I thought that with Chiba Hideo in charge, it would not be a big problem to test the Black Sun mentioned by that person, but I didn't expect that both cadres would be killed at once.

Now, even if he wanted to transform into Aurora to rescue the two, he didn't dare to do it easily, because he was afraid that the other side would not follow the rules of martial arts and Yongheng would catch him.

"I told you, don't act rashly before getting my news."

Dashmada, who was floating beside Wan Deng, sighed and said helplessly: "Why don't you listen?"

Wan Deng did not defend himself, but directly admitted his mistake: "Sorry, it was my mistake this time. Can you help me get them..."

"No, or it's not necessary."

Wan Deng:?

"I thought you were a smart person and should know yourself, but you disappointed me."

As he said, Dasmada slowly reached out to Wan Deng.

The sense of danger enveloped Wan Deng's heart, his pupils shrank, and in a flash he took out the memory and pressed it!

However, he did not feel the touch of the memory in his hand,

Wan Deng:!

For some reason, his memory card instantly ran into Dasmada's hands. He looked at the mark on the memory card and sneered: "Aurora, aurora? Such a brilliant and beautiful light is completely incompatible with you."

"This is the most suitable for you."

Dasmada took out another memory card with a wicked smile and pressed it gently.

[Ghostdom! ]

"Dasmada, you guy!"

Mandeng's eyes flashed with golden light, and a strong impact burst out from him, blasting towards Dasmada who was close at hand.

Even if the upper-level doping body does not have a memory card inserted, it can also use some special power, and Mandeng's power is undoubtedly the strongest one.

However, the impact that was enough to shatter steel did not even blow away the opponent's clothes.

Mandeng's pupils shrank, and he immediately decided-slip!

"I won't let you run away." Dasmada saw the opponent's fear and intention to escape, raised his hand and clenched his fist, and fixed Mandeng in place.

Under Mandeng's horrified gaze, he smiled and slowly pushed the memory into the driver on his waist.

The next moment, endless black mud surged out of the driver, instantly submerging the windmill tower under the feet of the two people like a raging flood.

Not only that, the black mud was still spreading, and everything that was stained by this mud began to dissolve rapidly.

The city he painstakingly created, the impurities wandering in the city... and finally, himself.


Mandeng stretched out his hand to the scarlet sky in horror: "No, I can't... Hum, hum~"



"Tokiya?!" Hearing Tokiya's scream, Shotaro pushed himself over the sofa with one hand and rushed into the locker room.

However, the next second, he rushed out again, covering his nose.

"Sorry! I didn't mean it."

Not long after, Tokiya, who had changed her clothes, came out and sat opposite Shotaro with a slightly red cheek.

Feeling guilty, Shotaro turned his head and apologized again: "Sorry, I just acted on instinct..."

"It's okay, Philip said that women's bodies can only be shown to the people they love the most." Shiya smiled sweetly: "Shotaro, it's okay."


Shiya said the most seductive words with the most innocent face, and Shotaro was so excited that he didn't know what to say for a while, so he simply changed the subject and said: "Hey, what happened just now? It shouldn't be scared by insects."

"Well, actually I don't know why just now, I suddenly felt a suffocating panic."

Shiya pressed her chest and frowned slightly.

"It seems that I lost something very important."

Shotaro: "..."

After such a long time together, Shiya's magical perception ability has long been verified, so Shotaro does not think that Shiya is suspicious, but that something important has really left her.

But the sad thing is that she still hasn't recovered her past memories, so she doesn't even know what she lost.

"Ah~, I hope Terui Ryu can get information about Tokiya from the cadre of Satofudo."

After a moment of silence, Shotaro suddenly stood up, came to Tokiya, and gently put his arm around her shoulders.

Tokiya leaned on Shotaro's shoulder, and the two of them stayed together in silence, as if time had stopped at this moment.



Philip, who had been doing experiments in the basement, suddenly pushed the door open.

In an instant, the two of them separated as if they were electrocuted, and each sat in a corner of the sofa with their heads tilted, not daring to look at each other.


Something seemed wrong, but he didn't care, and came to Shotaro with a memory stick: "Shotaro, look at this."

"What? Isn't it Joker... huh?!"

Shotaro was startled, then lifted his coat and took out a purple-black memory stick.

Looking closely, the letters of the two memory sticks are exactly the same, but Shotaro's is a memory stick for knight transformation, while the one Philip holds is indeed a monster shape for doping.

"Could it be..." Shotaro turned to look at Shiya in astonishment, and Shiya also looked incredulous.

Because that memory was hers.

As early as the ‘Road’ doping incident, Shotaro knew that Tokiya had the memory, but when Tokiya was brought to justice and the memory was confiscated, everyone found that the memory was damaged, and the letters in the middle were completely broken, making it impossible to determine its type.

Later, when Tokiya joined the firm as an assistant, Philip began to repair the memory.

The memory was very difficult to repair, and it was only now that Philip barely repaired it to a usable state.

“I, am a Joker doping?”

“Won’t you know if you verify it? However, it turns out that ‘trump cards’ will attract each other.”

Lan Guanghong took the memory from Philip’s hand and handed it to Faria next to him.

Faria took it knowingly and walked to Tokiya with a smile.

"Come here, Tokiya, I'll check your body."

"Eh? But..."

"Eh~, we're all girls, don't be shy... Or do you want Shotaro to come?"

Tokiya blushed and was half-reluctantly taken into the locker room by Faria.

It was only then that Shotaro woke up from his dream.

"Hey! Why did you come in again without a sound?"

"Don't pay attention to these details. In fact, I'm here to ask for help this time."

"Huh? Ahem!" Shotaro sat up straight with a smile on his face: "What's the matter? Tell me."

Chapter 217 The Fall of D/S Returns to Fuuto!

"A large number of beautiful women disappeared?"

"Yes, I thought they were harmed by the 'road', but according to the client's description, the culprit is someone else."

Lan Guanghong took a sip of coffee and his brows immediately twisted into a ball.

Putting down the cup silently, he continued: "At present, it is certain that the criminal is a dope, and he specifically targets young and beautiful women, kidnapping them to unknown areas and doing something unknown." "I have only been in Fuuto for a short time, and I am not as good as Shotaro in investigation, and I am not as good as Philip in information, so in order to solve this incident as soon as possible to prevent more people from being harmed, I want to transfer this commission to you." "No problem, I will take over this commission!" Shotaro immediately said with his hands on his hips: "The guy who made the beautiful women in this city cry, I I will never let him go!"

"That's great."

Lan Guanghong fumbled out a file bag from behind and put it on the coffee table: "This is the clue provided by the client...By the way, has the police inspector found out the result?"

"No, Gojo's mind was damaged and he was sent to the hospital. Chiba Hideo is very stubborn. We haven't got any valuable information yet."

"Stubborn? Let's feed him a bowl of cow dung and see if he's still stubborn! Alas~" Lan Guanghong sighed helplessly: "Police inspector, you're still too kind."

Hearing this, Xiang Fei and the others immediately showed a strange look of "Are you a devil?"

After a while, Faria opened the curtain and walked out with a red-faced Tokiya, shaking her head at everyone.

"There is no interface. Sister Tokiya is not a dopant."

Hearing this, Shotaro was relieved.

"Okay, then let's start the investigation now without further ado!" Shotaro grabbed the file bag on the table: "Let's go, Shiya."

"Hey, there's a commission? Here I come."

"Wait!" Lan Guanghong stretched out his hand to stop her: "Shiya, you'd better stay."

"Why? Oh~!" Shotaro just asked the question and reacted: "That's right, Shiya, you stay in the office to help, and I'll take care of the investigation this time."


"Wait, Shotaro."

Philip closed the book and stood up: "I'll go with you."

Everyone in the room:?


Today's wind is a bit noisy.

On the busy street, a slender woman was walking quietly on the street alone, and her melancholy temperament was out of tune with the surroundings.

However, such beauties are often easier to be approached. After a while, a man in a suit and holding a bouquet of flowers took action and pursued her for a while.

But the beauty just shook her head and waved her hands gently, then turned around and wanted to leave.

Then, her feet were empty and she stepped into the dark abyss.

The feeling of suffocation came, and the beauty quickly lost consciousness.

"... Hehehe, I won't let you escape, Shiya."

In the isolated environment of the beach, the evil criminal who likes to tie up beauties and control their minds - Chuwen Daiqi rubbed his hands and stretched his sinful fingertips to the scarf around the beauty's neck.

At this moment, the "beauty" suddenly opened her eyes, raised her legs and kicked the old man in the chest, and immediately kicked the other's eyes bulged.


The hit Chuwen Daiqi staggered back and finally fell to the ground, saying in disbelief: "How is it possible? Even Shiya should not be able to resist my..."

"Oh, it sounds like you are familiar with Shiya? It seems that you accidentally caught a big fish." Chuwen Daiqi was stunned when he heard this voice.

Man, man? !

"There is something I need to explain. I am the only one in the office who has a body that is suitable for women's clothing, but I have absolutely no interest in doing so."

As she spoke, "Shi Ya" took off her women's clothing, and finally took off her pink and purple wig, revealing her green hair with slightly curled ends.

"That's it, dopant!" Philip stared at the other party with cold eyes: "Release the kidnapped woman and surrender!"

That's what he said, but Philip knew that the other party would definitely not give up, so he took out the "Fang" memory before he finished speaking.

"Tsk, I was tricked."

The prisoner was unwilling as expected, and took out D's weirdo memory and pressed it.


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