At this time, Qin Hui heard a small voice of surprise. He knew that the trainer must be wondering why he was not here.

At this time, Qin Hui kept smiling secretly. After all, if he was regarded as stolen, he would not be able to do it if he saw it.

So I still have to wait for you for a chance. I also think this guy is really funny. I can only still look a little confused. Looking at him like this, he seems to be a newbie. He is definitely not the man in black that I know.

Qin Hui was waiting for a good opportunity. After all, his body couldn't touch there yet. Then he found the guy and walked over a little further, then he could grab his leg by himself.

Let him know what it means to be dangerous in the world, and let him adjust what it means. Midnight Terror.

How could he dare to cause trouble for himself in his own home? Now that I have given him a chance, I can only tell him that you came to my house to talk about the place. You came to this place just to die.

"This is a good opportunity. In this case, I won't give him a chance. If he dares to touch my things, then I will touch his legs. After all, am I a good person?

He has messed up so many things for me, so I will just deal with his less important things. He already wanted to kill me, so what if I just scared him?

The dean probably wouldn't blame me. And we don’t know whether this guy is from here or not. He may be from other places.

It could also be the man in black. All the relatives and the like are wearing such clothes. One or two of them are all extremely obscene."

When Qin Hui saw the guy coming towards him, he immediately stretched out a hand, grabbed the guy and almost backed away. He went straight out and grabbed the guy who refused to let go. The black guy He was not startled, and jumped a little instantly, but...

He couldn't break free from Qin Hui's tight grip, so he fell and knocked his head, but he didn't Worrying about these things, I moved forward crazily and shouted in fear:"Help, it's a ghost. This house is haunted. Is anyone there? Come and save me. It's actually haunted in here. Why?" No one told me!"

Qin Hui didn't expect that this child was really afraid of ghosts, and he was very frightened when he saw her like this.

Qin Hui couldn't help but want to laugh, but he didn't put down his hand. , still holding this guy's legs tightly. This guy jumped up immediately and shouted loudly

"Help! There is a ghost, I don’t want to die! I'm so young, why is this place haunted? Can anyone tell me how many bad things this guy has done?

He even has ghosts, wow! Help, can someone help me? I'm really scared in this place!"

This guy is so frightened that he is about to cry. He is really frightened to the point of bursting into tears. He will probably be in tears in a few moments.

Qin Hui also felt at this time that this guy is really capable. A little timid.

But these are not the point. He feels that he should come out. After all, if he doesn't come out at this time, he really won't be able to ask anything by then. What if he faints from fright?

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