
Under Shotaro's disbelieving gaze, Lan Guanghong suddenly jumped up and took off the bandages wrapped around his body with a few clicks, revealing the healthy wheat-colored skin underneath.

Shotaro:? ? ?

How did you recover so quickly! You obviously didn't use that car!

It wasn't until Lan Guanghong put on his clothes and pulled him open the door to leave that the stunned Shotaro came back to his senses.


"Don't ask, we don't need to be so clear about Kamen Rider's affairs."

All the way outside the hospital, Lan Guanghong raised his hand and snapped his fingers: "Fight the locusts!"

Ten seconds later, the cool-looking steel locust stopped in front of the two people with a squeak.


Forget it, don’t ask, there’s no need to be so clear about the Kamen Rider.

The motorcycle was speeding along...well, at least on the surface.

In order to take care of the "weak" Shotaro, Lan Guanghong did not dare to use full power and only drove at a slow speed of an ordinary motorcycle.

Behind him, Shotaro had just finished talking to the director of his family.

"The incident has been temporarily taken over by Philip and Terui Ryu. Moriguchi is safe, but the origin of the adulterated body is still unclear."

"Put aside the doping stuff, why do I seem to hear someone arguing on the other side of the phone?"

Shotaro's face stiffened, his eyes drifted to the side and he said: "Well, maybe the producer had a quarrel with the company's senior management. After all, they had received a murder notice and they forced Moriguchi to star."

"Oh, that's right~"

"Well, that's it!"

Max Software Building.

In the corridor outside the living room, Phillip and Shi Ya glared at each other, neither of them willing to take a step back.

"Shoutaro was so seriously injured just to protect you, have you forgotten? I don't need an unqualified assistant like you."

"Really? Do you think you're okay?"


"If you are as perfect as you say, then why didn't you see through the doped body's ability? Are you not responsible for Shotaro getting hurt?"

The two of them stared at each other angrily for a while, then turned their heads at the same time: "Humph!"

"Philip, Tokimie-chan." Ashuko stood next to the two of them to break up the fight: "Stop saying a few words, we are all Shotaro's partners, and he... well, in short, he definitely doesn't want to see you quarreling like this. "

"Hey Ya Shuzi! I'm still alive and well!"

The elevator door opened, and Shotaro, who was resurrected with full health, stepped into the corridor with a dark look on his face.

Hearing this voice, the three people in the office turned to him at the same time.

"Eh?! Shotaro?" Yashuko touched him with a shocked look on his face.

"Wow, it's a real person! Why? Didn't the hospital say that you need to recuperate for about two weeks?"

"We'll talk about this later." Shotaro held up his bowler hat: "Let's go, Philip, Tokiya, now it's time to resolve this incident."

After saying that, he turned around and left calmly.

Philip, Shi Ya:......

The two looked at each other and followed Shotaro's footsteps in silence.

Seeing this, Yashuzi breathed a sigh of relief and trotted after him.

...Where is Blu-ray Red who came with Shotaro?

He is on the roof.

Under the night sky, the cool wind caressed Faria's body, outlining the majestic mountains.

Lan Guanghong tilted her head to admire the beautiful scenery without covering up, and said absently: "It's too much, Falia, I was so seriously injured and you didn't come to take care of me.

Faria glanced at him: "Do you want me to pretend to be a nurse?"

Lan Guanghong was so shocked that she didn't even care about the scenery: "Wow? You know this!"

Faria crossed her arms and raised the corners of her mouth slightly: "Of course I know, I know everything about you~"

"I don't believe it, guess what I'm thinking right now!"

Faria said nothing, just pointed at a certain part of herself with her finger.

Blue light red:......

Gan, what she said is true!

Chapter 209 Caught in Pairs/The Smell of the Sea

When the sky was dark, Shotaro and his team finally made a breakthrough in their investigation and locked in a guy named "Muder".

He is a gamer like a certain "M" who is actually a children's doctor, but he has a very bad personality and likes to crush the weak. When he meets the strong, he will do whatever it takes to win.

At last year's anniversary celebration of Kaze Matsuri, as a powerful player, he got the opportunity to challenge Kaze Matsuri (Moriguchi). But the tragedy was that within a few seconds he found that he could not beat the opponent, so he did not hesitate to use A means of cheating.

But how can it be hidden from Moriguchi, who is the main developer of the game?

Moriguchi, who originally wanted to play a mutually beneficial friendly game with the opponent, became angry on the spot, and relied on his superb game skills to defeat the shameless cheater. Then he became very flustered amidst the cheers of the audience at the venue. He was taken away by the guards.

He originally wanted to beat his idol to gain the limelight, but he was killed in front of the public and his true identity was revealed. As a result, his self-esteem was damaged and he obtained a matching weirdo memory and became a dopant.

The above results are Shotaro's speculation, but he feels that this is the truth.

"What a bad bastard." Shotaro stood up: "Then, next..."

"Then leave it to the police. We will find out the true identity of that 'Muder' as soon as possible and bring him to justice!" Terui Ryu forcefully pushed him back to his seat: "You are responsible for protecting the client."

Shotaro: "...that's fine."

There is no doubt that if the police takes action, they will be able to find out the identity and address of the prisoner as quickly as possible. As long as this guy can be caught, it makes no difference to Shotaro who takes action.

After all, his goal is to protect the beauty of Fengdu, not to compete with others who can move faster.

But, but~

"It's better to tell him this news, so that he won't find clues and wander around in a hurry."

The corner of Shotaro's mouth curled up, and he took out the Beetle phone and dialed Lan Guanghong.

Soon, the call was connected.


Blue light and red sounds came from the other side, mixed with some sounds that sounded like punching sandbags.


Forget it, don't worry about trivial things.

"Hey, Guanghong, how's your investigation going?"

"It's okay. What, do you have a new clue?"

"Yes, the prisoner is most likely a player named 'Muder'."

"Hey~ Killer? This prisoner is so arrogant."

The sound of hitting the sandbags became a little louder, and there was even a faint hum. This time Shotaro heard it clearly.

He was even more confused. It seemed that he and his assistant were the only two people on the top of the building.

Hiss~ Could it be!

"Hey, stop it! Do you know what you are doing?!"

"Of course I know...Hey, is your online name 'Muder'?"

"Well, it's me." A man's miserable voice came from the other side of the phone: "Please, stop fighting. I plead guilty. Hand me over to the police quickly."

Shotaro on the other side of the phone:? ? ?

Damn it! The culprit was caught!

WTF? !

...A few minutes later, Ryuu Terui, who had just gone out, hurried back and temporarily commandeered an office.

In the room, Moriguchi looked at the prisoner's face that was so swollen that his facial features could not be seen for a long time, and finally confirmed from the ID found on the prisoner's body that this was the 'Muder'.

"Mihara Mutsuo, 23 years old."

After confirming the identity of the prisoner, Terui Ryu took out a silver bracelet and put it on the other person's wrist. The arrested Mutsuo Mihara breathed a sigh of relief.

Terui Ryu:……

He glanced at Lan Guanghong, who shrugged innocently: "It's self-defense and police surveillance. I can't get beaten when the dopant comes at me."

"...Try not to slap your face in the future. It will be very troublesome to work if it's swollen like this."

"Okay, but don't worry, there is another prisoner in this case."

Lan Guanghong smiled and raised a finger, then pointed it in a certain direction: "It's you! Mihara Mu'o's accomplice!"

Everyone immediately looked in the direction of the finger.

Shi Ya blinked and pointed at his face blankly: "Me?"

Shotaro slapped his forehead and hurriedly stepped forward to pull Tokiya aside.

Now, the target pointed by Lan Guanghong becomes...

The leader of Fengji Megumi's makeup team is a girl with glasses named Koizumi Sui.

"Eh? Cui, how could it be her?" Moriguchi covered his mouth in disbelief.

"Unfortunately, the truth is like this. This is the evidence." Lan Guanghong clicked on the prisoner's cell phone on the table: "It contains all the records of the contact between Koizumi and the prisoner. In the end, she said that Feng Jiehui was Moriguchi and asked the prisoner to kill. information."

"But unfortunately, all your actions are under the control of my assistant Ayanami, so your conspiracy is destined to fail!"

With all the evidence in hand, Xiaoquan's face suddenly darkened.

"That's it!" Shotaro suddenly realized: "No wonder you went straight to the roof as soon as you came here. Are you waiting for the dopant there?"

Blu-ray red raised his head proudly: "That's right!"

"Then why didn't you tell me? I would have called you as soon as I had news."

"Put it down, you touch your conscience and say, do you want to give me clues?"


Damn it, have you been seen through?

The popular idol incident was over, and Shotaro sat in front of the typewriter as usual, typing the details of the case into paper in Roman.

However, unlike in the past when he was calm and relieved after completing the event, today he always felt uncomfortable and felt that something was missing.

"Really, stay away from that guy next time!"

With this thought in his mind, he couldn't help but cast his gaze out the window, thinking about what that person was doing now.

Well, I'm probably doing a case review, after all, it's what every qualified detective has to do.

... Blu-ray red home.

"How is it? Still unable to move today? It's really pitiful."

Faria, who was wearing a fun pink nurse outfit, sat on the edge of the bed, took a spoonful of steaming soup from the small bowl in her hand and blew on it.

"Come on, open your mouth, ah~"

"Ah." Lan Guanghong, who was pretending to be a seriously injured patient, opened her mouth, and Faria poured the spoonful of soup in.

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