Blue-light Red and Woz, both recognized the type of this monster.


Worms, enemy monsters in Kamen Rider Kabuto, have the habit of mimicking humans and killing their targets. The green monster in front of him is a pupa that has not shed its skin yet. It has average ability but thick skin and flesh. After molting, it will enter the second stage "adult", and its power will change dramatically, and it will also have the ability to "accelerate".

"In other words, this is probably the world of Kabuto? Interesting!"

Blue-light Red smiled slightly, turned his head and looked, but found that Woz had left here quietly at some point.


With a long sigh, he reluctantly took out the belt that Woz was ordered to give him - Leo Cavalry.

In fact, this thing is enough to deal with ordinary worms, at least much stronger than the ant soldiers in Kabuto, but this thing~it is a miscellaneous soldier!

"Really, even if you give me a Faiz belt, I won't find another chance to make you open your mouth and close your eyes. This Leo cavalry... Alas, why bother?"

Wrapping this thing around his waist, Lan Guanghong didn't even bother to shout "transformation", and directly snapped the buckle to become a small soldier.

After the armor covered his whole body, he took out the blade gun and stabbed the Zerg's kidney.



A few stabs made the Zerg spurt green water. This crisis of near death also stimulated the potential of the Zerg. It spurted out hot steam all over its body, and the green skin on the outside melted and faded away.

"Oh no, it's molting!"

Before he finished speaking, a white shadow flashed by, and Lan Guanghong didn't feel the pain before he flew into the air.

In the next ten seconds, he suffered inhumane revenge. He was beaten to float in the air and couldn't fall down. The kidney area was the hardest hit area that received special care from the Zerg.

Although he looked very embarrassed, Blue Light Red was actually not injured at all. He was actually wondering whether Woz really escaped or was secretly preparing to see if he had any hidden cards.

"Tsk, I lent out the power of RX, but the detection eye couldn't be used. Failure!"

After thinking about it, he decided to endure for another five seconds. If Woz really didn't come... then he would be prepared to eat the personality correction big bidou (knight only)!

... Soon, five seconds passed.

Bad news, Woz didn't show up, probably he really escaped.

Good news, reinforcements still appeared, and the trump card that could still transform was not exposed.

"Damn alien insects, they actually killed innocent people... Eh? What is this? Other special forces?"

"Forget it!" The man in the ZECT uniform raised his right hand, and the blue mechanical insect flew into his hand.


Chapter 230 The Secret of Invincibility


The bell at the door made a crisp ding-dong sound, reminding the boss who was busy rolling noodles that a customer had arrived.

"Welcome...what? It's Kagami."

Kagami smiled and nodded to the boss who leaned forward, and stretched out two fingers and said: "Mr. Tansho, as usual, I want two bowls today."

"Got it, sit anywhere."

The boss shrank back and continued to work, while Kagami skillfully took a towel to pour water. It seems that she is already a regular customer who can get noodles by swiping her face.

"Sit down, the owner of this store is my predecessor, and he often cooked noodles for us in the past. The taste will definitely not disappoint you!"

"Roar~, then I must eat a few more bowls today. In addition, Mr. Kagami," Lan Guanghong looked at Kagami with burning eyes: "Is it okay that you didn't take me to ZECT but came to my former boss instead?"

Kagami was stunned and said with a strange look on his face: "Uh, ZECT disbanded three years ago."

Lan Guanghong blinked: "Eh? ”

Soon after, Tansho brought two large bowls of fragrant soy sauce hand-rolled noodles. The two of them couldn't help but smell the aroma, and each picked up chopsticks to eat and chat.

"... So that's it. The alien insects are gone, so ZECT is also disbanded. Mr. Kagami, are you sent to build New Shibuya now?"

"Yes, as for this clothes, I'm just used to wearing it." Kagami pointed to the ZECT logo on the suit, and suddenly remembered what happened today. The smile on his face instantly restrained: "But why, alien insects are starting to appear in large numbers again!"

Seeing his solemn expression, Lan Guanghong smiled and comforted: "If you don't know, can't you just investigate? I will also help you."

"Oh, thank you!" Kagami subconsciously wanted to shake hands like a soldier, but seeing Lan Guanghong concentrating on eating noodles, he took his hand back.

"By the way, Mr. Lan, what belt did you use today?"

"You're talking about this. "Lan Guanghong took out the Leo Cavalry Belt from behind and slapped it on the table: "This is a thing developed by the company I used to work for. The performance is average. Do you want it? I can give it to you."

"No, can I take a look?"

Lan Guanghong stretched out his hand and made a please gesture, then continued to concentrate on eating noodles.

Kagami rubbed his hands and took the belt in his hand to examine it carefully.

"Well, SMART BRAIN, I haven't heard of this company."

"Maybe it changed its name, I don't know the details, it seems that the previous president was self-willed, so the following office animals complained and complained, and finally directly killed the president. "


"Tsk tsk, I heard that his head was cut off, that's so miserable!"

Kagami's eyes widened and cold sweats broke out as he recalled whether he had spoken harshly to his subordinates recently.

"Uh, I'm full. Thanks for the treat!"

Lan Guanghong piled the bowls on the mountain of bowls next to him, wiped his mouth and said, "It's getting late, Mr. Kagami, see you tomorrow."

"Oh, see you tomorrow."

After handing the Leo Cavalry Belt back to Lan Guanghong and watching him leave, Kagami prepared to chat with his boss and then go home to sleep.

But before he could speak, Shuichi Tadokoro came out of the kitchen and asked solemnly, "Kagami, how do you know this person?"

Kagami, who didn't know why, answered honestly, "When I arrived at the place where the alien insects appeared, he was fighting with the alien insects... Hmm? Mr. Tadokoro, what's wrong with you?"

"That person is very dangerous!" Tadokoro wiped the cold sweat from his head and continued, "Just now, my body kept warning me to stay away from this terrifying creature."



"Well, I'm afraid he is not an ordinary human, and... he found out that I am a 'bug'!" Tansho said with certainty.

"What!" Kagami turned his head in shock, looking at the dozen large bowls stacked on the table, and suddenly realized: "It turns out that he is not a human, no wonder he eats so much!"


Is your focus a bit strange?


At night, Lan Guanghong climbed onto the rooftop of a building and finally saw Woz again.

"I should have said that our target is the alien knight."

Standing on the edge of the rooftop, with his back to Lan Guanghong, Woz said arrogantly: "Don't waste time on such meaningless things, otherwise, I will punish you on behalf of the queen!"

When Lan Guanghong heard this, he immediately crossed his arms and said contemptuously: "Humph, as an important minister of the queen, you must have a profound opinion when you asked me to come here, but I didn't expect that you would say such vulgar words!"

Woz slowly turned his head and stared at him with dangerous eyes: "What?"

Looking at his appearance, if Lan Guanghong can't give a reason today, then he will have to quiz (ask the knight) to serve.

But Lan Guanghong was not panicked at all, and asked with a flawless look: "Eunuch Wo, have you found the alien knight?"

"I have been looking for it today, unlike you who actually went to eat..."

"I just didn't find it~."


"Hey, don't be anxious, listen to me." Lan Guanghong raised an index finger with a mysterious smile on his face.

"I learned from Kagami that this world has been stable for more than ten years, and the Zerg have only recently become active again. And it's groundless, as if they suddenly moved in large numbers from some unknown place."

"Eunuch Wo, do you have any associations?"

"Time and space teleportation!" Woz frowned: "You mean, this time the alien knight may have the ability of time and space, and these alien zerg are related to it?"

"It's very likely. That's why I want to start the investigation from the alien zerg, but considering the driver you gave me... I think it's safer to find a bodyguard."

Woz was silent.

He was thinking, if Lan Guanghong's conjecture was correct, then his efforts would ultimately be in vain, because the alien knight might not be at this point in time.

That would be very tricky!

"Hmph, it's just a guess after all."

"Oh, Master Wo is not convinced?" Blue Light Red said meanly: "Then let's see who can find the Alien Knight first?"

"Okay, I'll make you lose with conviction!" Woz accepted the challenge without hesitation, then threw out a red ribbon to wrap the whole person, and finally disappeared.

Blue Light Red:...

"Tsk, what a convenient way to escape, why can't I do this?"


"Who can find the Alien Knight first with Red Woz?" Through the special locusts, Gates stared at the silly eyes and asked honestly: "Their time demon has the function of tracking the Alien Knight, so you are doomed to lose, right?"

"What a joke, how could I lose?"

Gates said unconvincedly: "Then how do you win?"

"Simple, if Woz finds it first, I will beat him to amnesia, and then lie that I found the Alien Knight, isn't that me winning?"


"Okay, now you know how I win. Stay there and don't move. I have to make you lose your memory first, just in case."

Gates:? ? ?

Chapter 231 Tiandao in the battle with Kabuto

Gates's memory loss was of course a joke, but the person being teased seemed to take it seriously, and got the news from the special locust that he ran away in a hurry

"It's too much!"

Lan Guanghong complained after losing the object of teasing, and then adjusted his posture so that his whole body was sealed in the quilt, and closed his eyes beautifully.


... The next morning, eight o'clock.

Rushing to the place agreed yesterday, Lan Guanghong saw Kagami standing there a little embarrassed, raised his hand and greeted: "Hey~Mr. Kagami, good morning."

Hearing the call, Kagami turned his head and showed a slightly far-fetched smile: "Good morning, Mr. Lan."

Lan Guanghong:?

Thinking for a while, it suddenly dawned on him.

Maybe Kagami spent too much money yesterday, and his salary doesn't seem to be that high.

Okay, let's let him go today!

"Kagami, you are more familiar with the matter of alien insects, where do you think we should start?"

When the zerg was mentioned, Kagami, whose thoughts were immediately diverted, responded without hesitation, "Tokyo's K District, where most of the recent zerg incidents occurred."

"Okay, let's go!"

In 1999, a huge meteorite fell in Shibuya, almost destroying the entire city, and also brought terrifying creatures-zero insects.

Later, with the efforts of people such as Kagami Souji and Kagami Arata, the Zerg forces were finally wiped out, leaving only a few fish that slipped through the net, living a life of survival.

Three years ago, the upper management believed that the zerg no longer posed a threat, so they disbanded the zerg department ZECT and recovered the insect instruments and supporting equipment except Gatack.

Oh, and Kabuto, he disappeared with his master Tendou Souji, and no one could find a trace of him.

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