Zhuang Wu followed Jin Woz's line of sight. Surrounding them were densely packed with countless meteorites. Looking at them, he saw that there were a large number of strange things on each meteorite. insect

"squeak! squeak!"

The piercing cry made Zhuang Wu's scalp numb and his whole body became cold.

Zhuang Wu quickly called Qin Ye with his timepiece cell phone and asked the latter what to do.

Qin Ye was also a little surprised by the number of meteorites, but he was not in a hurry. Still within control

"Jin Woz, your galaxy form comes from the power of the universe. It is not difficult to destroy these meteorites. Don’t worry about missing them. I will let them stand still for a while, but the time cannot be too long. You have to hurry up."

"Time pauses!"

Qin Ye jumped up, caught the wave of time, and swung it out fiercely. As a brilliant flame flashed by, the meteorites seemed to have been cast on a body-holding technique, and they temporarily stopped in place.

"Yes, master."

Jin Woz didn't dare to neglect. He seized the opportunity, jumped to the center of the meteorite, turned the Milky Way timepiece, and pressed the dial.




"Final moment!"

"Burning hot! Fierce confrontation! sun! Galaxy Sun!"

The sun symbol on Jin Woz's chest shone brightly, and the surrounding temperature instantly reached a terrifying level.

"So hot, so hot, so hot."

Zhuang Wu screamed continuously on the side.

Jin Woz's whole body was shrouded in an orange-red halo, like a small sun.

"The ultimate moment of transcendence!"

"Let it burn!"

Jin Woz coiled his hands, and a small fireball appeared in his hands. Jin Woz slowly pushed it out, which seemed very laborious, as if the fireball weighed tens of millions of kilograms. The fireball swept out, and its size continued to expand, directly The surrounding meteorites were cracked open, and the intense high temperature caused the zerg to scream in agony. The fireball roared past and swallowed them directly. The fireball became larger and larger, and the surrounding meteorites became fewer and fewer, and they were about to be eliminated. Finally, in front of him, another meteorite thousands or hundreds of times bigger than before appeared!

Compared with him, the fireball was simply a dwarf. The fireball was directly crushed by the meteorite without causing any waves.

"Let's rush in! It will definitely be much better to attack from the inside out."

Zhuang Wu looked at Jin Woz and expressed his thoughts.

"Okay, then I’ll leave it to you, King of Time."

Zhuangwu took out the Build timetable and pressed it on the drive

"Armor! Time!"

"Best! Match"


Zhuango holds the drill bit crusher and turns the driver

"Finish! time!"

"Vortex! TimeBreak!"

Zhuangwu slid forward at high speed, and the drill crusher in his hand kept stabbing at the meteorite.


Zhuang Wu dug a hole, and the two figures passed through it. Inside the meteorite, dense insects covered it. Zhuang Wu and Jin Woz happened to be in an open space, but they noticed that the insects were coming towards them..

Jin Woz was no longer hesitant, two golden discs emerged from his palms, spinning continuously.


Jin Woz pushed hard with both hands, and the two discs shot out two orange beams of light. The insects that rushed forward from all directions were immediately hit. Without any resistance, they melted directly. The meteorite was penetrated and burned red. The traces are shocking

"good! Kim Woz, you are awesome."

Zhuangwu sighed in admiration and turned the drive.

Gates, who was waiting for the results in the hospital, was suddenly enveloped in a golden light, pulling him up at high speed and rushing toward the outside of the earth.

"Zhuangwu, you guy, don't use the power of the third level of King of Time casually!"

Gates' complaining voice echoed in the same place, but his figure had long since disappeared.

"Hahahaha, so interesting."

Qin Ye clapped his hands with great interest. Seeing Gates slumped, the slightest bit of unhappiness that had just arisen in his heart because of the thought of the arrow disappeared.





"Knight time!"

"Kamen Rider Zi-O!"

"Level 3 moment!"

"The power of three people!"

"Kamen Rider Zi-O!"



Zhuang Wu pressed down the dial with both hands.

"Gates, Kim Wozniak, let's solve them together!"


Gates and Kim Wozniak said in unison.

"I'll teach you a lesson when I get back."

Gates added

"The end time!"




"Level three! Time shatters!"

"blasting! Explode!"

The third level of King of Time kicked towards the meteorite at an extremely fast speed, bringing up a circle of light. The shadows of Gates, Woz, and King of Time merged into the third level of King of Time. The meteorite was surrounded by circles with golden, purple, and green words. seal


The third level of the King of Time directly penetrated the meteorite. The meteorite was torn into pieces, and the insects disappeared.

The shadow that shrouded the earth also dissipated, the sunlight reappeared, and the light returned to the earth.


Zhuang Wu, Gates, and Jin Woz appeared in the hospital at the same time.

As soon as they landed, Gates put Zhuang Wu in a chokehold.

Gates had a ferocious face, gritted his teeth, and looked like he was going to strangle Zhuang Wu to death. Posture

"I was completely unprepared for flying so far suddenly. Could you please not be so sudden next time?"

"Didn't I take you to experience a high-altitude flight? How about it? It's much more fun than your Demonic Machine, right?"

Zhuang Wu didn't resist and laughed out loud.

"I don’t think you will shed tears until you see the coffin!"

Gates increased the strength in his hands, pretending to be fierce.

"Tears, tears, Gates, I was wrong."

Zhuang Wu begged for mercy again and again, but the smile on his face showed his lack of repentance.

"Be sincere!"

Gates refused to give up.

"Okay, Brother Gates, I understand my mistake! Hahahahaha."

Zhuang Wu was serious at first, but he started laughing while he was talking. Qin Ye also started laughing, and everyone started laughing.


Gates pushed Zhuang Wu away and said no more.

"We just saved the world, Gates, be happy."

Zhuang Wu patted Gates on the shoulder, feeling quite excited. He was getting closer and closer to his dream, and all of this was inseparable from Qin Ye's help.

"Okay, it's not over yet."

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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