"Ah! Not good!" Shotaro quickly jumped down from the tree without thinking, intending to catch the kitten in the air.

Please! my body! You must catch it!

He stretched his body to the limit and saw that his outstretched hands were about to touch the cat. His eyes were filled with joy.

However, another pair of hands suddenly grabbed the kitten from below and then retracted it sharply.



"Ah...!!!" Shotaro, who fell heavily to the ground, couldn't help curling up and rubbing hard: "It hurts!"

The young man standing next to him quickly squatted down curiously and asked: "Hey, how are you? Do you want to call an ambulance?"

"No need...huh?! It was you who was talking just now!"

When he heard that the young man in front of him was the one who had scared him just now, Shotaro was immediately furious.

Not only was he injured, but more importantly, he almost betrayed his client's trust and failed to find the cat.

"Don't shout on the street, it's very dangerous!"

"Uh, sorry." The young man scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "I didn't expect there was anyone in the tree."

Seeing that the other party's mistake was indeed unintentional, Shotaro's anger immediately dissipated for the most part, and his body no longer hurt much at this time, so he stood up, patted his clothes, and took the kitten from the young man's hand.

"Hey, be good, be good." He rolled the kitten into a happy tofu shape and asked doubtfully: "By the way, what do you mean by what you just shouted?"

"Well, um~ do you know Kamen Rider?"


More than know! No one knows Kamen Rider better than me!

"Have heard a little bit."

"Hmm! You know it too!" The young man became more energetic: "It is said that, 'Sa, count your sins' is the catchphrase of that Kamen Rider. How about it? Isn't it cool!"

Shotaro's old face turned red, and he turned his face slightly to avoid his scorching gaze: "Well~ it's okay."

"More than that, I heard that the knight is actually a detective..."


"So I also want to be a detective, and I moved to Fengdu specifically for this purpose... Well, speaking of which, you are?"

"Shoutaro Zuo." The corner of Shotaro's mouth twitched slightly: "A detective from Narumi Office."

"Huh?" The young man immediately looked at Shotaro with suspicious eyes: "Could it be that you are..."

Shotaro was suddenly shocked.

No, has this person guessed my identity? So keen? !

He was nervous when he suddenly saw the other party smiling and waving his hands: "No, no, no, how is that possible? The detective I met on the roadside was a Kamen Rider or something."

Shotaro breathed a sigh of relief.

"...And Mr. Shotaro, you don't look very reliable either."

Shotaro:! ! !

"Hey, I can't pretend I didn't hear this! How unreliable am I?"

The young man silently pointed at the hand that was unconsciously playing with the cat.

"What's wrong with finding a cat!"

Shotaro shook his head and retorted: "Listen, in this city, whether it is a small happiness or a great misfortune, it always comes with the wind. My job is to listen to the strong wind and protect the small of happiness.”

"Even if it's just a little cat, it can make the client smile happily. This is the meaning of the detective's existence."

After saying that, Shotaro looked pleased.

How about it! Are you impressed by my tough guy style speech?

"Well, what you said is great, but that's not what I meant." The young man pointed to the cat in his hand again: "I mean this cat... it pooped."


Looking down and seeing the dirt on his clothes, Shotaro was silent for a while.

"By the way, my name is Lan Guanghong." Lan Guanghong smiled slightly and smiled at Shotaro, who no longer remembered his existence, and said, "Please give me some advice."

Chapter 189 The Wind of Memory/T’s Memory

Why did Blue Light Red appear in Fengdu? This matter starts from the time when Taotaros took him away.

After the history of this world was restored, Lan Guanghong quickly discovered that this was actually Drive's world, but it was not just his world - there was a city called Fengdu at the junction of Tokyo and where the old driver was. .

Out of curiosity, he quietly came over to investigate, and finally confirmed that this was the Fengdu where Shotaro and Phillip were.

But at this time, they had already conquered the museum and had a fight with a team led by Kamen Rider Eternal. Now they were basically in the retirement stage of walking dogs and looking for cats.

After confirming the status of his friend, Lan Guanghong planned to evacuate, but he accidentally saw a monster eating people. Without saying a word, he immediately transformed and kicked the monster to death.

However, from the annihilated monster body, something that concerned him very much fell out.

Gaia Memory.

The type of the broken Gaia memory could not be seen, but Blue Light Hong could faintly feel that in this city that was always surrounded by the wind, it seemed that it was about to be shrouded in a new shadow.

So, after solving the matter of Aoife Enoch, he returned to the world on the heavily armored Ledoron.

After falling from the vortex of time and space, the first thing he did was confirm the time.

He was very concerned about the different speed of time in the two worlds, and worried about whether the world he had visited would also have this problem. He didn't want to go back one day and see Ikki with white hair and a shaky walk, calling a group of grandchildren to run up to him and call him ancestor.

That's really mind-numbing to think about.

But after confirming the time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The time in the two worlds is synchronized!

It seems that the time difference occurred due to the influence of the time machine. In fact, the time of the world he visited was synchronized.

"I feel relieved now."

Waving goodbye to Shotaro, who was anxious to go back and change his clothes, Lan Guanghong turned his head and turned his gaze to the landmark building of Fengdu: Fengdu Tower.

Thanks to the special environment of the wind capital, this huge windmill tower keeps rotating and never stops, forming a special spectacle.

However, the wind in Fengdu is not ordinary. It contains an extremely precious treasure, that is - the memory of the earth.

Life, civilization, everything, and all the memories about this planet are gathered in this city by the never-ending wind of the four seasons.

That's why this city attracted the attention of ambitious people including Sonosaki Ryubei, and used the memories brought by the wind to develop the "Gaia Memory".

The Gaia memory in the shape of a USB flash drive is not only the power used by the hero, but also the source of Fengdu's evil.

Ordinary memories will turn humans into strange dopants with special powers, and will gradually erode the user's body and consciousness. Only a few people can perfectly match the power of the memory and completely control it.

Shotaro and the others use special memory, which needs to be paired with a driver to exert its power.

Nowadays, Blu-ray Red also needs a memory like Shotaro, because if he fights with his body, his power will completely destroy the doping body. Only by using the same power of memory can he destroy the human body when destroying the doping body. Strip it out.

Moreover, he wanted to try by the way to see if what Faria said to him about his strength increasing without using the body knight to fight after evolving into RX still worked.

"Emm...so, when will you wake up?"

Standing on the top of Fengdu Tower, Lan Guanghong held the Sky Stone in both hands, stared at the little Faria inside for a while, and then took her into his arms helplessly.

"Oh~ don't rush, don't rush, let's get a memory first."

Transforming into a mechanical knight, Lan Guanghong felt the wind gathering on the tower and slowly stretched out his hand.

"Earth, if you love your children, please give me strength."

Time passed by, and Blue Light and Red stood there like a sculpture, never making any next move.

He is waiting.

According to the description in the play, there is a compatibility between memories and humans, and the two will attract each other, just like they are destined.

For example, it's Shotaro and Joker.

Blu-ray red is waiting for his destined memory.

A long time passed, and suddenly, something moved in his heart, and his spread fingers immediately closed.

At the same time, a small gust of wind gathered into a whirlpool in his hand, and under the printing function of the mechanical knight, it was quickly created into a blue crystal-like Gaia memory.

Blu-ray red:?

"Well, I originally thought it would be a memory like 'black' or 'sun', but I didn't expect it to be you."

"Then, please take care of me for the next period of time!"

At night, on a silent road, a person was running away in a panic.

In the shadow behind him, heavy footsteps approached quickly, as if some terrifying beast was chasing him.

Not long after, the voice behind him suddenly disappeared. Before the escaper had time to react, he saw a huge figure suddenly falling in front of him.

"Ugh!" Looking at the terrifying monster in front of him, the man's legs gave way and he sat down on the ground, screaming for help: "Help, help!"

"Hey hey hey, no one will come to save you." The monster opened its mouth and spit out its long tongue with vertical stripes, and its eyes glowed scarlet: "Become my food, you pathetic guy ”

Like a cat playing with a mouse, the monster opened its mouth and slowly approached. Just when it had had enough fun and wanted to bite off the man's head, a soft sound suddenly came from the entrance of the alley.



The bullet, which didn't sound very powerful, hit the doped body, but it knocked his body sideways, and there was already a bullet hole in his shoulder.


The dopant turned to look at the alley and saw a young man standing there holding an avant-garde revolver. It was obvious that he was the one responsible for the attack just now.

"Hmph, you pissed me off." The dopant gave up the goal for the time being, turned to face the young man and said disdainfully: "I don't know whether to live or die, do you think you can defeat me with that little thing you got from nowhere?"

Lan Guanghong shrugged: "Let's try it. How about you stand there and let me take a hundred shots first?"


"I'll eat you!"

It accelerated violently and rushed toward Lan Guanghong.

Lan Guanghong smiled calmly, raised his thumb on the gun handle slightly, and touched a switch, causing the blue memory to pop out from the bottom of the gun handle.

Immediately afterwards, he lifted up his clothes to reveal the lost drive on his waist, inserted the memory, opened the mechanism, and pulled the revolver in the opposite direction.

Under the influence of the linkage structure, the revolver body unfolded and folded, and the muzzle was embedded in the other half of the blank of the Lost Driver. The two were perfectly combined to form an inverted triangle.

At the same time, the driver read out the name of the memory loudly.

[Trigger! ]


Before the voice fell, a series of bullets flew out from the belt, knocking the doped body flying over and then shooting back, forming a blue body similar to Kamen Rider Joker on Blue Light Red, and forming silver mechanical armor on some parts of the body.

Among them, the cross-shaped sight crystal engraved on his forehead and the arm armor with a muzzle on his right forearm are particularly eye-catching.

Seeing that the original prey suddenly turned into a Kamen Rider, the doped body instantly became cautious.

"Who are you!"

"Just a passerby..." Blue Light Red raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and by the way, he made his thumb and index finger into the shape of a gun.

"Kamen Rider - Trigger!"

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