
Accompanied by a roar, he quickly transformed into an Orphino with crocodile features.

It was J, one of the lucky four-leaf clover.

"Orphino? Just in time!" Soka immediately used Kaixa to call the car and took out the belt from it.


[Standing BY]

"Mari, retreat behind me." He stretched out his hand to protect Mari behind him, and said confidently: "And, watch my battle!"


[Complete! ]

As the yellow light flashed, Soka transformed into Kaixa in front of Mari.

"Eh?" Mari stared at the knight in front of her, and whispered: "Another Faiz?"

She and Qiao didn't know Kaixa's name, and thought it was Faiz with a different appearance.

However, Soka soon proved with his actions that Kaixa's performance was far superior to Faiz.

He took out the chip from his phone and inserted it into the blade gun. A yellow photon sword extended from the bottom. Kusaga held the hilt of the sword with his backhand and leaped towards the crocodile Orpheus, slashing at his head with a sword as he fell.

Orpheus raised his hand and used his shield claws to slap away the opponent's lightsaber, but he didn't expect Kusaga's sword skills to be so good that he swiftly struck out with a sword after landing.

This attack was still blocked, but the huge power contained in this sword made Orpheus lose his balance and staggered back. Kusaga immediately took advantage of the victory and slashed the opponent with three consecutive swords to knock him away.

While the opponent fell to the ground and rolled, Kusaga opened his phone and pressed the fill button.

[Exeed Charge]

He raised his hand and shot a capture net to fix Orpheus. Kusaga's sword turned into a golden light and hit the crocodile Orpheus.

At this moment!

Another Orpheus, whose whole body was almost pure white, fell from the sky and blocked the trapped crocodile Orpheus, crossing his hands to block Kusaga who was launching a special move.


Zila la~!

The collision between the sharp attack and the strong body produced sparks. After a period of stalemate, the newly appeared Orpheus roared and spread his arms, and Soga's ultimate move was broken.

The light that flew back turned back to Kaixa. Soga rolled on the ground for a few rounds and raised his head in embarrassment. Even through the mask, one could feel his surprise.


The white Orpheus swung his arms, bringing up a streak of sparks.

This was Orpheus, whose whole body was wrapped in armor like rising flames. On both sides of his ferocious head, there were long horns with scales, which were somewhat similar to the legendary oriental dragon.

However, from the characteristics of his body, it can be seen that he is actually Kirin Orpheus.

Yes, the person who came was Leo.

"Interesting." Leo moved his neck, raised his hand and hooked his finger at Soga: "Come!"

The provoked Soga stood up angrily, holding a lightsaber and resolutely rushed towards the two Orpheus again.

Behind him, Mari anxiously called Qiao.

"Qiao, come and help, there's Ophiino!"

"What? I'll come right away!" Qiao put down the iron and rushed out the door.

A few minutes later, Cat Tongue Handsome rode to the battlefield on a battle pegasus and saw Kaixa, who had beaten him up without saying anything.

Qian Qiao:!

"Damn, it's this guy!"

"Huh?" Mari asked in surprise, "What do you mean?"

"No, nothing."

Being beaten is not a glorious thing, so he didn't tell Mari and Keitaro about it.

But he has always remembered this grudge.

"Even though he did that, he still acted like we met for the first time today. What a hypocritical guy!"

Thinking of this, Qiao put on the belt and entered the number without any delay.


A red light flashed, and Kamen Rider Faiz joined the battle, caught the crocodile Ophi with a bear hug and separated the battlefield.

Although he was very dissatisfied with Soka, Qiao would never deliberately harm others.

On the contrary, Soka was a little surprised by this.

——Faiz was not used by Zhenli, but by that clerk?

Damn, what is the relationship between you and Zhenli!

This distraction caused Soka to be beaten again, and he almost opened his mouth and closed his eyes on the spot.

Qiao's entry did not improve the situation, because they were not opponents of the enemies they faced.

Not long after, Qiao was defeated first, but fortunately fell into the sea water next to him and saved his life.

But Soka on the other side was not so lucky.

After being beaten to the point of forced disintegration, Kirin Aofei lifted him up by the neck, and a crisp "click" sound could be heard as long as a little force was applied.


The scream of Zhenli came to his ears, and Soka, who was pinched to the point of lack of oxygen, barely moved his eyes, but could only see a blur.


Kirin Aofei, who was originally ready to kill, seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly loosened his hand and let Soka go.

Lying softly on the ground, Cao Jia now had no strength left in his body, and could only stare at Aofei Enoch in front of him with resentment and some doubt.

"Humph, you saved your life." Qilin Aofei didn't want to waste time talking to him, so he called Crocodile Aofei and left the scene.

Cao Jia:?

Zhenli's voice sounded in his ears again, but he was no longer able to respond, and he fainted with his head down.


Qiao opened his eyes, and in front of him was an unfamiliar ceiling.

"Hey, you're awake."

Looking around, his eyes suddenly opened wide.

It was Mahoffi Enoch who had a fight with him that day!

"It's you!"

He stood up and was about to get up, but suddenly he took a breath due to the pain all over his body.

Kiba comforted him with a gentle smile: "You're seriously injured, it's best not to move."

At this time, Yuka came over with a sea bowl: "Kiba, the medicine is ready."

"Oh, give it to me." Kiba took the bowl and explained to Qiao: "This is a Chinese medicine prescription my friend told me. It is very good for your injury. Come, drink the medicine."

Qiao looked at the spoonful of hot concoction that was dark and had a pungent smell in front of him, and his handsome face twisted into a ball.

Chapter 147 The Powerful Enhanced Version of the Emperor’s Belt

Soka opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling in front of him.

"Thank you Guanghong, if it weren't for you, Cao Jia would definitely be..."

"It's okay. We are all friends. How could I just watch you in danger and not care?"

The sound of paper being drawn.

"Come, wipe your tears."


Who is this person? Why do so many people want to compete with me for the truth? !

"Oh, Caojia, you're awake." Lan Guanghong pretended to have just discovered that Caojia had woken up, and said in surprise: "Great, you are safe."

"Uh, um." Caojia asked doubtfully, "Who are you?"

Zhenli, who had wiped away his tears, quickly answered and introduced: "He is Blue Light Red, a member of Smart Brain."


Soka's eyes suddenly widened in anger.

The tragedy that happened at Ryusei School made him hate the name Smart Brain, so he became wary of Blu-ray Hong as soon as he heard the truth.

As soon as Zhenli saw Soka's reaction, he knew that he had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "No, Guanghong went there to help us undercover, and he was the one who saved us yesterday by pretending to pass orders."

"Oh, that's it." After hearing these words, Caojia's anger immediately disappeared, and he said with a guilty look: "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you."

"It doesn't matter. This is not all for you. After all, my family was also killed by them."

Lan Guanghong waved his hand as if he didn't care at all, and the ward suddenly became a harmonious scene.

…At least that’s how it looks on the surface.

"Okay, let's talk more about it until the next time we meet. I have to go."

"Eh? Where are you going?"

"Everywhere is fine, but I can't stay here anymore."

Leaning at the door of the ward, Lan Guanghong turned around and said with a smile: "My behavior yesterday was tantamount to betraying SB Club. They will not let me go. If you continue to stay here, you will also be in danger."

Without giving Zhi a chance to continue speaking, Lan Guanghong waved goodbye: "Ciao~"

"Guang Hong!" Zhi Zhi screamed and chased out, but Lan Guanghong's figure could no longer be seen.

Seeing the truth, he sat back down again, Cao Jia's heart skipped a beat.

Incredible, this guy is a master!

SB Club Building.

"Damn it, that guy actually made me suffer such humiliation!"

Murakami Kakiji slapped the table angrily, with veins on his face exposed.

It was in vain that he trusted this new subordinate so much. Even if this man made an independent decision yesterday and let the guy with the belt go, he did not immediately blame him, but waited for him to give an explanation today.

For example, the purpose of rescuing people is to infiltrate them so that they can easily obtain the whereabouts of Delta's belt. After all, the first two belts are held by the flower-shaped children, so it is not impossible for Delta to be with them as well.

But I never expected that this person would just slip away!

Even when he called in person, he only got three cold words.

"Are you worthy?"

Murakami Gorge was confused at the time.

What do you mean I am worthy? Don't I deserve an explanation from you?

After reacting, he became furious, but the other party had already blacklisted him.

"Ahhh...!!!" Murakami turned over his desk angrily and shouted through gritted teeth: "Put a reward on me, everyone, go and find that bastard, find him!"

"Wait a minute!"

Within a few minutes, Aoife Enoch and others came out in full force after receiving the news, and Murakami himself went to the Clover Bar.

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