A transparent experimental cabinet, full of instruments with pipes. After confirming the elements, it is a laboratory for injecting nebula gas into people.

Two mechanical soldiers were about to stuff Blue Light Red into the experimental cabinet, but this experimental subject cooperated surprisingly and almost got into the experimental cabinet on his own, allowing the experimenter next to him to put on the nebula gas mask for him without any struggle.


He cast a look at Ye Ba who was sitting above, and the meaning was very clear.

Boss, this person is very wrong!

In response, Ye Ba just nodded slightly, indicating that the experiment should continue.

He also felt that this person was wrong, but the more so, the more he had to turn him into a slammer to feel at ease.

The experimenter who received the instructions took a deep breath and finally turned the valve.

Under his operation, the nebula gas was continuously transported to the mask through the pipe. The next second, Blue Light Red, who had been staring with dead fish eyes and looked indifferent, suddenly changed his face and his eyes were wide open.

——NMD, what's this smell? !

An indescribable smell penetrated the nasal cavity, as if it was a pickled puff sewn into the body of a dead seal, fermented for several years and then taken out, or a herring that continued to ferment and expand in a can, becoming sticky and juicy.

If I had to describe it, it would probably be, stinky!

This foul smell was even judged as a DeBuff by the Emperor Stone, so it immediately began to fight back autonomously, allowing the gas to be quickly decomposed before it approached the nasal cavity, and finally turned into a faint fragrance similar to osmanthus.

Phew~ Now it feels good.

Lan Guanghong, who rolled his eyes at a mouthful of nebula gas, finally calmed down and smiled happily, watching the hands of the experimenter who was observing on the side tremble slightly, with an expression of being fucked by a ghost.

Originally, it was abnormal enough for this person to know that he was going to be tested and actively cooperate without a trace of fear. Now he is injected with nebula gas and even shows a happy expression. Is this a human being?

This is not a fragrance, it is a nebula gas that even a so-called tough guy would cry and call for his mother after taking a breath!


“It has surpassed the record set by the previous test subject, but!” The experimenter sighed in disbelief: “The physical characteristics are normal, and there are no adverse reactions at all.”

“Really?” Himuro Gento’s voice was emotionless: “Then, increase the power.”


The gas input went up to another level, and Lan Guanghong frowned slightly, revealing a sad expression at the right time.

“Increase it again!”


Lan Guanghong:?

Damn, this honest man is not honest at all now, catching a target and trapping him to death? !

If it weren’t for the help of the Emperor Stone, even if he wasn’t stinking to death, he would be burst by this belly of gas!

“Well, since you don’t have martial ethics, don’t even think about living!”

He covered the Emperor Stone that was emitting a faint golden light with his hand. This was a new ability that Lan Guanghong developed with the power of Agito.

Agito’s power is the power of the Son of God. Many people with this potential have superpowers. The normal ones are infinite strength, clairvoyance, hearing, fire and water spraying, invisibility, etc. Some of the more extreme ones include teleportation and foreseeing the future.

Blue Light Red was also able to use some superpowers because of this power, and telekinesis was one of them.

At this moment, on the surface, he was still absorbing the nebula gas, but in fact, he had compressed all the gas that was injected.

——He was going to get all the gas in the laboratory and give the honest man a big surprise!

Chapter 242: Shoichi Tsugami, who holds a grudge

As the experiment progressed, Ye Ba, who had originally crossed his legs, also changed to a sitting position, staring at the person lying in the test cabinet.

"It's amazing. He hasn't become a slammer after inhaling so much gas. What is his limit... Could it be that the ultimate weapon I want to make is about to be born?"

He was excitedly looking forward to the changes in the experimental subject until the red fault light on the experimental instrument came on and the gas injection stopped automatically.

"Huh?" Ye Ba asked dissatisfiedly: "Didn't I ask you to take good care of the instrument? What's going on!"

"Leader~" The tester responded trembling all over: "It's gone."

Ye Ba:?

The experimenter pointed at the seemingly sleeping Lan Guanghong and said, "All the nebula gas we stored was absorbed by him!"

"What did you say?!" Ye Ba stood up suddenly and went straight to the side of the experimental cabinet.

Good opportunity!

Lan Guanghong suddenly opened his eyes, and broke the restraints with his limbs, and also broke the experimental cabinet from the inside.


Using a manic roar to distract attention, Lan Guanghong quietly released the compressed nebula gas. Suddenly, the yellow gas like substance gushed out and spread to the entire laboratory at a very fast speed.


The nearest experimenter suddenly made a sound of being pouting, and several quick-reacting ones had already started to run away, and the rest of the people also reacted quickly and ran out crying.

In just a dozen seconds, only Lan Guanghong and Ye Ba were left in the laboratory.

Ye Ba was also in a very bad mood at the moment. First, he was standing closest to the opponent and was hit by the sonic boom. Then, before he could stabilize himself, a fist as big as a casserole suddenly appeared in front of him.

"What... Gu!"

Ye Ba's head tilted after being hit. He felt dizzy and tinnitus, and he fell back two steps involuntarily.

After stabilizing his body, he shook his head and raised his hand to confirm that he was in the transformation state. He couldn't help but look at the silent experimental subject in front of him with horror.

"How is it possible? He hasn't turned into a slammer yet!"


Blue Light Red roared like a beast, and then jumped into the sky with both legs!

Not daring to underestimate the opponent anymore, Ye Ba raised his fist to respond, and then...


The experimental subject fell softly behind him and fell into a deep sleep.

Ye Ba:?

"Yeah, it seems that I came at the right time, ahem~"

A scarlet special warrior with a green cobra logo on his chest, who looked like the same type as Ye Ba, walked out through the thick smoke, with one hand waving in front of him.

"It smells so bad, what's wrong with this concentration? Did the gas storage tank explode?"

"Stark, you're just in time." Ye Ba turned his head and pointed at Lan Guanghong behind him: "The nebula gas was originally sucked away by this experimental subject, but somehow it was sprayed out again."

Blood Stalk:?

He stretched out his index finger and pretended to drill into his ear, then turned his head: "Sorry I didn't hear it clearly, please say it again."

"...Are you fooling me?"

"No, I just thought I heard it wrong." Blood Stalk came to Lan Guanghong and squatted down, then touched his calf and was stunned.

Danger level-0?

Didn't this TM not suck it in at all? !

After a long silence, Blood Stalk asked: "Is there a surveillance?"

"Yes." Ye Ba handed over the tablet.

Blood Stalk took the tablet and sat on the ground. After thinking for a while, he turned around and stretched out the poison needle on his wrist to give the experimental subject another shot.

Lan Guanghong: ...

Good for you, Mr. E. You have already stabbed me twice, including the sneak attack when I pounced just now!

I will remember this grudge!

While Lan Guanghong pretended to be poisoned and unconscious and was secretly plotting how to persecute Mr. E in the future, Mr. E, who was still Xue Qian, also watched all the videos related to him.

Then, Xue Qian fell silent again.

"...Is this guy really a human? Or is he an alien life form that came to Earth like me?"

"Or, did that guy's experiment go wrong and brought people from other worlds?"

There is no answer to this question. The only thing that can be confirmed is that the other party is definitely not an ordinary Earthling. Then the more critical question is here-how to deal with him?

Pretend that he has never been kidnapped and then let him go? Not feasible. This person does not eat nebula gas, which means that he has a complete memory after being kidnapped. If he is thrown out directly, it is likely to cause unexpected trouble.

Solve it on the spot? It is not feasible either, mainly because we don't know the exact identity of the other party. What if this guy's true identity is a character comparable to his heyday, wouldn't that be asking for trouble?

Tsk, didn't the idiot Bingshi Gentoku say that he would capture my girlfriend Wanzhanglong? How... Oh, my girlfriend!

Come to think of it, didn't I come to check on this matter because Bingshi Gentoku didn't call for a long time? !

Thinking of the business, Xue Qian coughed dryly and asked tactfully: "Speaking of which, how is our plan going?"


Ye Ba was stunned, and suddenly awoke from a dream and hammered his palm, and walked out quickly.

After a while, he walked back with big strides.

Seeing his confident look, Xue Qian secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it seems that she didn't get out of his hand...

"All ran away."

Xue Qian:?

A good plan turned into this mess, and you still have the face to be so righteous!

"But I found this, it was carried by this experimental subject." Xue Qian took out an envelope, on which was written: From Shoichi Tsugami himself.

Xue Qian:!

The two villains naturally did not care about the privacy of the experimental subject, and immediately opened the letter to read it, but they did not know that this was exactly what Lan Guanghong wanted.

——That's right, he is not his original appearance now, but the face of Kamen Rider Agito's human body, Shoichi Tsugami!

He was able to do this thanks to the blessing of the Demon King Sougo. He obtained three super powers from Agito's power, namely telekinesis, transformation, and hypnosis.

Telekinesis is the ability to move objects through the air, transformation is to change the structure of the target, hypnosis... um, I understand.

Changing faces is achieved by using the super power of transformation. It is worth mentioning that this ability is almost impossible to use on living creatures, but it is no problem to use it on oneself.

This is the decision made by Lan Guanghong after careful consideration. In order to avoid being recognized by the hidden Time Control Bureau, he changed his appearance and identity, and did not let Faria and the highly recognizable combat locust come over.

In addition, in order to prevent the people of the Time Control Bureau from really treating him as a passerby and not coming to contact him, he chose to pretend to be Agito and enter this world.

As for the fact that the Time Control Bureau discovered that the real Tsugami Shoichi did not actually travel through time, Lan Guanghong was not worried at all.

Because when he chatted with Sougo, he learned that there are many parallel worlds of Kamen Rider. In different worlds, some people may have the same name and can transform into the same knight, but their appearance and experiences are completely different, and even the nature of their power is different.

So, he can actually be Shoichi Tsugami in a parallel world, and he can transform into Agito anyway, right? This can't be false.

In simple terms, Blue Light Red's plan is - look, there is a lone Agito here, his power is very useful, let's take action, come and find a way to take away his dial!

With such a delicious bait, he doesn't believe that the prey will not take the bait!

Chapter 243 The meal at Shidong's house

"After being rescued from the disaster, I lost my memory and could only look for my sister according to the contents of the letter. I didn't expect that I would be robbed by criminals in broad daylight!"

"Now I don't even have the last clue, Brother Bearded, I'm so miserable~."

At this point, Lan Guanghong wiped away his bitter tears, tightly held Bingshi Gento's hand and said: "But I still have to thank you, bearded police brother, thank you for saving me from that devil's cave."

"...I've said that I'm the assistant minister of the Prime Minister of Dongdu Conquest, Bingshi!" Bingshi repeated his identity with a distorted face: "Also, let go!"

"Okay, Brother Bingshi, I will definitely remember you!"

Before letting go, Lan Guanghong clenched his hand tightly and shook it hard: "You have to believe me!"

"I, believe!" Bingshi pulled out his hand with a ferocious face, shaking it and gritting his teeth and said: "Go quickly, your brother-in-law is waiting outside."

"Okay, Brother Bingshi, goodbye."

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