Kamen Rider's Infinite Journey

Author: Fox Words


The young man Lan Guanghong who lost his memory, what did he see in his infinite journey?

In the world of Revice, he kindly taught the younger generation of the Igarashi family.

In the world of Zero One, he dismantled the evil Fei Dian and Zaya.

Competing with the movie emperor Qia on the same stage, solving puzzles with a half-baked tough guy, and racing on the highway with an old driver.

On the time-traveling... Wait, the four idiots of the tram, don't come over!


Kamen Rider, black chest

Kamen Rider, red eyes

Awaken, hero!

Kamen Rider Revice, make a contract with the devil

Chapter 1 Why are you so skilled?

Who am I? Where am I?

My body is so heavy, like a cage that traps my consciousness inside, and even moving my eyelids is a luxury.

But fortunately, I can still hear people's voices in my ears.

"Junpei Shiranami, unfortunately, had a motorcycle accident and was seriously injured and on the verge of death."

Junpei Shiranami?

Are you talking about me? I was in a car accident?

"Unfortunately, huh?" Another person's helpless voice came to my ears.

"Fell off the cliff, and the body could not be found, so it was just right to be used as an experimental subject."

Test subject? What are you going to do to me!

"Still forcing it as usual. What about this one?"



"Unknown identity, like a person who appeared out of thin air, no information about him can be found."

I felt something was touched on my chest, probably someone patted me twice.

"This kind of person, even if he disappears, no one will investigate, it is the perfect experimental material, isn't it?"

It turns out that I am not Junpei Shiranami.

Then who am I?

My consciousness gradually blurred, and "I" fell into a deep sleep.


Using a special circuit to connect the sleeping ancestor demon Kifu and the unknown person, Karisaki Masumi took a deep breath and raised his hands.

"Start the operation."

The assistant handed the scalpel to him. Masumi was about to operate on the person on the operating table when he heard another assistant's trembling voice: "Dr. Karizaki!"

During the precise experiment, such obvious emotional fluctuations are not a good sign.

Karizaki Masumi turned his head and asked dissatisfiedly: "What's wrong?"

The assistant couldn't speak, but pointed at the vital sign monitor with trembling fingers.

The indicator bar on it, which shouldn't have fluctuated, began to jump at this moment.

"Huh? Kiff is actively infusing power into this person?" Karizaki Masumi frowned.

He thought it was Kiff who was infusing power at the first time, but the next moment, this conjecture was directly denied.

Kiff has been confirmed to be in a deep sleep and it is impossible for him to have any active activities. In other words, it is the person lying on the operating table who is absorbing Kiff's power!

Coming to the conclusion, he looked at the person lying in astonishment.

"How is it possible? Who is this person..."

In the previous seventy experiments, those people turned into irrational demons as long as they were slightly infused with some of Kifu's cells. This was the first time he had seen someone actively absorbing Kifu's power.

But if it absorbs Kifu's power like this, will it...

Karizaki Masumi was shocked.

According to Murphy's Law, the more you worry about something, the more likely it is to happen.

The next moment, the fluctuation of the indicator bar suddenly intensified, and the circuit connecting Kifu and the mysterious man burst into dazzling sparks due to overload.

The alarm sounded, and the crystal in the center of the Kifu statue glowed red, as if the terrifying ancestor demon was about to wake up from his slumber!

"Not good!"

Karizaki Masumi saw that something was wrong, and rushed to the Kifu statue at the risk of being injured by the circuit explosion, and pulled off all the connecting circuits.

"What's wrong? Did the experiment fail again?"

Director Dongshan, who came with the armed forces, broke into the laboratory.

Masumi Karisaki slumped on the ground, looking at the statue of Kiff who had regained his composure with a complicated expression, and then turned to the person who was still unconscious on the operating table but had recovered from all his injuries.

"No, the experiment was successful."


Who am I? Where am I?

The young man was not thinking about any philosophical questions, but was really wondering why he had no memory and why he was locked in a cell.

He only vaguely remembered that he heard someone say that he was going to be used for experiments, and as for what happened later, he had no idea.

At this moment, armed personnel with guns pushed the door open and stood by the door as if on guard. Behind the wide-open cell door, a gentleman in a white coat and silver-rimmed glasses walked in.

"You're awake, Experimental Subject 071."

The young man looked at him in confusion, only to find that the man's face was unusually familiar.

And this voice, the young man was sure that he was one of the two people who were talking next to him when he could not control his body but was still conscious.

"Who are you? What did you do to me?"

"It doesn't matter who you are. What matters is that you died and were reborn by our Noah."


The young man raised his head and thought, hoping to use this key word to retrieve some memories.

At this moment, a shrill alarm sounded at an inopportune time, and the flashing red light interrupted the young man's thoughts.

Masumi Karizaki glanced at the warning light, then took the box from the person behind him and opened it in front of the young man, revealing the scarlet items inside and a seal with the image of a beetle.

"Come on, it's time to fight."

The young man frowned as the name of this item flashed through his mind.

"Vail Driver?"

This time, it was Masumi Karizaki's turn to frown.

At this stage, only he and Director Dongshan should know the name of the Bell driver. How could this experimental subject know it?

The alarm sound became more and more urgent, and Masumi Karizaki had to put aside this question for the time being.

He waved his hand, and several soldiers walked into the prison from behind. Regardless of the young man's struggle, they lifted him up and chained him out of the cell.

As soon as he left the gate, the young man was put in a black sack. The thick bag obscured his sight and made it difficult to breathe.

He was roughly put into prison uniform and belt by several big men, then put into a van and drove towards the location where the demon was detected.

The young man was very cooperative throughout the whole process without making any noise, because the big men who tied him up had guns...

Well behaved.JPG

Speeding all the way, the vehicle quickly reached its destination.

The young man was lifted out of the car by two soldiers and the bag on his head was taken off.

Seeing light in front of him, the young man subconsciously turned his head and squinted his eyes to avoid the glare of the sun.

If you stay in a dark environment for a long time, your eyes will be irritated when you suddenly see light. This common sense thing has already become the body's instinct.

However, the eyes can be closed, but the body cannot avoid the sun.

Bathed in the sunshine, the young man felt as if he was in a hot spring. The warm spring water opened the pores of his body and nourished his tired body.

It was so good that I almost screamed.

The ignorant soldier interrupted his enjoyment, untied his chains and pushed him forward.

Only then did the young man notice his surroundings.

The ruined streets, the scattered crowds of people fleeing, the most eye-catching thing is the humanoid monster that is already in front of you.


The young man screamed, leaned down to avoid the monster's claws, and went around behind it.


The monster turned around and continued to attack the young man relentlessly. The young man could only continue to retreat and dodge.

After dodging several attacks in a row, the young man became angry.

"Tsk, this is identifying me."

"If you don't fight, you won't be able to survive!"

He raised his leg and kicked the monster. The monster did not suffer any damage and only took a few steps back. Instead, the young man was knocked back a long distance.

However, this is exactly his purpose.

Picking up the seal on the right side of his belt, he pressed it hard.

[Kuwagata (stag beetle)]

After activation, he placed the seal above his belt.


Just as he was about to put the seal on the front to transform, the young man paused and felt that he should say something at this time.

"Bet my life to protect this world!"


[Bane up (pain upgrade)]

Under the seal, a copper-yellow stag beetle transformed from the genome flew out of the belt, and then a pair of huge purple wings spread out behind the young man, wrapping both the man and the insect inside.

The belt made a fanatical sound.

[destroy! world! Weird! Kamen Rider——Vail!]

The folded wings turned into black mist and disappeared, revealing the knight wearing silver armor inside.

The stag beetle lies on the knight's right shoulder, its wings forming a cape covering one side, the insect's head covering the mouth in the style of a gas mask, and a pair of pincer horns attached to the left faceplate.

The young man shook his hand, his shawl fluttering in the wind.

"Sa, show time!"

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