Shotaro sniffed hard, rubbed his hands and began to perform survival stunts.

——Drill wood to make fire!

Chapter 213 Giant Dopant/Burning Machine Soul!

Half an hour ago, Narumi Detective Agency.

Terui Ryu came to the detectives and wanted to ask them if they knew what kind of memory had the ability to transfer people without knowing it. As a result, only Ashuko and Tokimie were chatting in the office, and there were no two detectives. traces.

After asking, he got the answer from his beloved wife: "Go to Fengchui Mountain to pick mushrooms."

"That's what happened. I haven't had any commissions recently, so I agreed to them as an occasional vacation. Then they went out directly, hahaha..."

Terui Ryu paused while holding the coffee, and then said slowly: "Director, although what you told seems to be a touching story of partners, they have now gone to a dangerous mountainous area in abnormal weather."

"Generally speaking, this kind of thing..." Terui Ryuu's bright eyes were focused on Yasuko: "Shouldn't it be called 'distress'?"

Ya Shuzi:......


As a result, a search operation for the deceased detective began. Based on the idea of ​​​​multiple people and multiple strengths, they also called the next door neighbor.

After briefly listening to all of Ya Shuzi's explanation, Lan Guanghong stood up.

"I understand, you can't sit still and wait for death when things happen. I'll leave now!"

"Great! Xiaolan, I really saw you right!" Yashuzi jumped up happily and opened the door and said, "Then let's go. Lord Long has prepared a tough guy boiler. There is definitely..."

"It's definitely very uncomfortable. After all, it's just a vehicle for the Tough Guy." Lan Guanghong raised his hand and snapped his fingers: "Let's drive my car."

Ya Shuzi:?

Soon after, Terui Ryu and others witnessed the battle locust transform into a heavily armored Ledoron in a burst of bright yellow light. They immediately decided that it was better to sit here!

"It's amazing, this is amazing!"

Yashuzi groped around in the car like a little girl who had never seen the world, sighing constantly.

It wasn't until Ryu Terui, who was sitting in the passenger seat, coughed twice that she became obedient.

But the woman's curiosity was uncontrollable, and before long, she couldn't help but ask: "Well, Xiaolan, this Ledoron has been beeping since just now. Isn't there really something wrong with it?"

"Of course not. My comrade-in-arms is not just a machine. The tank is just a manifestation of it. As for that 'didi' sound~" Lan Guanghong turned around and smiled: "It is talking to me."

His sudden turn of his head startled Ryu Terui next to him. He quickly reached out and grabbed the steering wheel and shouted, "Hey! Look ahead."

"It doesn't matter, it has its own thinking, the steering wheel is just decoration."

Terui Ryu:?

He twisted it slightly from side to side and found that it was indeed just a decoration, and the car was running completely according to its own will.

"Oh~! That's awesome!" Yashuzi's eyes were filled with little stars, and she asked again: "Then, what was it saying just now?"

"It said it was so itchy when you touched it, and asked me why there is such a big difference in body size even though we are both women."

Ya Shuzi:? ? ?

She glanced at Shi Ya sitting on the left, then at Faria on the right, and finally looked down at herself.

"Alas~" Faria shook her head, put her arms around Yashuzi's shoulders and whispered to her. After a while, she was coaxed to smooth her pouty lips again.

Lan Guanghong smiled slightly when he saw this.

After all, when she was a demon in the Revice world, she was also the same type of girl as Ashuko in human form. She knew this kind of sadness all too well.

... Huge steel wheels rolled over the snow, and even the tunnels buried in the heavy snow were forcibly pushed through by the heavily armored Ledoron. Seeing this scene, even some enemies who were secretly ambushing around were confused.


One of the cadres of Rifengdu, Chiba Hideo, was stunned when he received the news of his fossilized bone soldiers.

He was ordered by Wan Deng to intercept the Kamen Riders heading to the snowy mountains. He originally thought that blocking the necessary tunnels and releasing some fossil soldiers would be enough to delay them. Unexpectedly, the other party actually used that arrogant and unreasonable method to directly attack them. , and didn’t even notice the bone soldiers ambushing around.

"Tsk, according to the information we have, the tough guy Boiler shouldn't have such an ability, that is to say..." Hideo Chiba, who looks like an aristocratic child, has a golden light in his eyes.

"Is the guy he was talking about here too?"

After thinking for a moment, he put on his cadre driver.



The ground shook and the mountains shook, and like a fossilized bone armor, a huge monster nearly sixty meters tall appeared from the mountains.

It is the largest upper-level hybrid to date - Brachiosaurus!


When the Brachiosaurus transformed, Shi Ya suddenly felt a sharp pain that penetrated into his brain, and couldn't help crying out.

"Shi Ya, what's wrong with you!" Ya Shuzi was shocked and held Shi Ya's hand at a loss.

Faria frowned slightly, and raised her hand to press on Shi Ya, secretly using the power of the divine stone to weaken her senses.


Shi Ya, who suddenly felt much better, put down her hand in confusion, and the next moment she quickly reminded: "No, a powerful enemy has appeared!"

"I know." Lan Guanghong pointed forward: "You can already see it."

"Eh?" Yashu looked over and was immediately stunned: "So, so big! Can the doped body grow so big?!"

"Indeed, this is a bit too much." Lan Guanghong looked at Terui Ryu: "Can it carry two people?"

Terui Ryu heard this and looked at Lan Guanghong steadily, and responded: "Three is also OK."

"No, you take the director and Shi Ya away."

The enemy was approaching, and Lan Guanghong had no time to explain. He directly asked the heavy-armored Ledron to eject the three people. Then the Vulcan cannon and rockets fired at the same time, and a large number of artillery immediately submerged the brachiosaurus doped body.

However, considering that this is the Knight's studio, even if the enemy looks like the monster next door, it must follow the law of smoke without injury, so the dust has not yet dispersed. A big hand cut through the smoke and slapped the heavy-armored Ledron.

Lan Guanghong's purpose was to attract the other party's attention so that Terui Ryu could take people away smoothly. Now that the plan was successful, he decisively drove back.

"Do you want me to help?" Faria suddenly said, "There's a lot of snow here, I should be able to..."

"No need, I have a way to deal with it." Blue Light Red smiled confidently: "Since I fought with the Knight Robot, I have been studying how to fight giant enemies. Now, it finally comes in handy!"

As he said, he patted the panel of the Heavy Armored Ledron: "Old buddy! Let that guy see our machine soul!"

Beep beep~!

The chariot made a low and excited chirp.

"Very good, then~" Blue Light Red turned into a mechanical knight, raised his hand and pressed on the panel: "Power sublimation, code..."

"Access Flash!"

Chapter 214 Combined Dragon Emperor/Crimson Confrontation

As the mechanical knight's energy was filled, the Heavy Armored Ledron changed again.

First, the body of the car expanded again, and then the rear half of its weapons separated from the body and floated into the air. After complex changes in the mechanism, it formed a huge machine in the shape of a flying dragon.


The dragon opened its mouth and spewed flames, and the muzzles of its wings also spewed out flames, blasting the brachiosaurus hybrid body back again and again.

"Now!" Blue Light Red shouted: "Merge!"

The heavy-armored Ledron chassis sprayed flames and flew into the air, and then unfolded and transformed into the same appearance as when it merged with the four idiots of the tram last time.

The dragon in the air also disintegrated and transformed, turning into the limbs of a huge robot and combining with its body. The dragon head part was stuck in the chest again, filling the gap when the weapon was detached.

Finally, the robot's head popped out and put on a helmet transformed from the tip of the dragon's tail, announcing the completion of the fusion!

At a height of more than 50 meters, the energy flowing around the body made this super robot burst out with golden arcs all over its body, and it was as majestic as a god descending to the world in this wind and snow.

"Merge Dragon Emperor - King Electric Mecha God!"


With the master's roll call, the newborn Electric Mecha God punched the head of the completely stunned brachiosaurus hybrid body, knocking it staggering.

Before he could turn his head, a huge steel foot came and kicked him to the ground.

Chiba Hideo:?

Damn it, I am a cadre of Fengdu in my hall, when have I ever suffered such grievances!

It stood up with its hands hammering on the ground in anger, but as soon as it raised its head, it saw a silver iron fist flashing red.

Bang, bang, bang!

The electric mecha god punched randomly, focusing on the opponent's brachiosaurus skull and chest, and quickly knocked it to the ground with huge force.

Lan Guanghong did not miss this opportunity and immediately ordered the electric mecha god to hug the enemy's long neck.

Chiba Hideo felt a chill on his body, and then his whole body flew into the air uncontrollably.

"Electric whirlwind!"

The super robot grabbed the brachiosaurus' neck and began to rotate in place, gradually increasing in speed, and finally formed a strong hurricane.

Even the surrounding snow was blown away, forming a vacuum zone for a short time.

Chiba Hideo: ...

Want to vomit!

He never expected that after becoming a big guy like the Brachiosaurus hybrid, he would actually encounter an opponent of equal size. This made Chiba Hideo, who was used to bullying people with his size, suffer a great loss.

Unfortunately, it was too late to regret now.

Letting go and sending the huge monster into the sky, the Electric Mecha God gathered energy in his chest, the dragon head slowly opened, and the golden light inside shone.

However, this was not the accumulation of the light cannon. The robot reached his hand into the golden light, and suddenly pulled it out, pulling out a big sword burning with fire.

"One cut in two~"

The Electric Mecha God raised the sword above his head and swung it fiercely at the falling hybrid.

"Ruyi Sword!"

The golden sword light burning with flames soared into the sky and passed through the center of the opponent's body.


In the air, the Brachiosaurus hybrid let out a final scream, and then the body quickly melted and disappeared.

In the end, only a boy in a noble dress was left, falling into the hands of the Electric Mecha God.

"Very good, new cadre got." Lan Guanghong thought for a moment, turned around and asked: "Faliya, can you resist time stop?"

Just now on the road, he learned from Terui Ryu that the defeated cadre Rifudou disappeared inexplicably. When thinking about the strange knight who appeared, he suspected that a time robber came here to cause trouble.

Just in case, he thought it would be safer to let Faliya come to help watch, of course, the premise is that she can resist the skill of time stop.

However, Faria's answer disappointed him: "I probably can't do it, but you can definitely do it."

"Of course I can do it, but I can't just keep guarding these guys and not do anything else." Lan Guanghong looked at the Brachiosaurus cadre caught by the Electro-Mecha God, rubbed his chin and said: "It seems that we can only find a breakthrough from him as soon as possible."


In the snowy mountains, a stream of red light passed by and moved towards the depths.

"Well, it feels clearer!" Shi Ya, riding on the motorcycle form Accel, pointed: "There, Shotaro is there."

"Eh? It seems to be on fire over there!" Ya Shuzi screamed and patted Terui Ryu's head: "Ryu Jun, go faster, they are really in trouble!"

"Okay, hold on!" Terui Ryu said, and then accelerated again.

Soon after, they arrived at the burning mansion and saw W in his extreme form. The opponent they were fighting was...

"Eh? That hybrid, Ryu-kun?"

Akiko looked back and forth between the alien knight and her husband, her face full of surprise.

Terui Ryu didn't say anything, but seeing him rushing towards the opponent with his sword in hand, it was obvious that this weirdo who looked very similar to him made the police inspector very unhappy.

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