen Rider."

Hua Lin suddenly beamed.


Qin Ye waved his hand and walked forward first.

Gates and Zhuang Wu quickly followed.

Qin Ye's retreating back looked a bit chic....

The alien noise ghost was holding a sound stick and waving it randomly. The crowd around him suddenly dispersed. Some ran so slowly that they were hit by the sound stick and caught up with the flow of people in front of them at a faster speed.

"You are really the scum of ghosts"


The Todoroki Ghost flew and kicked the alien Hibiki Ghost backwards.


The alien Hibiki roared angrily, slammed his hands on the ground, and his body bounced up, heading straight towards the Todoroki.

"Well done!"

Todoroki took a step to the left, narrowly avoiding the attack of the alien Hibiki, and the thunder in his hand pierced into the body of the alien Hibiki.

"Sound attack! Thunder and lightning shock!"

Hanggui played the thunder, and green sound waves surrounded it. The alien noise ghost kept twitching, and was about to be defeated.

"Time to stop!"

Todoroki Todoroki and the alien Hibiki Ghost suddenly stood still. A figure slowly walked out. A man in a purple robe pushed Todoroki Ghost away and slapped him away with a palm.

It was Swarutz.

Swartz Lutz raised his foot and stamped on Todoroki again and again.


Swarutz snapped his fingers, and Todoroki was knocked out of his knight form.

"Who are you?! What ability is this?!"


Hibiki's chest felt tight for a while.

Swarutz did not respond, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

Purple flames rose from the mouth of the alien Hibiki, and the surrounding temperature instantly rose to an extremely terrifying level.


The alien Hibiki opened his mouth and sprayed out, and the purple flames instantly came to the side of Todoroki. Like a fire dragon, it opened its bloody mouth and was about to devour it.


Step directly on the head of the fire dragon with one foot, stand on tiptoes, and step on it left and right, as if you are stamping out a cigarette butt. The purple fire dragon comes and goes with a fierce force. With a swallow, it turns into a wisp of purple smoke. disappear completely

"Yeah, this isn't's really awesome."

Qin Ye's mocking voice came.

Swaruc's face froze. Qin Ye's unrivaled figure last time left an indelible shadow in his heart.


Swaruts was not sloppy at all, and pushed out the alien Hikiki. The latter was like a cannonball, heading straight towards the fallen Todoroki.

But Swaruts didn't even look at it, and didn't even turn his head. He ran away, and his figure disappeared from sight in a few flashes.

Qin Ye pulled Hong Gui to avoid the attack, and it was too late to pursue him.

"Space-time drive!"



"Armor time!"

"Kamen Rider Zi-O!"

Zhuangwu opened a boxing stance and attacked the alien monster who fell to the ground.

"Space-time drive!"

"Knight time!"

"Resurrectionist Gates Ganglie!"

"RE·VI·VE is strong! Strong!"

"Saw blade cuts!"

Gates quickly pressed the button behind the"Time Folding Claw" saw mode to store energy, then pressed the"Jaclaw Trigger" to rotate the saw blade at high speed, and shock waves spread out.


The alien Hibiki had no power to fight back, and was directly knocked out of the alien knight form by Gates.


Zhuang Wu exclaimed.

Gates' fists that followed stopped in the air.

"you know?"

"He was a classmate of mine when I was young. Like me, he was ostracized by his classmates. I wanted to be a king, but he wanted to be a ghost."

"Are you, Tokiwa Shogo?"

Gu Wumian struggled to open his eyes and spoke with difficulty.

"Amian, didn't you say you wanted to become a Xianggui like your master?"

Zhuang Wu pulled Guwu Mian and asked with concern.

When they were young, the two teenagers encouraged each other and had a wonderful time.

Guwu Mian's face darkened.

"He is no longer my master, he is not Hibiki, he is a liar."

Zhuang Wu wanted to ask something more, but Guwu Mian didn't want to say any more.

"how? Do we still need to intervene?"

Qin Ye looked at Hong Gui with a smile. The latter looked embarrassed for a while, but he was not a pretentious person. He thanked Qin Ye.

"Sometimes, it is better to be humble. Look at me, I am very humble. Let me tell you secretly, my three girlfriends all like me for this."

Todoroki Ghost smiled and nodded, but his twitching face betrayed his inner thoughts.

"Come on, let's go to the morning, evening and night together"

"I also need to go?"

Hang Gui pointed at himself. He had planned to leave just like this.

"Of course, you haven’t repaid the favor yet? Is this what your master taught you about killing ghosts?"

"Do you know my master?!"

Todoroki's face suddenly became serious. He would attach great importance to everything related to his master.

"I know him, he doesn't know me, hehe, let's go first."

Qin Ye smiled and asked Zhuang Wu to take Guwu Mian.

Looking at Qin Ye's back, Todoroki suddenly felt that the latter was a bit mysterious, but he was so young and yet so powerful. What was his background? He just received favors from others. , it was a life-saving grace, so he could only follow Qin Ye and prepare to repay the favor.

Qin Ye wandered all the way, but he was a little confused in his heart. Why did Kiriya Kyosuke never show up this time? Logically speaking, he should be paying attention to Gu The dynamics of Wu Mian.

Was he captured by Swarutz and the others? But now, he does not have the ability to transform into a Hibiki ghost. An ordinary ghost is not worthy of their mobilization, right?


Kiriya Kyosuke's home

"Please give me the ghost clock."

Hai Woz looked sincere.

"I really don't have a ghost watch, I'm just an ordinary ghost, really……"

Kiriya Kyousuke looks like he is hopeless

"Please be sure to give me the ghost clock"


PS:The locked chapters 156 and 157 have been reviewed and released. We apologize for affecting your reading. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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