Kamen Rider: Heisei Knights

Chapter 102: News from Bright City Group

Hearing Zhang Muzhi's muttering Wan Zhi couldn't help but smile: "You'll know if you try it?"

The ankh, who is a greeed bird, was obviously more anxious, and with his feet, he waved his only bird's wing and flew.

However, the ankh, which was just tens of meters away from the ground, was obviously a little unstable and began to wander in mid-air.

"Cut! Still can't?" Ankh cursed angrily, folded his wings and landed on a roof, and then changed back to a human appearance.

Just as Ankh jumped off the roof in a sulky atmosphere, another can of flying eagle flew over from a distance and fell into Wanzhi's hands.

"Have you found the address of the Guangming City Group?" Wan Zhi was very excited when he saw that the canned flying eagle had returned.

Canned Flying Eagle nodded very humanely, and then turned around to take Wan Zhi with him.

"What's the matter?" Hong Yuhao hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

Wan Zhi motioned to Feiying Can to wait for a while and then explained: "I'm here this time to investigate the affairs of the Guangming City Group!" He told him everything.

"Then I and Ankh will help too!" Hong Yuhao squeezed his fists and his eyes were firm. "We must not let this kind of black company continue to harm people!"

Unexpectedly, Ankh turned his head and looked very indifferent: "Go and go by yourself! I don't care about things other than core coins!"

"Uh..." Everyone present was taken aback, the character of ankh is really difficult to get along with!

Zhang Muzhi on the side suddenly had an idea, and smiled at Ankh, "ankh, how about making a deal?"

"What?" Ankh still had an indifferent expression.

Zhang Muzhi motioned to Ye Qianmo, who was behind him, to bring her bag, and then took out the wallet from the inside: "How about I, Wan Zhi, and Brother Hao who will buy you popsicles for a year?"

Fearing that he would not agree, she added: "How about the three of us, morning, afternoon and evening?"

Hearing the word "popsicle", even if it was an ankh, he didn't calm down, but his attitude suddenly turned 180 degrees: "Deal! Let's go!"

The corners of everyone's lips couldn't help but the wind twitched, this attitude changed too quickly, right?

"What is he?" Ye Qianmo still pointed timidly to the ankh who was following the canned flying eagle, and asked others.

Hong Yuhao smiled bitterly and looked at the back of Ankh and explained: "He is a bird-type greeedankh. He ran away because he didn't want to do evil to his former partner, but he was beaten like this again..."

"Ah? Then he is really pitiful!" Ye Qianmo looked at Ankh distressedly.


Half an hour later, Wan Zhi, Hong Yuhao, and Ankh came to the empty space behind a building.

However, Zhang Muzhi and Ye Qianmo were left in the tent where they slept to watch the house. It is a bit wrong for girls to go to this battlefield where there are always bullets and bullets.

Wan Zhi looked at the mechanical defenders in the aisle dumbfounded: "The last time Wuhan Tongsheng and Gu Teng from the next class played in the same way..."

"So what's the plan?" Hong Yuhao turned off the subject and asked.

Ankh sneered: "Should he want to plan? You should forget it!"

Wan Zhi rolled his eyes at Ankh, and did not deny: "So this time there is no plan, just rush!"

Hong Yuhao also gave a wry smile: "Although the plan is terrible, I like it!"

"Whatever you do!" Ankh took out the coin box, removed two coins, and then took out a taka coin from his body and handed it to Hong Yuhao.

Hong Yuhao took the core coin and put on the drive together with Wan Zhi.

"[Cross-ZDragon! Areyou ready?] Transform! [Wakeupburning! GetCROSS-ZDRAGON! Yeah!]"

"[Taka·Tora·Batta! Ta-To-Ba! TaToBaTa-To-Ba!]

When the two of them were transformed, Ankh also mobilized the coins all over his body to become greeed. Then the three of them brushed and stood in front of the mechanical defender.

The defenders quickly spotted them, raised the guns in their hands and squeezed the trigger at the three of them without saying a word.

With a strange cry, Wan Zhi rushed up first. The bullet hit him as if there was nothing, and rushed to the front and punched a defender.

Hong Yuhao jumped to the defender with a few "swishes" of the locust's legs. He stretched out the claws on his wrists and grabbed one of them and slashed the defenders.

Ankh didn't even move, standing still and threw two fireballs.

After a while, the defenders guarding the back door were destroyed by the regiment!

"Go!" Wan Zhi greeted, kicked the door and walked in.

Wan Zhi and Hong Yuhao rushed from left to right in front of them, and they soon reached a peculiar door.

"The old way!" Wan Zhi took out the sound and played the sword and pulled it twice, "[MillionHit!]"

The door was instantly knocked down by the shock wave of the sound wave, the dust dispersed, and a staircase leading to the ground appeared in front of them.

"Really violent..." Hong Yuhao couldn't help rolling his eyes.

The three of them walked down the stairs, and there was a quiet laboratory in the eye. The white walls and the gloomy light made people shudder.

"Cut! This place is as gloomy as Zheng Mu's room, it's annoying!" Ankh didn't know when it became a human appearance again, and slammed the wall angrily.

Hong Yuhao laughed, but Wan Zhi was attracted by the things on the table: "This is... a full bottle without purification?"

Wan Zhi grabbed the four bottles on the table and took a closer look. The bottom of the bottles read in turn: "Smartphone, watch, UFO, motorcycle!"

"It's all inorganic!" Wan Zhi put the bottles away without thinking any more.

At this moment, a door in the laboratory suddenly opened by itself, and a monster walked out of it, just slamming into them.

"Smash?!" Seeing the monster on the shark's appearance, both Wan Zhi and Hong Yuhao subconsciously spit out the name.

Ankh sneered: "Not a yummy weirdo? It's interesting!"

Wan Zhi and Hong Yuhao rolled his eyes at the same time, and then set up a fighting posture.

The silence in the laboratory was abnormal, but it didn't take long for the silence to be broken.

"[Ready, go! DragonicFinish!]"


The walls of the laboratory collapsed with a bang, and Wan Zhi and Hong Yuhao carried the smash and fell to the ground.

"The smash produced in a different place is still so weak!" Wan Zhi stood up, taunting and took out a blank full bottle that Tong Sheng gave him, opened the lid and aimed at the smash, and sucked in its ingredients.


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