Kamen Rider: Heisei Knights

Chapter 182: Public initiative

"Su Tao!" Tong Sheng was anxious and wanted to save Su Tao without Parado.

However, poppy didn't do anything for a long time, and slowly loosened his clenched fist, his face was embarrassed: "Why?..."

"This is our Su Tao!" Tong Sheng yelled in excitement, as if full of power instantly, and smashed Parado to the ground with a single sword.

"Let's play again next time!" Parado didn't get up, and disappeared directly into a bunch of viruses.

Tong Sheng put away his weapon and lifted his transformation, and then ran quickly to stand beside Su Tao.

Tong Sheng glanced at poppy, who sometimes squeezed his fists, and sometimes put down his hands as if experiencing some pain.

"Poppy, you are just controlled, come back to us!" Tong Sheng lowered his tone, and then he wanted to reach out to pull poppy.

Unexpectedly, Poppy slapped his hand away, then punched him.

Tong Sheng had already predicted her movements through his own ability, so he pulled Su Tao away without a hassle.

However, at this moment, the bracelet on Su Tao's wrist suddenly flashed, her eyes turned green, and her temperament instantly changed.

"Princess!" Tong Sheng couldn't help but blurted out when he saw this, and hurriedly determined that those knight players had all withdrawn from the game field because of the game clearance, before continuing, "Why did you run out?"

The princess controlled Su Tao's body, raised her hand, and pointed at Poppy expressionlessly: "This person...can't stay!"

She said that she was about to raise her left hand to activate the ability to attack poppy, but Tong Sheng squeezed her left hand.

"Tong Sheng, do you want to disobey this princess's decision?" The princess gave Tong Sheng a blank expression.

Tong Sheng released her arm, and then pressed the other person's shoulder and said: "Princess, listen to me! She was only erased and used by the enemy, I can save her back!"

Su Tao, whose body was controlled, also responded in her heart: "I believe he can do it, so please don't do it to poppy!"

Listening to Tong Sheng's words and Su Tao's echoing in her heart, the princess finally stopped her energy output, but still looked at Tong Sheng blankly: "Let me take a look!"

Tong Sheng nodded firmly, turned around, and held down the confused poppy.

"Poppy, do you remember the two doctors Jing Yuan and Jingli?" Tong Sheng knew that he had not known poppy for a long time, so he moved out of Jing Yuan and Jingli.

Hearing the names of Jing Yuan and Jing Li, Poppy's face suddenly changed, and then he screamed in pain while holding his head.

"Poppy!" Tong Sheng quickly reached out to help her, but poppy grabbed his hand first.

"Jing...Jingyuan is in...Tiannan Game Company...There is...in danger..." She forced her to finish this sentence, and the red on her eyes suddenly flashed, and she was under control again.

Poppy stood up abruptly, trying to punch Tong Sheng with a punch, but stopped.

"No...no..." Poppy tried to control his fists, his body turned into a string of viruses and disappeared on the scene.

The princess who had been watching this scene by the side opened her mouth involuntarily. She couldn't figure out why Tong Sheng restored the memory of a person who had lost his memory for a short time.

With the departure of poppy, the game field was lifted.

Although he was anxious to save Jingyuan, Tong Sheng still ran to the knight players who had lifted their transformations and said: "You see, too? If this game fails, it will truly die!"

Everyone was silent, and Tong Sheng continued: "For your safety, bring the card to us for CR processing!"

Seeing that they still didn't talk or hand in the cassette, Tong Sheng was a little helpless, and feelings couldn't persuade them at all.

"Your illness is cured, give him the cassette!" "Su Tao" walked over, Tong Sheng thought that Su Tao was already controlling her body, but when she heard her voice, it was obvious that she was still a princess.

Sure enough, Su Tao's beauty is still very useful, and a beautiful woman persuaded those players to actually hand over the cassette to Tong Sheng.

Tong Sheng didn't know where to get a small box and loaded all the recovered Kamen Rider Chronicle cassettes into it.

"Now that I get better, go back and accompany your family more!" Tong Sheng lifted the small box and solemnly said, "Games are just a form of entertainment, not all of life..."

Su Tao is now in a disconnected state. The princess controls her body and can't speak at all. Tong Sheng has to dig out all the ink in her stomach and explain the truth.

"Doctor, we were wrong..." Unexpectedly, Tong Sheng's words worked, and those players really bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes.

Tong Sheng smiled in relief, and stretched out his hand to pat the guy closest to him who looked about his age: "You will be in the third year of high school right away?"

He nodded, and Tong Sheng took a deep breath and said, "You have to take the college entrance examination next year, come on!"

Under Tong Sheng's persuasion, everyone left, and Tan never appeared in the game field of Kamen Rider Chronicles.

"How? He's very good, right?" Su Tao proudly showed off to the princess.

The princess smiled bitterly, did not answer Su Tao, but stepped forward to Tong Sheng and said: "Tong Sheng, you really let this princess see the possibilities of mankind!"

He raised his head and glanced at the sky: "Your adoptive father should have mentioned to you that evolto mimicked one of us..."

"Tara?" Tong Sheng immediately recalled what Sheng Dingli had said.

The princess nodded and lifted Su Tao's somewhat messy bangs: "Tala, a courtier who covets the throne, turned his head to the throne when the enemy was in front of him! So I..."

"That's why you want to get rid of all those who betrayed your partner, right?" Tong Sheng guessed what she meant.

The princess nodded: "But you made me realize again, and I must always trust my partner!"

At the end, I added another sentence: "Come on! Looking forward to the day we can meet officially!"

After speaking, she released her possession, Su Tao's body softened and fell backward, Tong Sheng hurriedly stepped forward to catch it.

Su Taoqiang opened his eyes, and then took Tong Sheng's hand and explained anxiously: "I really didn't teach her the sentence just now! At least...that's not what I said..."

Tong Sheng chuckled and helped her up: "I know, speaking with your personality is definitely not that straightforward!"

Speaking of putting the box into the four-dimensional bracelet, then took out the build drive and put it on his waist: "Go, let's save the well doctor!"

"[Flying Eagle! Gatling! BestMatch! Areyou ready?]"


On a distant planet, the princess who looked almost the same as Su Tao opened her eyes.

She rubbed her face flushed and said, "What's the matter? Why would I be tempted by Elsa's son? Is it because Su Tao was affected?"

She didn't expect that the figure of that young man was gradually appearing deep in her heart, and she couldn't get rid of it.

"No way, no way! He and his sister's children belong to the same generation! No way!" Seeing no one was around, the princess shook her head vigorously.


In a dark corner, a scarlet eye suddenly opened.

The black shadow beckoned, and a virtual screen appeared in front of him, but no picture appeared on it.

The black shadow said slowly to the screen: "evolto, how can the earth be like this?"

Evolto's voice came from the virtual screen: "Can you stop rushing? Everything is going according to plan!"

Sombra knocked on his chair and said: "Then you hurry up, and the earth will be at your disposal after it's done!"

On the earth, evolto hung up the communication and looked at the sky with a grinning smile: "Hmph, Amura, when I restore my strength and destroy the earth, your planet is the next goal!"

This black-and-black transaction ended without the knowledge of both parties.

Evolto sat on a rock and closed his eyes, and countless images flashed through his mind.

It was on a rich planet. He and his three companions were born. After tens of thousands of years, they destroyed the planet. At that time, he was beaten by a little girl and lost his power.

The picture freezes, and that little girl's appearance is actually a princess who is very similar to Su Tao!


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