"My dear, you are back."

As soon as Tianluo walked into the door, he heard Wakana's pleasant voice, and then a figure came with a gust of fragrant wind.

"Really, you've only been out for a few days and you've caused such a big incident,"

Wakana complained while hugging Tianluo.

He and Ryubei saw the phantom of the phoenix in the sky. There's no doubt that this must be heaven's doing. Now the people of Fuuto all worship Tianluo as a god.

"Ahem, I'm just too bored."

Tian** coughed, a little embarrassed. This matter was indeed a bit exaggerated. He remembered that before leaving, Terui shouted at him about something like a building and compensation, but he ran too fast and didn't hear it. Well, he just didn't hear it.

"Hey? Honey, you seem to have become more handsome."

Wakana suddenly exclaimed

"Moreover, her skin has become so white and smooth. Tell me, did you secretly use my cosmetics?"

Wakana touched Tianluo's face and looked at Tianluo.

"How is it possible?"

Tianluo immediately cried out in injustice, and then transformed directly

"I have evolved, my body has improved, so my skin has become whiter,"

Tian Luo laughed.

"And the new power I got is light, so my body will emit a warm breath. How about it, is it comfortable in my brother's arms?"

Shotaro and the others also talked about this change, and Tianluo also understood what was going on.

In short, it is a cleansing of the essence and marrow plus a warm man attribute.

"Oh, so that's how it is."

Wakana suddenly realized, but the style of the painting changed all of a sudden.

"This means that you will be very popular in the future, especially among girls."

Wakana said, casting a vigilant look at Tianluo.

"Ahem, how is that possible? Am I that kind of person?"

Tianluo was choked by Ruocai's words. How did the question suddenly come to this?

"These few days, you are not allowed to go out of the house or meet other women, otherwise……"

After saying that, Wakana looked down at Tianluo and made a vegetable cutting gesture.

"Oh my god, no way, baby, you can't be so cruel."

Tianluo felt a chill down his spine when he saw this, and he quickly cried out for injustice, how could things develop in this direction, it shouldn't be like this,

"Humph, you decide."

After saying that, Ruocai went upstairs.

It seems that I have to squeeze him dry every night in the future, otherwise it will be difficult if he is seduced by some woman.

Ruocai thought secretly in her heart. Seeing

Ruocai's figure going upstairs, Tianluo wanted to cry but had no tears. He didn't expect Ruocai to be so jealous. Sure enough, women in love will have this kind of vigilance.

"Don't hide, how long are you going to hide?"

Tian Luo suddenly said to a corner nearby.

Suddenly a figure walked out of the corner.

"Hahaha, what a coincidence, Tianluo, his performance that day was really great, really."

It was Ryubei who came out. He greeted Tianluo cordially, but Tianluo still saw the gloating smile in his eyes.

"Haha. What a coincidence, the shameless old man actually eavesdropped on what was going on in the corner."

Tianluo said disdainfully.

"Alas, how pitiful, he was actually grounded,"

Ryuhei didn't pay attention to Tianluo's ridicule but sighed. Tianluo was so angry, this guy was just looking for trouble, ignore him, treat him as if he doesn't exist, Tianluo thought silently in his heart.

Seeing that Tianluo ignored him, Ryuhei lost the mood to play around, and said seriously

"Tianluo, today I will let you see the executioner of our Sonozaki family."

After saying that, he walked into the yard.

Tianluo was also stunned for a moment. Executioner? Is it the purple-haired girl and Mick? Then Tianluo followed them. Sure enough, there was a purple-haired girl standing in the center of the yard.

"Let me introduce you to the two executioners of our Sonozaki family.……"

Ryubei brought Tenra to the girl and introduced her to

"Do you want to eat it?"

The girl saw Tian Luo holding out the fried locusts in his hand and said to him.

"Hey, this is a good thing."

Tianluo said when he saw the locust handed over by the girl, and then he opened his mouth and ate it.

"Well, not bad."

Tianluo nodded.

"But I still like braised ones"


The girl looked at Tianluo with some doubt.

So in the next half an hour, Tianluo told her about various ways to eat locusts, such as braised, fried, grilled, etc. The girl was directly attracted by what Tianluo said, and looked at Tianluo with admiration, calling him brother.


Ryubei next to him couldn't stand it anymore. This guy was too outrageous. He actually seduced the executioner in front of him.

Also, why is the girl so friendly to Tianluo? Even when facing him, the girl has a cold face, but she is so kind when facing Tianluo.

"Hahaha, sorry, I felt like I had met a soulmate so I said a little too much,"

Tianluo said with a laugh.


The girl nodded in agreement.


At this moment, a roar came from the side, and a swift figure rushed out.

It was a human-shaped saber-toothed tiger, and it was Mick.

"Mick is back too. Tianluo, Mick is the second executioner of our Sonozaki family."

Ryubei explained to Tianluo.

At this time, Mick spit out something from his mouth. It was a memory.

"Oh, it seems that the boy has been executed by you."

Ryubei said calmly while holding the memory in his hand. This memory is the boy's.

Tianluo watched from the side without saying a word. He didn't want to get involved too much in the affairs of the Sonozaki family. One Wakana was enough.

"Come, Mick, come and see Tianluo.

Ryubei stretched out his hand to Mick.

When Mick turned his head to look at Tianluo, his eyes shrank suddenly, and the hair on his body stood up.


Then he ran out


Ryubei looked at Tianluo awkwardly.

"It seems that Mick still has a deep impression on you."

"This damn cat actually holds a grudge like this."

Tianluo was also speechless. He didn't expect that Mick still remembered what happened back then. He had almost forgotten it.

"Forget it, I don't want to get involved in your business, I'm leaving first."

Tianluo said to Ryubei, then walked up to the girl and touched her head.

"We can chat when we are free. I have a lot of knowledge about food."

""Yeah, Brother Tianluo is so nice."

The girl nodded happily.

Tianluo glanced at them and was about to leave.

At this time, Ryubei asked

"You and Wakana have been together for a while now, do you have any plans to get married?"

"You decide, I don't care."

Tianluo spread his hands and said

"Then let's do it the day after tomorrow. The sooner you get married, the sooner I can feel at ease."


Tianluo nodded. So

, what gift should I prepare for my baby?

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